Payload for a policy
· String
· The date of birth of the holder holder_first
· String
· The first name of the holder holder_gender
· String
· The gender of the holder holder_last
· String
· The last name of the holder holder_location
· LocationInput
· The location of the holder holder_phone
· String
· The phone number of the holder holder_relationship
· String
· The relationship of the holder to the client insurance_card_back_id
· String
· The ID of the insurance card back insurance_card_front_id
· String
· The ID of the insurance card front insurance_plan
· InsurancePlanInput
· The insurance plan associated with the policy insurance_plan_id
· String
· The ID of the insurance plan payer_location
· LocationInput
· The location of the payer policy_phone_number
· String
· The phone number of the policy priority_type
· String
· The priority type of the policy same_address_as_client
· Boolean
· Whether the holder has the same address as the client type_string
· String
· The type of policy Used By
"""Payload for a policy"""input PolicyInput { """ The group number """ group_num: String
""" The date of birth of the holder """ holder_dob: String
""" The first name of the holder """ holder_first: String
""" The gender of the holder """ holder_gender: String
""" The last name of the holder """ holder_last: String
""" The location of the holder """ holder_location: LocationInput
""" The middle initial of the holder """ holder_mi: String
""" The phone number of the holder """ holder_phone: String
""" The relationship of the holder to the client """ holder_relationship: String
""" The ID of the policy """ id: ID
""" The ID of the insurance card back """ insurance_card_back_id: String
""" The ID of the insurance card front """ insurance_card_front_id: String
""" The insurance plan associated with the policy """ insurance_plan: InsurancePlanInput
""" The ID of the insurance plan """ insurance_plan_id: String
""" The name of the policy """ name: String
""" The policy number """ num: String
""" The location of the payer """ payer_location: LocationInput
""" The phone number of the policy """ policy_phone_number: String
""" The priority type of the policy """ priority_type: String
""" Whether the holder has the same address as the client """ same_address_as_client: Boolean
""" The type of policy """ type_string: String
""" The ID of the user associated with the policy """ user_id: String}