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An answer in a filled form


answer · String · The answer to the question
conditional_custom_module_id · ID · The ID of the custom module whose value determines whether to show or hide the custom module
created_at · String! · required · The creation time of the form answer
custom_module · CustomModule · The type of question that was filled out
custom_module_id · String · The id of the question template
displayed_answer · String · The answer to display (some conversions are made verse raw answer data)
filter_type · String · The type of filter
form_answer_group · FormAnswerGroup · The filled form that this answer is a part of
id · ID! · required · The unique identifier of the answer
label · String · The label of the question
metadata · String · A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 128,000.
updated_at · ISO8601DateTime · The time of the last update
user_id · String · The id of the user that the answered question is for
value_to_filter · String · The value to check the filter against

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An answer in a filled form
type FormAnswer {
The answer to the question
answer: String
The ID of the custom module whose value determines whether to show or hide the custom module
conditional_custom_module_id: ID
The creation time of the form answer
created_at: String!
The type of question that was filled out
custom_module: CustomModule
The id of the question template
custom_module_id: String
The answer to display (some conversions are made verse raw answer data)
displayed_answer: String
The type of filter
filter_type: String
The filled form that this answer is a part of
form_answer_group: FormAnswerGroup
The unique identifier of the answer
id: ID!
The label of the question
label: String
A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 128,000.
metadata: String
The time of the last update
updated_at: ISO8601DateTime
The id of the user that the answered question is for
user_id: String
The value to check the filter against
value_to_filter: String