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Payload for a task reminder


id · ID · Id of the reminder. If no id is given, a reminder will be created
interval_type · String · The type of interval. Options are daily, weekly, once
interval_value · String · For a daily interval send nothing. For a weekly interval, send a comma separated day of week in the lower case (e.g wednesday, friday). To remind once, send the date (e.g 2020-11-28)
is_enabled · Boolean · If not set to true, the reminder will not be sent
reminder_time · Int · Time for reminder
remove_reminder · Boolean · Send in true to delete the reminder

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Payload for a task reminder
input TaskReminderInput {
Id of the reminder. If no id is given, a reminder will be created
id: ID
The type of interval. Options are daily, weekly, once
interval_type: String
For a daily interval send nothing. For a weekly interval, send a comma separated day of week in the lower case (e.g wednesday, friday). To remind once, send the date (e.g 2020-11-28)
interval_value: String
If not set to true, the reminder will not be sent
is_enabled: Boolean
Time for reminder
reminder_time: Int
Send in true to delete the reminder
remove_reminder: Boolean