For more information on the Goals feature in general, view our help articles here.
The Goal object
{ "id": "1", "name": "Download e-book on mindful eating"}
Goals are Goal
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Goals
query goals($user_id: ID, $sort_by: String, $keywords: String, $status_filter: String, $frequency_filter: String) { goals( user_id: $user_id sort_by: $sort_by keywords: $keywords status_filter: $status_filter frequency_filter: $frequency_filter ) { id name }}
Listing Goals is done via the goals
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
sort_by | Optional. Valid options are:
user_id | Optional. ID of the Patient that is associated with the Goal. |
keywords | Optional. Can be searched by name or description. |
status_filter | Optional. Filters Goals by the completeness. Can be complete or not_complete . |
frequency_filter | Optional. Filters Goals by the frequency. Can be daily , weekly , or one_time . |
Returns a list of Goal objects.
Retrieving a Goal
query goal($id: ID, $program_goal: Boolean, $client_id: ID, $last_client_goal: Boolean) { goal(id: $id, program_goal: $program_goal, client_id: $client_id, last_client_goal: $last_client_goal) { id name }}
Retrieving a specific Goal is done via the goal
Input | Info |
id | Optional when using client_id and last_client_goal . ID of the Goal to query. |
client_id | Optional. Required when using last_client_goal . ID of the Patient associated with the Goal. |
last_client_goal | Optional. If set to true , will return the last Goal for the Patient specified in client_goal . |
Returns a Goal object.
Creating a Goal
mutation createGoal( $name: String $user_id: ID $program_goal: Boolean $repeat: String $due_date: String $start_on: String $reminder: ReminderInput $care_plan_id: ID) { createGoal( input: { name: $name user_id: $user_id program_goal: $program_goal repeat: $repeat due_date: $due_date start_on: $start_on reminder: $reminder care_plan_id: $care_plan_id } ) { goal { id } messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
name | Required. Name of the Goal. |
user_id | Optional. ID of the Patient to create the Goal for. |
program_goal | Optional. Set to true to create the Goal for a Program. |
repeat | Required. The frequency of this Goal. Possible values are:
due_date | Optional. The date the Goal should end. Format should be: yyyy-mm-dd . |
start_on | Optional. The date the Goal should start. Format should be: yyyy-mm-dd . |
reminder | Optional. An input of type ReminderInput to set a reminder for this Goal. |
care_plan_id | Optional. If provided, the Goal will be associated with a Care Plan. |
Returns a createGoalPayload
Updating a Goal
mutation updateGoal( $id: ID $name: String $user_id: ID $program_goal: Boolean $repeat: String $due_date: String $start_on: String $reminder: ReminderInput) { updateGoal( input: { id: $id name: $name user_id: $user_id program_goal: $program_goal repeat: $repeat due_date: $due_date start_on: $start_on reminder: $reminder } ) { goal { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateGoal
has a very similar behavior to createGoal
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Goal to update. |
Returns an updateGoalPayload
Deleting a Goal
Goals can be deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteGoal
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteGoal($id: ID) { deleteGoal(input: { id: $id }) { goal { id }
messages { field message } }}
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Goal to delete. |
Returns a deleteGoalPayload
The Goal History object
{ "id": "12345", "goal": { "id": "112233", "name": "Drink more water", "repeat": "Daily" }, "completed_on": "2023-01-01"}
Goal Hitstories are GoalHistory
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Goal Histories
query goalHistories( $category: String $include_subgoals: Boolean $offset: Int $should_paginate: Boolean $unique: Boolean $user_id: ID) { goalHistories( category: $category include_subgoals: $include_subgoals offset: $offset should_paginate: $should_paginate unique: $unique user_id: $user_id ) { id name goal { id name repeat } completed_on }}
Listing Goal Histories is done via the goalHistories
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
category | Optional. The frequency of the Goal. Valid options are:
include_subgoals | Optional. Whether to include subgoals. |
user_id | Optional. ID of the Patient that is associated with the Goal History. |
unique | Optional. If set to true , will only return a single Goal History per Goal, while false will return all Goal Histories. |
Returns a list of GoalHistory objects.