Lab Orders
Lab Orders
For more information on the Lab Orders feature in general, view our help articles here.
The Lab Order object
{ "id": "334455", "status": "completed", "lab": "Example test", "lab_company": "ACME Labs", "integration": "lab_testing_api", "normalized_status": "completed"}
Lab Orders are LabOrder
objects in Healthie.
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Lab Orders
query labOrders( $client_filter: String $client_id: ID $keywords: String $lab_filter: String $provider_filter: String $recent_orders: Boolean $offset: Int $sort_by: String $status_filter: String) { labOrders( client_filter: $client_filter client_id: $client_id keywords: $keywords lab_filter: $lab_filter provider_filter: $provider_filter recent_orders: $recent_orders offset: $offset sort_by: $sort_by status_filter: $status_filter ) { id integration lab lab_company patient { id full_name } orderer { id full_name } status normalized_status test_date lab_results { id lab_observation_requests { id lab_analyte lab_observation_results { id units reference_range qualitative_result quantitative_result abnormal_flag } } } }}
Listing Lab Orders is done via the labOrders
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
client_id | Optional. ID of the Patient to filter by. |
client_filter | Optional. A comma-separeted list of Patient IDs to filter Lab Orders by. |
lab_filter | Optional. A comma-separated list of Labs to filter the results by. You can obtain a list of possible values by using the labFiltersData query. |
keywords | Optional. Can be searched by Patient’s or Orderer’s first and last name, as well as ID, lab or status. |
provider_filter | Optional. A comma-separeted list of Provider IDs to filter Lab Orders by. |
status_filter | Optional. Filters Labs by status. |
recent_orders | Optional. If provided, will return 10 most recent Lab Orders. |
sort_by | Optional. Valid options are:
Returns a list of LabOrder
Retrieving a Lab Order
query labOrder($id: ID) { labOrder(id: $id) { id integration lab lab_company patient { id full_name } orderer { id full_name } status normalized_status test_date lab_results { id lab_observation_requests { id lab_analyte lab_observation_results { id units reference_range qualitative_result quantitative_result abnormal_flag } } } }}
Retrieving a specific Lab Order is done via the labOrder
Input | Info |
id | ID of the Lab Order to query. |
Returns a LabOrder
Creating a Lab Order
mutation createLabOrder($document_id: ID, $lab: String, $lab_company: String, $orderer_id: ID, $patient_id: ID) { createLabOrder( input: { document_id: $document_id lab: $lab lab_company: $lab_company orderer_id: $orderer_id patient_id: $patient_id } ) { labOrder { id } messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
document_id | Required. The ID of the document containing the lab results. Needs to be pre-created and have a rel_user_id matching the patient ID. |
lab | Required. The Lab panel that was ordered. |
lab_company | Required. The Lab Company who processed the Order. |
orderer_id | Required. The ID of the User in Healthie who ordered the Lab. |
patient_id | Required. The ID of the Patient. |
Returns a createLabOrderPayload
Creating a Rupa Lab Order
mutation createRupaOrder($document_id: ID, $lab: String, $lab_company: String, $orderer_id: ID, $patient_id: ID) { createRupaOrder( input: { document_id: $document_id lab: $lab lab_company: $lab_company orderer_id: $orderer_id patient_id: $patient_id } ) { rupa_order_url
messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
client_id | Required. ID of the Patient to create the Order for. |
Returns a createRupaOrderPayload
The rupa_order_url
field returned is the URL to which the user should be redirected (or opened in a modal) in order to proceed on the Rupa side.
Updating a Lab Order
mutation updateLabOrder($id: ID, $appt_confirmation_code: String, $patient_id: ID) { updateLabOrder(input: { id: $id, appt_confirmation_code: $appt_confirmation_code, patient_id: $patient_id }) { labOrder { id } messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Lab Order to update. |
appt_confirmation_code | Optional. Confirmation code for the Lab Appointment. |
patient_id | Required. The ID of the Patient. |
Returns an updateLabOrderPayload