Payload for an individual client note
· [IcdCodesIndividualClientNoteInput]
· Diagnoses connected to the individual client attendance leave_time
· String
· The datetime (ISO 8601) that the attendee left the appointment Used By
"""Payload for an individual client note"""input IndividualClientNoteInput { """ The content of the individual client note """ content: String
""" The ID of the individual client note """ id: ID
""" The client's attendance status. This gets applied to the AppointmentInclusion object """ attended: Boolean
""" Diagnoses connected to the individual client attendance """ icd_codes_individual_client_notes_attributes: [IcdCodesIndividualClientNoteInput]
""" The datetime (ISO 8601) that the attendee joined the appointment """ join_time: String
""" The datetime (ISO 8601) that the attendee left the appointment """ leave_time: String
""" The ID of the user who created the individual client note """ user_id: ID}