You can learn more about the Programs feature in general on Healthie’s Help platform.
The Program Object
{ "id": "2", "name": "Program 1", "description": null, "created_at": "2022-08-16 08:33:14 -0400", "course_memberships_count": "0", "course_type": "rolling", "start_date": null, "end_date": null, "course_items": [ { "id": "4", "scheduled_release": "1" } ]}
Programs are Course
Programs consist of one or many Modules (CourseItem
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Programs
query courses( $offset: Int $keywords: String $course_type: String $should_paginate: Boolean $only_available: Boolean) { courses( offset: $offset keywords: $keywords course_type: $course_type should_paginate: $should_paginate only_available: $only_available ) { id name description course_type course_items { id category item_type item_id } start_date }}
Listing Programs is done via the courses
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
offset | Optional. Offset for pagination. |
keywords | Optional. Keywords to search by. Programs can be searched by name and description. |
course_type | Optional. Can be either rolling or fixed . |
only_available | Optional. If set to true , will return Programs that are either rolling or with a fixed start date that occurs in the future. |
Returns a list of Course
Retrieving a Program
query course($course_id: ID) { course(course_id: $course_id) { id name description course_type course_items { id category item_type item_id } start_date }}
Retrieving a specific Program is done via the course
query. This query is considered public.
Input | Info |
course_id | ID of the Program to query. |
Returns a Course
Creating a Program
mutation createCourse( $name: String $description: String $preview_video_content: String $formatted_benefits: String $external_preview_image_url: String $preview_image: Upload $course_type: String $start_date: String $late_enroll: Boolean) { createCourse( input: { name: $name description: $description preview_video_content: $preview_video_content formatted_benefits: $formatted_benefits external_preview_image_url: $external_preview_image_url preview_image: $preview_image course_type: $course_type start_date: $start_date late_enroll: $late_enroll } ) { course { id } messages { field message } }}
Programs are created via the createCourse
mutation. Let’s break down the inputs that mutation accepts.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
name | Required. |
course_type | Required. Valid options are
start_date | Required when course_type is fixed . |
preview_image | Optional. Use this to upload a preview image for the Program. Please refer to the File Uploads section for more information. |
external_preview_image_url | Optional. Link to external preview image. Can be used instead of uploading via the preview_image. |
formatted_benefits | Optional. A HTML-formatted string with an <ul> or <ol> list of Program benefits. |
late_enroll | Optional. This is an option for a fixed Program that determines whether clients can be enrolled in the program after the fixed start date has passed. If enabled, a client who is enrolled late will immediately receive access to all modules that all other clients in the program have access to. |
Returns a createCoursePayload
Updating a Program
mutation updateCourse( $id: String $name: String $description: String $preview_video_content: String $formatted_benefits: String $external_preview_image_url: String $preview_image: Upload $course_type: String $start_date: String $late_enroll: Boolean $course_members: [CourseMembersInput]) { updateCourse( input: { id: $id name: $name description: $description preview_video_content: $preview_video_content formatted_benefits: $formatted_benefits external_preview_image_url: $external_preview_image_url preview_image: $preview_image course_type: $course_type start_date: $start_date late_enroll: $late_enroll course_members: $course_members } ) { course { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateCourse
mutation shares many common inputs with createCourse
and those inputs (e.g preview_image
or start_date
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Program to update. |
course_members | Optional. A list of CourseMembersInput objects that defines Program membership for groups and users. See table below. |
Returns an updateCoursePayload
The Course Members Object
{ "label": "John Doe", "value": "user-1" // 1 is the ID of the user}
Please refer to the GraphQL definition of the input here.
Input | Info |
label | Required. An arbitrary label, usually user or group name. |
value | Required. A prefixed string representing either a Client Group ID or User (Patient) ID. Examples: group-1 or user-2 . |
Deleting a Program
Programs can be (soft) deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteCourse
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteCourse($id: ID) { deleteCourse(input: { id: $id }) { course { id }
messages { field message } }}
The deleteCourse
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Program to delete. |
Returns a deleteCoursePayload