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For more information on the feature in general, view our help articles here.

Chat Objects

# Some example fields for a conversation.
"conversation": {
"id": "9900",
"conversation_memberships_count": "2",
"name": "Quick Question",
"includes_multiple_clients": false,
"owner": {
"id": "11",
"full_name": "Jeff Smith"
"notes": [
"user_id": "123451",
"content": "<p>Hey</p>"
"user_id": "123451",
"content": "<p>Example message</p>"

Within the API, a “Chat” is known as a Conversation. A message in a conversation is a Note object.

Conversation Memberships

# Example ConversationMembership
"conversationMembership": {
"convo": {
"id": "12345",
"viewed": false, # has unread messages
"notes": [
"user_id": "123451",
"content": "<p>Hey</p>"
"user_id": "123451",
"content": "<p>Example message</p>"

A conversation has multiple ConversationMemberships objects which are connectors between a Conversation and a User.

To determine a given conversation has unread messages for the current user, check the viewed field on the ConversationMembership object.

Note content formatting

The content field on a Note object is a string of HTML. Healthie allows only subset of HTML elements and attributes. The rest will be stripped out. Basic formatting such as bold, italics, and underline, as well as images and video embeds are supported. New lines can be supported either by wrapping the content in separate <p> tags, or by using \n escape characters.

Creating a Conversation

A Conversation is created in two main ways — automatically and via createConversation.

A Conversation is automatically created when a patient is assigned to a provider (either as their primary provider or part of their care team) and the ‘Has Chat conversation automatically created with client’ permission is enabled. When this happens, our system automatically creates a two-person conversation between the patient and the provider (if one does not exist already). Note that ‘Has Chat conversation automatically created with client’ only applies to Care Team Providers and not the patient’s Primary provider, a two-person conversation between the patient and their primary provider is always created.

A Conversation can also be manually created with createConversation.

MethodCorresponding Mutation
Automatically CreatedN/A
Manually CreatedcreateConversation

Users have no limits on the number of conversations they can be in, and the same patient and provider can have multiple conversations together. Healthie also supports internal conversations, which are conversations that just have providers and staff, with no patients involved.

createConversation Mutation

mutation createConversation(
$simple_added_users: String # e.g "user-1,group-2,user-3"
$owner_id: ID # e.g "4"
$name: String # e.g "Questions for Next Appointment"
) {
createConversation(input: { simple_added_users: $simple_added_users, owner_id: $owner_id, name: $name }) {
conversation {
messages {

Conversations are manually created via the createConversation mutation, which needs to be called from an authenticated staff/provider account.

You can view a full list of potential inputs here. We will go over some of the most common inputs below.

owner_idThe staff member who is the “Owner” of the conversation. The owner is automatically added to the conversation, and has full ability to add and remove patients and staff from the conversation. If left blank, this defaults to the current user.
simple_added_usersA comma-seperated string of which patients, staff, and user groups should be added to the conversation. This comma seperated string uses the doc_share_id (which is a field on UserType and UserGroupType). For example, it could look like user-1,group-2,user-3.
nameThe subject title for the conversation. Defaults to the names of the users and groups in the conversation.

createNote mutation

A chat message in the Healthie API is referred to as a “note.” To add a message to a chat conversation, use the createNote mutation.

mutation createNote(
$user_id: String
$content: String
$conversation_id: String
$attached_image_string: String
$scheduled_at: String
$org_chat: Boolean
$hide_org_chat_confirmation: Boolean
) {
input: {
user_id: $user_id
content: $content # Content of the note
conversation_id: $conversation_id
attached_image_string: $attached_image_string
scheduled_at: $scheduled_at # for scheduling notes, time note will be sent
org_chat: $org_chat # Pass `true` when creating a note by someone who is not the conversation owner (e.g., by another provider on the client's care team)
hide_org_chat_confirmation: $hide_org_chat_confirmation # When True, will hide org chat confirmation modal
) {
note {
messages {

Retrieving a Conversation

query getConversation($id: ID, $provider_id: ID) {
conversation(id: $id, provider_id: $provider_id) {

Retrieving a specific conversation is done via the conversation query.

idRequired. The ID of the conversation.

Updating a Conversation

A Conversation is updated via updateConversation. This can be called from an authenticated provider or staff account.

MethodCorresponding Mutation
Updated by provider or staffupdateConversation

Users have no limits on the number of conversations they can be in, and the same patient and provider can have multiple conversations together. Healthie also supports internal conversations, which are conversations that just have providers and staff, with no patients involved.

updateConversation Mutation

mutation updateConversation($id: ID, $simple_added_users: String, $name: String, $closed_by_id: ID) {
input: { id: $id, simple_added_users: $simple_added_users, name: $name, closed_by_id: $closed_by_id }
) {
conversation {
messages {

Conversations are updated via the updateConversation mutation, which needs to be called from an authenticated staff/provider account.

You can view a full list of potential inputs here. We will go over some of the most common inputs below.

idRequired. The ID of the conversation to update
simple_added_usersA comma-seperated string of which patients, staff, and user groups should be in the conversation. See createConversation section for how to format. Any existing conversation members not included in this string will be removed from the conversation.
nameOptional. The subject title for the conversation. Defaults to the names of the users and groups in the conversation.
closed_by_idWhen passed in, the conversation is closed. This prevents new messages from being sent. This ID should be the ID of the current user.

Deleting a Conversation

Conversation objects cannot be deleted via the Healthie API. Instead, you should close the conversation using the updateConversation mutation mentioned above.

Listing Conversations

query conversationMemberships(
$offset: Int
$keywords: String
$active_status: String
$client_id: String
$read_status: String
$conversation_type: String
$provider_id: ID
$is_scheduled_tab: Boolean!
) {
keywords: $keywords
active_status: $active_status
client_id: $client_id
read_status: $read_status
conversation_type: $conversation_type
provider_id: $provider_id
offset: $offset
keywords: $keywords
active_status: $active_status
client_id: $client_id
read_status: $read_status
conversation_type: $conversation_type
provider_id: $provider_id
) {
convo {

To retrieve a list of conversations, it is best to use the conversationMemberships query, not the conversationsquery. The conversationMemberships gives you additional argument options and context. You can view a full list of potential arguments here.

We will go over some of them below.

client_idOptional. Retrieve conversationMemberships for a specific patient. To retrieve conversationMemberships that the authenticated user is not a part of, you must be authenticated as an organization admin.
provider_idOptional. Defaults to the authenticated user if left blank. Retrieve conversationMemberships for a specific provider. You must be authenticated as an organization admin.
keywordsOptional. Allows for searching the conversation by the conversation name, or by the names of users in the conversation.
read_statusDefaults to all. Options are all, read, and unread. Returns conversationMemberships matching the read/unread status.
active_statusDefaults to active. Options are active, archived, closed. Retrieves conversationMemberships with the matching conversation status.
conversation_typeDefaults to all. Options are all, individual, community. Retrieves conversationMemberships with the matching conversation type.

Chat SDK for React

The Healthie React SDK offers an easy integration of Healthie’s Chat functionality into your application by providing pre-built React components and hooks. With minimal setup and configuration, these components can be rendered as is or restyled to match your application’s design by overriding CSS classess.

The SDK should be sufficient in most use cases, providing the following capabilities:

  • Conversation list
  • Conversation view
  • Individual (1:1) conversations
  • Community Chat conversations
  • Rendering all message types (text, image, audio, file attachments, video embeds)

It is however not possible to create conversations (outside of the Healthie web app or mobile app), and some features that exist in the Healthie web or mobile app may not be available via the SDK.

For more information and usage guide, refer to the SDK documentation here.