The Availability Object
{ "id": "1", "day_of_week": 1, "duration_string": "5h", "is_repeating": false, "range_start": "2022-08-15 07:30:00 +0200", "range_end": "2022-08-15 12:30:00 +0200", "resourceId": "1", "timezone_abbr": "CEST", "user": { "email": "superadmin@example.com" }}
Calendar Availability is represented using Availability
objects are used to allow booking Appointments.
You can view the full list of available fields here.
If you have questions about the overall functionality of the calendar availability feature, you can find information here.
Listing all Availabilities
query ($show_availability: Boolean, $one_time: Boolean, $is_repeating: Boolean, $startDate: String, $endDate: String) { availabilities( show_availability: $show_availability one_time: $one_time is_repeating: $is_repeating startDate: $startDate endDate: $endDate ) { id day_of_week duration_string is_repeating range_start range_end resourceId timezone_abbr user { email } }}
A list of availabilities can be retrieved via the availabilities
query. This query is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
We will go over some of them below.
Input | Info |
show_availability | Optional. If set to false , no results will be returned. |
day_of_week | Optional. A 0-indexed day of the week the availability is on. |
one_time | Optional. Query only one-time availabilities. Either this or is_repeating must be provided. |
is_repeating | Optional. Query only repeating availabilities. Either this or one_time must be provided. |
includeRepeating | Optional. Include repeating availabilities in the query. |
startDate | Optional. Find only availabilities from a specific date (inclusive). |
endDate | Optional. Find only availabilities until a specific date (exclusive). |
is_org | Optional. If true, retrieves availabilities for providers in an organization. Must be true if passing provider_ids . |
Returns an array of Availability
Retrieving an Availability
query availability($id: ID) { availability(id: $id) { id custom_modules { id day_of_week duration_string is_repeating range_start range_end resourceId timezone_abbr user { email } } }}
Retrieving a specific availability information is done via the availability
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the availability. |
Returns an Availability
Creating an Availability
mutation createAvailability( $day_of_week: Int $is_repeating: Boolean $range_start: String $time: String $end_time: String $user_id: String) { createAvailability( input: { day_of_week: $day_of_week is_repeating: $is_repeating range_start: $range_start time: $time end_time: $end_time user_id: $user_id } ) { availability { id } messages { field message } }}
Availabilities are created using the createAvailability
To create a recurring (weekly) availability, make sure to set is_repeating
to true
and specify the day_of_week
. One availability is repeating once a week.
You need to create five separate availabilities to define a Monday-Friday availability. Check out how to create Availabilities in bulk.
The createAvailability
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
range_start | Required. Date when the availability starts. For one-time availability, it’s the date of the availability. Required date format: month_name DD, YYYY , e.g., August 16, 2022 . |
time | Required. Time when the availability starts. Required time format: HH MM , e.g., 07 30 or 19 00 . |
end_time | Required. Time when the availability ends. Required time format: HH MM , e.g., 07 30 or 19 00 . |
day_of_week | Optional. A 0-indexed day of the week the availability is on (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.). For repeating availabilities, it’s the day of the availability every week. |
is_repeating | Optional. If set to true , the availability will be repeating on the day specified in day_of_week . |
user_id | Optional. ID of the user to create the availability for. |
Returns createAvailabilityPayload
Updating an Availability
mutation editAvailability( $id: String $day_of_week: Int $is_repeating: Boolean $range_start: String $time: String $end_time: String $user_id: String) { editAvailability( input: { id: $id day_of_week: $day_of_week is_repeating: $is_repeating range_start: $range_start time: $time end_time: $end_time user_id: $user_id } ) { availability { id } messages { field message } }}
Updating Availabilities is done using the editAvailability
The editAvailability
mutation shares many common inputs with createAvailability
and those inputs (e.g range_start
or `time“ work the same in both places).
The editAvailability
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Availability to edit. |
range_start | Required. Date when the availability starts. For one-time availability, it’s the date of the availability. Required date format: month_name DD, YYYY , e.g., August 16, 2022 . |
time | Required. Time when the availability starts. Required time format: HH MM , e.g., 07 30 or 19 00 . |
end_time | Required. Time when the availability ends. Required time format: HH MM , e.g., 07 30 or 19 00 . |
day_of_week | Optional. A 0-indexed day of the week the availability is on (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.). For repeating availabilities, it’s the day of the availability every week. |
is_repeating | Optional. If set to true , the availability will be repeating on the day specified in day_of_week . |
user_id | Optional. ID of the user to create the availability for. |
Returns editAvailabilityPayload
Deleting an Availability
mutation deleteAvailability($id: ID) { deleteAvailability(input: { id: $id }) { availability { id } messages { field message } }}
The deleteAvailability
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the Availability to delete. |
Returns deleteAvailabilityPayload