Journal Entries
Journal Entries
You can learn more about the Journal feature in general on Healthie’s Help platform.
The Journal Entry Object
{ "id": "15", "description": "Example entry", "created_at": "2022-08-03 09:55:55 -0400", "type": "FoodEntry", "name": "Food", "viewed": false, "healthiness_info_hex_value": "#35b032", "has_subentries": false, "previous_water_intake_stat": 0, "default_water_intake_for_entry_user": 0, "poster": { "id": "7" }}
Journal Entries are Entry
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Entries
query entries( $offset: Int $type: String $keywords: String $entry_id: String $category: String $client_id: String $is_org: Boolean $end_range: String $start_range: String $group_id: String $sort_by: String $end_datetime_range: String $start_datetime_range: String $summary_view: Boolean) { entries( offset: $offset type: $type keywords: $keywords entry_id: $entry_id category: $category client_id: $client_id is_org: $is_org end_range: $end_range start_range: $start_range group_id: $group_id sort_by: $sort_by end_datetime_range: $end_datetime_range start_datetime_range: $start_datetime_range summary_view: $summary_view ) { id type added_by_user { id } category emotions name description }}
Listing Entries is done via the entries
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
type | Optional. Entry type, can be one of: FoodEntry , MirrorEntry , MetricEntry , WorkoutEntry , SleepEntry , or NoteEntry . |
keywords | Optional. Keywords to search by. Entries can be searched by description. |
entry_id | Optional. ID of a single Entry to search. |
client_id | Optional. ID of the Patient associated with this Entry. |
Returns a list of Entry
Retrieving a Program
query entry($id: ID, $type: String, $client_id: ID) { entry(id: $id, type: $type, client_id: $client_id) { id type category emotions name description }}
Retrieving a specific Entry is done via the entry
Input | Info |
id | Optional. ID of the Entry to query. |
client_id | Optional. Used together with type . Returns the last Entry for a specific Client. |
type | Optional. Required when using client_id . Fetches an Entry of specific type. |
Returns an Entry
Creating an Entry
mutation createEntry($type: String, $description: String, $user_id: String, $percieved_hungriness: String) { createEntry( input: { type: $type, description: $description, user_id: $user_id, percieved_hungriness: $percieved_hungriness } ) { entry { id } messages { field message } }}
Entries are created via the createEntry
mutation. Let’s break down the inputs that mutation accepts.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
type | Optional. Valid options are
created_at | Optional. Date for the new Entry. |
user_id | Optional. ID of the Patient, otherwise the currently authenticated User will be associated. |
percieved_hungriness | Optional. A string index of hungriness.
Returns a createEntryPayload
Updating an Entry
mutation updateEntry($id: ID, $type: String, $description: String, $user_id: String, $percieved_hungriness: String) { updateEntry( input: { id: $id type: $type description: $description user_id: $user_id percieved_hungriness: $percieved_hungriness } ) { entry { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateEntry
mutation shares many common inputs with createEntry
and those inputs (e.g type
or user_id
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Entry to update. |
Returns an updateEntryPayload
Deleting an Entry
Journal Entries can be (soft) deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteEntry
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteEntry($id: ID) { deleteEntry(input: { id: $id }) { entry { id }
messages { field message } }}
The deleteEntry
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Entry to delete. |
Returns a deleteEntryPayload