Appointment Types
The Appointment Type Object
// Some Example Fields for an Appointment Type.
{ "id": "1", "name": "Initial Consultation", "is_group": false, "bookable_by_groups": false, "bookable_without_group": true, "length": 60, # length in minutes "available_contact_types": [ "Healthie Video Call", "In Person", "Phone Call" ], "is_waitlist_enabled": false}
Appointments Types are AppointmentType
objects are used for 1:1 appointments, group appointments, and blocks to availability.
You can view the full list of available fields here.
If you have questions about the overall functionality of appointment’s feature, you can find information here.
Retrieving an Appointment Type
query getAppointmentType($id: ID) { appointmentType(id: $id) { id name available_contact_types length }}
Retrieving a specific Appointment Type is done via the appointmentType
Returns an AppointmentType
Creating an Appointment Type
mutation createAppointmentType( $name: String $length: Int $clients_can_book: Boolean $is_group: Boolean $bookable_without_group: Boolean $is_waitlist_enabled: Boolean $user_group_id: String $specific_groups: Boolean $bookable_group_ids: String $contact_type_overrides: [String] $appointment_setting: AppointmentTypeAppointmentSettingInput) { createAppointmentType( input: { name: $name length: $length clients_can_book: $clients_can_book is_group: $is_group bookable_without_group: $bookable_without_group is_waitlist_enabled: $is_waitlist_enabled user_group_id: $user_group_id specific_groups: $specific_groups bookable_group_ids: $bookable_group_ids contact_type_overrides: $contact_type_overrides appointment_setting: $appointment_setting } ) { appointmentType { id } messages { field message } }}
Appointments are created using the createAppointmentType
The createAppointmentType
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here. We will go over some of inputs used to create an appointment type.
Input | Info |
name | Required. The name of the appointment type. |
length | Required. The length of the appointment type in minutes. |
is_group | Optional. When true , indicates that this appointment type is used for group appointments. |
clients_can_book | Optional. When false , clients will not have the ability to self-book this appointment. |
contact_type_overrides | Optional. Available contact types for the appointment type. Provide one or more from ["video_chat", "in_person", "phone_call"] . |
specific_groups | Optional. Set to true if only specific groups should be able to book this meeting. To be used with bookable_group_ids and bookable_without_group . |
bookable_group_ids | Optional. A comma-separated list ("1,2" ) of Client Group IDs that are able to book this appointment type. Use "all" for all groups. |
bookable_without_group | Optional. If set to true , only clients with no groups can book this appointment type. |
user_group_id | Optional. ID of the Client Group that the Client will be placed in after booking. |
appointment_setting | Optional. AppointmentTypeAppointmentSettingInputObjectType input object. Please refer to Appointment Settings for further reference. |
Returns a createAppointmentTypePayload
Updating an Appointment Type
mutation updateAppointmentType( $id: ID $name: String $length: Int $clients_can_book: Boolean $is_group: Boolean $bookable_without_group: Boolean $is_waitlist_enabled: Boolean $user_group_id: String $specific_groups: Boolean $bookable_group_ids: String $contact_type_overrides: [String] $appointment_setting: AppointmentTypeAppointmentSettingInput) { updateAppointmentType( input: { id: $id name: $name length: $length clients_can_book: $clients_can_book is_group: $is_group bookable_without_group: $bookable_without_group is_waitlist_enabled: $is_waitlist_enabled user_group_id: $user_group_id specific_groups: $specific_groups bookable_group_ids: $bookable_group_ids contact_type_overrides: $contact_type_overrides appointment_setting: $appointment_setting } ) { appointmentType { id } messages { field message } }}
Appointment Types are updated via the updateAppointmentType
The updateAppointmentType
mutation is called from an authenticated account.
We will go over some of them available to providers and staff below. The updateAppointmentType
mutation shares many common inputs with createAppointmentType
and those inputs (e.g length
or contact_type_overrides
work the same in both places).
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Appointment Type to update. |
Returns a updateAppointmentTypePayload
Deleting an Appointment Type
Appointment Types can be (soft) deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteAppointmentType
mutation deleteAppointmentType($id: ID) { deleteAppointmentType(input: { id: $id }) { appointmentType { id }
messages { field message } }}
The deleteAppointmentType
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Appointment Type to delete. |
Returns a deleteAppointmentTypePayload
Listing Appointment Types
query getAppointmentTypes( $offset: Int $should_paginate: Boolean $page_size: Int $keywords: String $show_group: Boolean $provider_id: String $clients_can_book: Boolean $appointment_type_ids: String $with_deleted_appt_types: Boolean) { appointmentTypes( offset: $offset should_paginate: $should_paginate page_size: $page_size keywords: $keywords show_group: $show_group provider_id: $provider_id clients_can_book: $clients_can_book appointment_type_ids: $appointment_type_ids with_deleted_appt_types: $with_deleted_appt_types ) { id name available_contact_types length is_group is_waitlist_enabled }}
A list of Appointment Types can be retrieved via the appointmentTypes
query. This query is called from an authenticated account.
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
We will go over some of them below.
Input | Info |
should_paginate | Defaults to true . When false , the returned patient list is not paginated. |
keywords | Optional. A term to search Appointment Types by. Can be searched by the name field. |
appointment_type_ids | A JSONified array of Appt Type IDs to fetch. Example: ["1", "2"] . |
Returns a list of AppointmentType
Using Appointment Type Credits
You may want to grant a number of credits to users for booking specific appointment types based on your subscription model. You can add credits to a user with the updateClient
mutation, using the appointment_type_credits_attributes
field. The credits can be queried on the User object using the appointment_type_credits
field. Visit our API Explorer for more details.
Appointment Settings
The Appointment Setting Object
// Some Example Fields for an Appointment Setting.
{ "id": "1", "allow_clients_to_cancel_appt": true, "allow_clients_to_reschedule_appt": true, "allow_past_appointment_rescheduling": false, "always_send_confirm_notification": false, "appointment_locations": [ { "id": "1", "location": "Bob's Office" } ], "appt_type_confirmed_email": false, "appt_type_reminder_email": false, "appt_type_website_booking_email": false, "ask_clients_to_confirm": false, "ask_to_confirm_via_text": false, "auto_invoicing": false, "buffer": "0", "calendar_color_schemes": [], "calendar_interval": "30", "cant_cancel_message": "Please contact provider to cancel", "cant_reschedule_message": "Please contact provider to reschedule", "client_should_call_provider": false, "clients_have_billing": true, "confirm_by_default": false}
Appointment Settings are AppointmentSetting
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Retrieving an Appointment Setting
query getAppointmentSetting($id: ID, $provider_id: ID) { appointmentSetting(id: $id, provider_id: $provider_id) { id name available_contact_types length }}
Retrieving a specific Appointment Setting is done via the appointmentSetting
Please refer to AppointmentSetting
object definition for a list of all available fields.
Input | Info |
id | Either this or provider_id is required. |
provider_id | Optional. Get Appointment Setting for a specific Provider. |
Returns an AppointmentSetting
Creating an Appointment Setting
mutation createAppointmentSetting( $buffer: String $minimum_advance_cancel_time: Int $minimum_advance_reschedule_time: Int $minimum_advance_schedule_time: Int $end_reminder_one_hour_before: Boolean $ask_clients_to_confirm: Boolean) { createAppointmentSetting( input: { buffer: $buffer minimum_advance_cancel_time: $minimum_advance_cancel_time minimum_advance_reschedule_time: $minimum_advance_reschedule_time minimum_advance_schedule_time: $minimum_advance_schedule_time end_reminder_one_hour_before: $end_reminder_one_hour_before ask_clients_to_confirm: $ask_clients_to_confirm } ) { appointmentSetting { buffer minimum_advance_cancel_time minimum_advance_reschedule_time minimum_advance_schedule_time end_reminder_one_hour_before ask_clients_to_confirm }
messages { field message } }}
Appointment Settings are created using the createAppointmentSetting
The createAppointmentSetting
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Returns a createAppointmentSettingPayload
Updating an Appointment Setting
mutation updateAppointmentSetting( $id: ID $buffer: String $minimum_advance_cancel_time: Int $minimum_advance_reschedule_time: Int $minimum_advance_schedule_time: Int $end_reminder_one_hour_before: Boolean $ask_clients_to_confirm: Boolean) { updateAppointmentSetting( input: { id: $id buffer: $buffer minimum_advance_cancel_time: $minimum_advance_cancel_time minimum_advance_reschedule_time: $minimum_advance_reschedule_time minimum_advance_schedule_time: $minimum_advance_schedule_time end_reminder_one_hour_before: $end_reminder_one_hour_before ask_clients_to_confirm: $ask_clients_to_confirm } ) { appointmentSetting { buffer minimum_advance_cancel_time minimum_advance_reschedule_time minimum_advance_schedule_time end_reminder_one_hour_before ask_clients_to_confirm }
messages { field message } }}
Appointment Settings are updated via the updateAppointmentSetting
The updateAppointmentSetting
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over some of them below. The updateAppointmentSetting
mutation shares many common inputs with createAppointmentSetting
and those inputs (e.g ask_clients_to_confirm
or buffer
work the same in both places).
Input | Info |
id | Required. ID of the Appointment Setting to update. |
Returns an updateAppointmentSettingPayload
The Appointment Object
# Some Example Fields for a 1:1 appointment.
{ "appointment": { "id": "9900", "date": "2020-05-08 21:00:00 UTC", "contact_type": "Secure Videochat", "appointment_type_id": "1128", "pm_status": "Occurred", "provider": { "id": "11", "full_name": "Jonas Salk" }, "form_answer_group": { "id": "1234", "finished": true, "form_answers": [ { "answer": "Example answer", "label": "Test field", "id": "123321", "displayed_answer": "Example answer" } ] }, "filled_embed_form": { "id": "5678", "finished": true, "form_answers": [ { "answer": "Example answer", "label": "Test field", "id": "553321", "displayed_answer": "Example answer" } ] }, "user": { "id": "311", "full_name": "Example Patient" } }}
Appointments are Appointment
objects are used for 1:1 appointments, group appointments, and blocks to availability.
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Appointments are considered active if they are 1) not deleted, 2) have a pm_status
that is not “Cancelled”, “Re-Scheduled”, or “No-Show”.
If you have questions about the overall functionality of appointment’s feature, you can find information here.
Appointments can have two FormAnswerGroup
objects attached: filled_embed_form
which is normally added at the time of booking, and form_answer_group
which is added during the appointment session. Each of these has a one-to-one relationship with the Appointment
Creating an Appointment
Appointments are created in two main ways, createAppointment
and completeCheckout
books the appointment from the patient’s perspective (and can be done unathenticated).
books the appointment from a staff member’s perspective, requires authentication, and allows for scheduling
appointments outside of available slots. Note that createAppointment
does not enforce availability, but completeCheckout
does enforce availability. This prevents patients from self-scheduling over existing appointments.
The code sample to the right is an example of a simple createAppointment
Method | Corresponding Mutation |
Added by a provider/staff member | createAppointment |
Added by a patient (client) | completeCheckout |
mutation createAppointment( $user_id: String, # ID of patient in Healthie $appointment_type_id: String, # ID of appointment type in Healthie $contact_type: String, # e.g "Phone Call" $other_party_id: String, # ID of provider in Healthie. Defaults to authenticated user if left blank, $datetime: String, # Timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO8601 format, supercedes date, time params.) { createAppointment( input: { user_id: $user_id, appointment_type_id: $appointment_type_id, contact_type: $contact_type, other_party_id: $other_party_id, datetime: $datetime, } ) { appointment { id } messages { field message } }
The createAppointment
mutation must be called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here. We will go over some of inputs used to create an appointment with a client below.
Input | Info |
datetime | Required. The datetime of the appointment in ISO8601 format. |
appointment_type_id | Required. The ID of the appointment type |
contact_type | Required. How the appointment will be conducted. You can see the list of available ones via the contactTypes query |
other_party_id | Required. ID of the provider. Defaults to the authenticated user’s ID |
user_id | For 1:1 appointments, this is the ID of the client. For group appointments, leave this out |
attendee_ids | A comma-seprated list of client IDs to add to the appointment. For 1:1 appointments, leave this out |
providers | A comma-seprated list of provider IDs to add to the appointment as additional providers. For 1:1 appointments, leave this out. The ID of the primary provider other_party_id should not be included in this list. |
For information on completeCheckout
, take a look at “Step 4 - Book the appointment” in the patient self-scheduling example here.
Retrieving an Appointment
query getAppointment($id: ID) { appointment(id: $id) { id date contact_type pm_status provider { id full_name } user { id full_name } appointment_type { id name } }}
Retrieving a specific appointment’s information is done via the appointment
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the appointment. |
include_deleted | When true, an appointment can be retrieved, even if it was previously deleted. |
Updating an Appointment
Regardless of user type, Appointments are updated via the updateAppointment
However, the allowed and required inputs vary slightly based on whether a provider or a client is the one updating.
Method | Corresponding Mutation |
Updated by a provider or client | updateAppointment |
mutation updateAppointment( $pm_status: String, $datetime: String, $id: ID, ) { updateAppointment( input: { $pm_status: String, $datetime: String, $id: ID, } ) { appointment { id date } messages { field message } } }
The updateAppointment
mutation is called from an authenticated account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over some of them available to providers and staff below. The updateAppointment
mutation shares many common inputs with createAppointment
and those inputs (e.g other_party_id
or date
work the same in both places).
Input | Info |
id | Required |
pm_status | The “Post-Meeting” status of the appointment. Options are [“Occurred”, “No-Show”, “Re-Scheduled”, “Cancelled”]. |
For more information on updating an appointment as a patient, please look at the example here
Deleting/Cancelling an appointment.
Appointments can be (soft) deleted by authorized providers and staff members via the deleteAppointment
Appointments can be cancelled (without deleting them) by patients via deleteAppointment
or providers and staff via updateAppointment
Method | Corresponding Mutation |
Deleted by a provider/staff member | deleteAppointment |
Canceled by a patient (but still visible) | deleteAppointment |
Canceled by a provider/staff member (but still visible) | updateAppointment |
mutation deleteAppointment($id: ID, $deleteRecurring: Boolean) { deleteAppointment(input: { id: $id, deleteRecurring: $deleteRecurring }) { appointment { id } messages { field message } }}
The deleteAppointment
mutation is called from an authenticated account.
If it is called from a provider/staff account, the appointment is deleted, and is no longer visible.
When it is called from a patient account, the appointment’s pm_status
is set to Cancelled, and the appointment is still visible.
Input | Info |
id | Required |
deleteRecurring | Boolean. For recurring appointments only. When true, all subsequent instances of the appointment will be canceled as well. |
Listing Appointments
query appointments( $user_id: ID $filter: String $order_by: String $should_paginate: Boolean $offset: Int $is_active: Boolean $with_all_statuses: Boolean) { appointmentsCount(user_id: $user_id, filter: $filter, is_org: true, is_active: $is_active) appointments( is_active: $is_active user_id: $user_id filter: $filter is_org: true order_by: $order_by should_paginate: $should_paginate offset: $offset with_all_statuses: $with_all_statuses ) { id date contact_type length location provider { id full_name }
appointment_type { name id }
attendees { id full_name first_name avatar_url phone_number } }}
A list of appointments can be retrieved via the appointments
query. This query is called from an authenticated account.
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
We will go over some of them below.
Input | Info |
should_paginate | Defaults to false. When false, the returned patient list is not paginated. |
filter | Optional. Defaults to filter (so by default just future appointments will be returned). Options are [“didnt-occur”, “future”, “upcoming”, ‘past’. “ended”, “all”] |
order_by | View the enum here to see all potential options. |
user_id | Optional. When passed in, appointments for that specific user will be returned. Defaults to current user. |
is_org | Optional. When passed in from a provider or staff account, appointments from all providers in the organization can be returned. |
is_active | Optional. When true, no non-active (canceled, no-showed, rescheduled, etc) appointments will be returned. |
with_all_statuses | Optional. When true, all appointments, regardless of pm_status , will be returned. This takes precendece over the didnt-occur filter and is_active . |
Appointment Booking Warnings
The appointmentBookingWarnings
query can be used to return:
- a list of any possible conflicting events for a specific date and time (as well as for recurring event instances)
- a list of clients that do not have any credits available for booking (if using the Client Credit System)
Returns an array of AppointmentBookingWarning
objects. Conflicting events will have a category
of “Event Conflicts,” and clients without the necessary credits will have a category of “Credit Deficits.” It is possible to have both types of warnings returned in the same response, if there are events existing in the date/time requested, and the proposed client does not have the appropriate amount of credit.
query getAppointmentBookingWarnings( $appointment_type_id: ID $provider_id: ID $date: String $time: String $timezone: String) { appointmentBookingWarnings( appointment_type_id: $appointment_type_id provider_id: $provider_id date: $date time: $time timezone: $timezone ) { category subtitle potential_issues potential_issue_ids }}
# Sample parameters for a request
{ "appointment_type_id": "1", "provider_id":"3", "date":"July 11, 2024", "time":"12 00", "timezone":"America/New_York"}
# Sample response returning a conflicting event
{ "data": { "appointmentBookingWarnings": [ { "category": "Event Conflicts", "subtitle": "Existing event(s) for the provider conflict with this one. Would you like to book this event anyway?", "potential_issues": [ "1:1 Session - Jul 11, 12:00 PM EDT", "1:1 Session - Jul 11, 12:30 PM EDT" ], "potential_issue_ids": [ "2111", "2112" ] } ] }}
Here are the available parameters available when checking for conflicting events and credit deficits.
Input | Info |
provider_id | The calendar of this provider will be searched for conflicting events. |
date | What date to search for conflicts. Example: “May 23, 2024” |
time | The time to search for a conflicting event, which is combined with the date field above. Format is “HH MM” in 24-hour time. |
timezone | Optional. Timezone used for the date and time arguments. Defaults to the timezone of the provider_id used in query. Timezone value must be on this list of timezone identifiers. |
appointment_type_id | Appointment type is used to determine what span of time to use when checking for conflicts (30 minutes, 60 minutes, etc.). Either this parameter or length_in_minutes are required. |
length_in_minutes | Specific span of time starting from date and time to check for conflicting events. Either this parameter or appointment_type_id are required. |
attendee_ids | Optional. This parameter (a comma-delimited string of client IDs) is used for checking whether the passed attendees have enough credits available for booking. The appointment_type_id parameter is required when using this parameter. |
additional_provider_ids | Optional. Additional providers whose calendars should be searched for conflicting events. Should be a comma-delimited string of provider IDs. |
recurring_appt_id | Optional. When rescheduling an existing recurring appointment, passing the recurring_appt_id will ensure any existing recurring events in series will not be returned as conflicts. |
current_appt_id | Optional. When rescheduling an existing appointment, passing this parameter ensures that appointment will not show as a conflict. |
is_repeating | Optional. Whether to repeat the search based on repeating options. Defaults to false . |
repeat_interval | Optional. What interval to check again for conflicts. Options are “Weekly”, “Biweekly”, “Monthly”, or “Every 4 Weeks”. |
repeat_times | Optional. How many times to check the repeat interval for conflicts. |