Please refer to Healthie’s Help Portal for a general information about the Insurance feature.
The Policy object
{ "id": "1", "name_and_id": "ExampleHealth - A1B2C3", "is_accepted": true, // whether this Policy is accepted within the organization "payer_id": "A1B2C3", "payer_name": "ExampleHealth"}
Within the API, Insurance Policies are InsurancePlan
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Policies
query insurancePlans($ids: String, $keywords: String, $is_accepted: Boolean, $sort_by: String) { insurancePlans(ids: $ids, keywords: $keywords, is_accepted: $is_accepted, sort_by: $sort_by) { id name_and_id payer_id payer_name }}
Listing Policies is done via the insurancePlans
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
ids | Optional. Array of plan IDs to fetch. |
keywords | Optional. Can be searched by Payer name or ID. |
is_accepted | Optional. Set to true to fetch only Accepted Policies. |
sort_by | Optional. Valid options are:
Returns a list of InsurancePlan objects.
Accepting a Policy
mutation createAcceptedInsurancePlan($insurance_plan_ids: [ID]) { createAcceptedInsurancePlan(input: { insurance_plan_ids: $insurance_plan_ids }) { accepted_insurance_plans { id
insurance_plan { id } } messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
insurance_plan_ids | Required. IDs of the Insurance Policies to accept. |
Returns a createAcceptedInsurancePlanPayload
Removing a Policy from the list of accepted Policies
mutation deleteAcceptedInsurancePlan($id: ID) { deleteAcceptedInsurancePlan(input: { id: $id }) { accepted_insurance_plan { id
insurance_plan { id } } messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Policy to remove from the list of accepted Policies. |
Returns an deleteAcceptedInsurancePlanPayload
The Superbill object
{ "id": "1", "amount_paid": "1000.00", "balance_due": "500.00", "provider": { "id": "1" }, "patient": { "id": "2" }}
Superbills are SuperBill
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing Superbills
query superBills($keywords: String, $sort_by: String, $provider_id: ID, $client_id: ID, $status: String) { superBills( keywords: $keywords sort_by: $sort_by provider_id: $provider_id client_id: $client_id status: $status ) { id amount_paid balance_due total_fee status }}
Listing Superbills is done via the superBills
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
sort_by | Optional. Valid options are:
keywords | Optional. Can be searched by Superbill status, Patient first and last name, or Provider first and last name. |
client_id | Optional. ID of the Patient that is associated with the Superbill. |
provider_id | Optional. ID of the Provider that is associated with the Superbill. |
status | Optional. Return only Superbills that have one of the following statuses:
Returns a list of Superbill objects.
Retrieving a Superbill
query superBill($id: ID) { superBill(id: $id) { id name patient { id } }}
Retrieving a specific Superbill is done via the superBill
Input | Info |
id | ID of the Superbill to query. |
Returns a Superbill object.
Creating a Superbill
mutation createSuperBill( $patient_id: ID, $patient_dob: String, $dietetitian_id: ID, $provider_name: String, $service_date: String, $amount_paid: String, $status: String, icd_codes_super_bills: [IcdCodesSuperBillInput] cpt_codes_super_bills: [CptCodesSuperBillInput], $receipt_line_items: [ReceiptLineItemInput]) { createSuperBill(input: { patient_id: $patient_id, patient_dob: $patient_dob, dietetitian_id: $dietetitian_id, provider_name: $provider_name, service_date: $service_date, amount_paid: $amount_paid, status: $status, icd_codes_super_bills: $icd_codes_super_bills, cpt_codes_super_bills: $cpt_codes_super_bills, receipt_line_items: $receipt_line_items }) { superBill { id } messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
patient_id | Required. ID of the Patient to create the Superbill for. |
patient_dob | Required. Date of birth of the Patient. Format: YYYY-MM-DD . |
dietetitian_id | Required. ID of the Provider. |
provider_name | Required. Name of the Provider. |
service_date | Required. Service date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD . |
icd_codes_super_bills | Optional. An array of IcdCodesSuperBillInput input objects. |
cpt_codes_super_bills | Optional. An array of CptCodesSuperBillInput input objects. |
receipt_line_items | Optional. An array of ReceiptLineItemInput input objects. |
Returns a createSuperBillPayload
Updating a Superbill
mutation updateSuperBill( $id: ID, $patient_id: ID, $patient_dob: String, $dietetitian_id: ID, $provider_name: String, $service_date: String, $amount_paid: String, $status: String, icd_codes_super_bills: [IcdCodesSuperBillInput] cpt_codes_super_bills: [CptCodesSuperBillInput], $receipt_line_items: [ReceiptLineItemInput], $should_email_to_client: Boolean) { updateSuperBill(input: { id: $id, patient_id: $patient_id, patient_dob: $patient_dob, dietetitian_id: $dietetitian_id, provider_name: $provider_name, service_date: $service_date, amount_paid: $amount_paid, status: $status, icd_codes_super_bills: $icd_codes_super_bills, cpt_codes_super_bills: $cpt_codes_super_bills, receipt_line_items: $receipt_line_items, should_email_to_client: $should_email_to_client }) { superBill { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateSuperBill
mutation shares many common inputs with createSuperBill
and those inputs (e.g service_date
or receipt_line_items
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Superbill to update. |
should_email_to_client | Optional. Set to true in order to resend the email to the associated Patient. |
Returns an updateSuperBillPayload
Deleting a Superbill
Superbills can be deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteSuperBill
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteSuperBill($id: ID) { deleteSuperBill(input: { id: $id }) { superBill { id }
messages { field message } }}
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Superbill to delete. |
Returns a deleteSuperBillPayload
Please refer to Healthie’s Help Portal for a general information about CMS 1500 claims.
The CMS1500 object
{ "id": "1", "amount_paid": "1500.00", "amount_reimbursed": "1000.00", "status": "Partially Paid", "patient": { "id": "2" }}
CMS 1500 Claims are Cms1500
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Listing CMS1500s
query cms1500s($keywords: String, $sort_by: String, $status: String, $client_id: ID, $provider_id: ID) { cms1500s(keywords: $keywords, sort_by: $sort_by, status: $status, client_id: $client_id, provider_id: $provider_id) { id name patient { id } }}
Listing CMS1500s is done via the cms1500s
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
Input | Info |
sort_by | Optional. Valid options are:
client_id | Optional. ID of the Patient that is associated with the CMS1500. |
provider_id | Optional. ID of the Provider. |
keywords | Optional. Can be searched by status, Patient first and last name, Provider first and last name, Payer name or Payer ID. |
status | Optional. Valid options are:
Returns a list of Cms1500 objects.
Retrieving a CMS1500
query cms1500($id: ID) { cms1500(id: $id) { id name patient { id } }}
Retrieving a specific CMS1500 is done via the cms1500
Input | Info |
id | ID of the CMS1500 to query. |
Returns a Cms1500 object.
Creating a CMS1500
mutation createCms1500( $patient: PatientInput $dietitian: DietitianInput $service_location_id: String $amount_paid: String $cms1500_policies: [Cms1500PolicyInput!] $icd_codes_cms1500s: [IcdCodesCms1500Input!] $cpt_codes_cms1500s: [CptCodesCms1500Input!] $client_sig_on_file: Boolean) { createCms1500( input: { patient: $patient dietitian: $dietitian service_location_id: $service_location_id amount_paid: $amount_paid cms1500_policies: $cms1500_policies icd_codes_cms1500s: $icd_codes_cms1500s cpt_codes_cms1500s: $cpt_codes_cms1500s client_sig_on_file: $client_sig_on_file } ) { cms1500 { id } messages { field message } }}
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
patient | Required. A PatientInput object to specify a Patient. Note that the PatientInput MUST include a LocationInput object. |
dietitian | Required. A DietitianInput object to specify the provider. |
service_location_id | Required The ID of the location where the patient received service. |
cms1500_policies | Required An Array of Cms1500PolicyInput objects. Can be an empty array. |
amount_paid | Optional. Amount paid. |
Returns a createCms1500Payload
Updating a CMS1500
mutation updateCms1500( $id: ID $patient: PatientInput $dietitian: DietitianInput $service_location_id: String $amount_paid: String $cms1500_policies: [Cms1500PolicyInput!] $icd_codes_cms1500s: [IcdCodesCms1500Input!] $cpt_codes_cms1500s: [CptCodesCms1500Input!] $client_sig_on_file: Boolean) { updateCms1500( input: { id: $id patient: $patient dietitian: $dietitian service_location_id: $service_location_id amount_paid: $amount_paid cms1500_policies: $cms1500_policies icd_codes_cms1500s: $icd_codes_cms1500s cpt_codes_cms1500s: $cpt_codes_cms1500s client_sig_on_file: $client_sig_on_file } ) { cms1500 { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateCms1500
mutation shares many common inputs with createCms1500
and those inputs (e.g service_date
or receipt_line_items
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the CMS1500 to update. |
Returns an updateCms1500Payload
Deleting a CMS1500
CMS1500s can be deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteCms1500
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
mutation deleteCms1500($id: ID) { deleteCms1500(input: { id: $id }) { cms1500 { id }
messages { field message } }}
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the CMS1500 to delete. |
Returns a deleteCms1500Payload