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a goal


completion_percentage_for_range · Int · Completion Percentage of a goal for a given date range. start_range/end_range should be of the form: 'yyyy-mm-dd'
completion_rate · String · The rate at which this goal is completed
deprecated should use completion_percentage_for_range
created_at · String! · required · The creation timestamp of the goal
created_user_id · ID · created user of goal
cursor · Cursor! · required · Pagination cursor
description · String · description of goal
due_date · String · due date of goal
goal_histories · [GoalHistory!]! · required · All goal histories associated with this goal histories.
id · ID! · required · The unique identifier of the goal
is_completed_for_date · Boolean · If true, the goal is complete for the given day. date should be of the form: 'yyyy-mm-dd'
is_current · Boolean · if true, the goal is currently active
deprecated should use is_completed_for_date field to determine if a goal is completed for a given day
is_used_as_template · Boolean · if true, a template has been created based off this goal
name · String · name of goal
parent_id · ID · parent id
parent_subgoal_completion_rate · String · The rate at which the parent goal has subgoals completed
reminder · Reminder · Reminder object for a given goal
repeat · String · frequency of goal
source_template_id · String · The id of the template used to make this goal
start_on · String! · required · start date of goal
streak_info · [GoalStreakInfo!] · Streak info for goal
subgoal_completion_rate · String · The rate at which a subgoal is completed
deprecated should use completion_percentage_for_range
subgoals · [Goal!] · Subgoals for a given goal
subgoals_count · String · count of subgoals
title_link · String · Title hyperlink. Opens when the title is clicked on.
user · User · Owner of this goal
user_id · ID · user id of goal

Used By


a goal
type Goal {
Completion Percentage of a goal for a given date range. start_range/end_range should be of the form: 'yyyy-mm-dd'
The end of the date range.
end_range: String
The start of the date range.
start_range: String!
): Int
The rate at which this goal is completed
completion_rate: String
@deprecated(reason: "should use completion_percentage_for_range")
The creation timestamp of the goal
created_at: String!
created user of goal
created_user_id: ID
Pagination cursor
cursor: Cursor!
description of goal
description: String
due date of goal
due_date: String
All goal histories associated with this goal histories.
goal_histories: [GoalHistory!]!
The unique identifier of the goal
id: ID!
If true, the goal is complete for the given day. date should be of the form: 'yyyy-mm-dd'
The date to check if the goal is completed at that time.
date: String!
): Boolean
if true, the goal is currently active
is_current: Boolean
reason: "should use is_completed_for_date field to determine if a goal is completed for a given day"
if true, a template has been created based off this goal
is_used_as_template: Boolean
name of goal
name: String
parent id
parent_id: ID
The rate at which the parent goal has subgoals completed
parent_subgoal_completion_rate: String
Reminder object for a given goal
reminder: Reminder
frequency of goal
repeat: String
The id of the template used to make this goal
source_template_id: String
start date of goal
start_on: String!
Streak info for goal
The end of the date range.
end_range: String
The start of the date range.
start_range: String!
): [GoalStreakInfo!]
The rate at which a subgoal is completed
subgoal_completion_rate: String
@deprecated(reason: "should use completion_percentage_for_range")
Subgoals for a given goal
subgoals: [Goal!]
count of subgoals
subgoals_count: String
Title hyperlink. Opens when the title is clicked on.
title_link: String
Owner of this goal
user: User
user id of goal
user_id: ID