Autogenerated input type of updateStripeVerificationDetails
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEbank_verification_document
· Upload
· Additional documentation for bank accounts, e.g. voided checks, bank statements, etc business_description
· String
· Description of the product sold or service provided by the business business_name
· String
· The customer-facing business name business_url
· String
· The business's publicly available website Used By
"""Autogenerated input type of updateStripeVerificationDetails"""input updateStripeVerificationDetailsInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") account_holder_name: String account_number: String additional_verification_document: Upload appointment_type_credits_attributes: [AppointmentTypeCreditInput]
""" Additional documentation for bank accounts, e.g. voided checks, bank statements, etc """ bank_verification_document: Upload
""" Description of the product sold or service provided by the business """ business_description: String
""" The customer-facing business name """ business_name: String business_tax_id: String
""" The business's publicly available website """ business_url: String company_verification_document: Upload currency: String dob: String email: String entity_type: String first_name: String id: ID last_name: String location: ClientLocationInput new_country: String personal_address: ClientLocationInput personal_phone: String phone: String routing_number: String skip_adding_bank_info: Boolean ssn: String ssn_last_4: String verification_document: Upload}