Patient (Client) Management
The Patient Object
# Some Example Fields { "id": "9900", "first_name": "Jonas", "last_name": "Salk", "dob": "2010-10-10", "gender": "Male", "email": "", "phone_number": "555-444-2244", "next_appt_date": null}
Patients are User
This is the same object type that is used for providers/staff members.
Due to this, The User
object has an immense amount of fields, many of which are not relevant for patients.
With GraphQL, you select the exact fields you want returned, so you don’t need to deal with any non-relevant data.
You can view the full list of available fields here.
If you have questions about how legal_name
and gender
interact with each other, We recommend reading our general help articles here and here.
Creating a Patient
Patient accounts are created in three main ways.
Method | Corresponding Mutation |
Added by a provider/staff member | createClient |
Self-Sign Up | signUp |
Booking and/or buying | completeCheckout |
mutation createClient( $first_name: String $last_name: String $email: String $skipped_email: Boolean $phone_number: String $dietitian_id: String $user_group_id: String $dont_send_welcome: Boolean) { createClient( input: { first_name: $first_name last_name: $last_name email: $email skipped_email: $skipped_email phone_number: $phone_number dietitian_id: $dietitian_id user_group_id: $user_group_id dont_send_welcome: $dont_send_welcome } ) { user { id } messages { field message } }}
The createClient
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here. We will go over some of them below.
Input | Info |
first_name | Required |
last_name | Required |
email | Required if skipped_email is false |
skipped_email | Optional |
phone_number | Optional |
dietitian_id | Required, ID of the provider. Defaults to the authenticated user’s ID |
user_group_id | Optional |
dont_send_welcome | When true, an invite email will not be sent to the new client. |
Sending a welcome email with signup_token
After creating a client with the createClient
mutation, you may want to send your own welcome email to the client with the signup_token
to allow them to set a password and activate their account. You can obtain the signup_token
from the set_password_link
field on the User object, by querying the client account with the user
Patient signUp
mutation signUp( $timezone: String $first_name: String $last_name: String $email: String $password: String $phone_number: String $invite_code: String $provider_type: String $role: String $dietitian_id: String) { signUp( input: { first_name: $first_name last_name: $last_name email: $email password: $password phone_number: $phone_number invite_code: $invite_code role: $role dietitian_id: $dietitian_id timezone: $timezone } ) { user { id } messages { field message } }}
The signUp
mutation is called unauthenticated.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here. We will go over the inputs relevant for new patients below.
Input | Info |
first_name | Required |
last_name | Required |
email | Required |
password | Required. Needs to be a minimum of 8 chars, and meet a calculated strength requirement. Healthie uses StrongPassword Ruby gem to calculate password strength |
role | Required. Needs to be “patient” |
phone_number | Optional |
dietitian_id | ID of the provider. Either this or invite_code need to be provided. This can be provided along with a user group’s invite code |
invite_code | Invite code for a specific provider or user group. |
timezone | Optional. Sets the timezone of the new patient’s account |
The completeCheckout
mutation is used for a patient to book an appointment, or make a payment.
It creates a new patient if the following conditions are present
- The mutation is called unauthenticated
- The given email does not exist on another patient in the provider’s account
We will go over this mutation in more depth in the Scheduling and Payments sections.
Retrieving a Patient
query getUser($id: ID) { user(id: $id) { id first_name last_name dob gender email phone_number next_appt_date }}
Retrieving a specific patient’s information is done via the user
Input | Info |
id | Either this needs to be provided, or or_current_user needs to be true. |
clear_notifs | When true, existing notifications from this patient will be marked as seen. |
or_current_user | When true, the authenticated user will be returned if id is invalid or not present. |
Updating a Patient
Patient account information is updated in two main ways.
Method | Corresponding Mutation |
Updated by a provider/staff member | updateClient |
Updated in bulk by a provider/staff member | bulkUpdateClients |
Updated by the patient themselves | updateUser |
mutation updateClient($id: ID, $first_name: String, $last_name: String, $legal_name: String, $email: String) { updateClient( input: { id: $id, first_name: $first_name, last_name: $last_name, legal_name: $legal_name, email: $email } ) { user { id first_name last_name legal_name email } messages { field message } }}
The updateClient
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over some of the required and less clear ones below.
Input | Info |
id | Required |
resend_welcome | When true, a new invite email will be sent to the patient. |
send_form_request_reminder | If this is ture, is_intake_item or requested_form_completion_id must be sent in as well |
is_intake_item | When sent with send_form_request_reminder , will send the patient an email reminding them to complete their intake forms. |
requested_form_completion_id | When sent with send_form_request_reminder , will send the patient an email reminding them to complete a specific form request. |
for_changing_groups | When true, the patient will be removed from their group. It is normally better to just send in a user_group_id of "" |
password | When passed in, this will change the password the patient uses to sign in. This is helpful if you want to set passwords for your patients. If provided, needs to be a minimum of 8 chars, and meet a calculated strength requirement. Healthie uses StrongPassword Ruby gem to calculate password strength |
The inputs that trigger emails/reminders (resend_welcome
through requested_form_completion_id
) take precendece over other demographic updates you are trying to make to the patient record. For example, if you send in a new first_name
and also resend_welcome
, the invite email will be sent, but the patient’s name will not be updated.
mutation bulkUpdateClients($ids: [ID!], $active_status: Boolean) { bulkUpdateClients(input: { ids: $ids, active_status: $active_status }) { users { id } messages { field message } }}
The bulkUpdateClients
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
It allows you to update multiple patients at the same time.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over some of the common ones below.
Input | Info |
ids | Required |
user_group_id | When present, all specified patients will be moved to the specified user group. |
active_status | If user_group_id is not present, this field is required. All specified patients will have their status update. |
This mutation can only bulk update one field at a time. If user_group_id
and active_status
are both passed in, active_status
will be ignored.
Patient updateUser
mutation updateUser($first_name: String, $legal_name: String, $last_name: String, $email: String, $id: ID) { updateUser( input: { first_name: $first_name, legal_name: $legal_name, last_name: $last_name, email: $email, id: $id } ) { user { id } messages { field message } }}
The updateUser
mutation is called from an authenticated patient account or (more rarely) from an authenticated provider/staff account with access to the patient.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over some of the required and less clear ones below.
Input | Info |
current_email | Email of the Patient to update. Normally better to pass id in instead |
id | ID of the patient to update. If this is blank, the mutation will default to updating the authenticated user. |
Deleting a Patient
Patients (and User
objects in general) cannot be deleted via the Healthie API. Instead, you should archive the patient using the updateClient
mutation mentioned above.
List All Patients
query users( $offset: Int $keywords: String $sort_by: String $active_status: String $group_id: String $show_all_by_default: Boolean $should_paginate: Boolean $provider_id: String $conversation_id: ID $limited_to_provider: Boolean) { usersCount( keywords: $keywords active_status: $active_status group_id: $group_id conversation_id: $conversation_id provider_id: $provider_id limited_to_provider: $limited_to_provider ) users( offset: $offset keywords: $keywords sort_by: $sort_by active_status: $active_status group_id: $group_id conversation_id: $conversation_id show_all_by_default: $show_all_by_default should_paginate: $should_paginate provider_id: $provider_id limited_to_provider: $limited_to_provider ) { id }}
A list of patients can be retrieved via the users
query. This query is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
We will go over some of them below.
Input | Info |
should_paginate | Defaults to true. When false, the returned patient list is not paginated. |
keywords | Optional. A term to search patients by. Find more about searching here. |
sort_by | Defaults to “last_name_desc”. View the query here to see all potential options. |
active_status | Optional. Options are [“active”, “archived”]. When passed in, only patients of the specified active status will be returned. |
group_id | Optional. When passed in, only patients in the specified User Group will be returned |
show_all_by_default | Defaults to true. When false, no patients will be returned unless keywords are also provided to the query. |
provider_id | Defaults to the ID of the authenticated user. When passed in, only patients the specified user has access to will be returned. |
limited_to_provider | Defaults to false. When true, only patients with the specified user as a provider will be returned. |
conversation_id | Optional. When passed in, returns patients in the specified conversation. |
Patient Search
query users($keywords: String) { users(keywords: $keywords) { id }}
Patients can be searched using the keywords
argument. The keywords
argument can be used to search by id
, first_name
, legal_name
, last_name
, record_identifier
, email
, dob
, and npi
Example variables:
{ "keywords": "John Doe 2002-01-01"}
You can combine multiple search terms by separating them with a space. The search will return patients who match all the terms. In the provided example, the search will only return patients with the first and last names “John Doe” and a date of birth 2002-01-01.
Create Location
mutation createLocation( $user_id: String $name: String $line1: String $zip: String $city: String $state: String $npi: String) { createLocation( input: { user_id: $user_id, name: $name, line1: $line1, zip: $zip, city: $city, state: $state, npi: $npi } ) { location { id name line1 zip } messages { field message } }}
You can use the creatLocation
or updateLocation
mutations to create update address information for patients.
User Groups
The User Group Object
# Some Example Fields
"userGroup": { "id": "9900", "name": "Discovery Patients", "users_count": "7", "invite_code": "fbeb7f", "onboarding_flow_id": 11 }
Patients can be organized into groups. Groups are a powerful feature in Healthie’s API. You can trigger automations, automatically share content, restrict features, and more based on groups. You can read a full overview of the feature here.
Groups are UserGroup
You can view the full list of available fields here.
Creating a User Group
mutation createGroup($name: String) { createGroup(input: { name: $name }) { user_group { id name } messages { field message } }}
User Groups are created via the createGroup
mutation. The createGroup
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over them below.
Input | Info |
name | Required. The name of the group. |
Retrieving a User Group
query getUserGroup($id: ID) { userGroup(id: $id) { id name users_count invite_code }}
Retrieving information on a a specific group is done via the userGroup
Input | Info |
id | Required. |
Updating a User Group
mutation updateUserGroup($id: ID, $name: String, $onboarding_flow_id: ID) { updateUserGroup(input: { id: $id, name: $name, onboarding_flow_id: $onboarding_flow_id }) { user_group { id name } messages { field message } }}
User Groups are updated via the updateUserGroup
mutation. The updateUserGroup
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over them below.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the group that will be updated |
name | Optional. |
onboarding_flow_id | Optional. The ID of the Onboarding Flow that patients in the group will be asked to fill out. |
Deleting a User Group
mutation deleteUserGroup($id: ID!, $group_to_receive_clients: ID) { deleteUserGroup(input: { id: $id, group_to_receive_clients: $group_to_receive_clients }) { user_group { id } messages { field message } }}
User Groups are deleted via the deleteUserGroup
mutation. The deleteUserGroup
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
We will go over them below.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The ID of the group to delete. |
group_to_receive_clients | Optional. The ID of a group to transfer all patients to that are currently assigned to the deleted group. When left blank, patients are not placed into any group. |
List All User Groups
query userGroups($offset: Int, $keywords: String, $sort_by: String) { userGroupsCount(keywords: $keywords) userGroups(offset: $offset, keywords: $keywords, sort_by: $sort_by, should_paginate: true) { id name users_count }}
A list of groups can be retrieved via the userGroups
query. This query is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential arguments here.
We will go over some of them below.
Input | Info |
should_paginate | Defaults to false. When true, the returned list of groups is paginated. |
keywords | Optional. A term to search groups by. Groups can be searched by name . |
sort_by | Defaults to “name”. Options are [“name”, “invite_code”, “created_at_asc”, “created_at_desc”, “group_name_asc”, “group_name_desc”, “users_count_asc”, “users_count_desc”] |
The User Tag Object
{ "id": 1, "name": "Tag A", "tagged_users": [ { "id": 2, "first_name": "John" } ], "user": { "id": 1, "email": "" }}
Client Tags offer an additional way (beyond Client Groups) to assign particular attributes to clients and automate specific actions based on Tags that have been established. While clients can only be assigned to one group, clients can have an unlimited number of tags.
Tags are Tag
Please note that tags are unique per provider/staff account.
Creating a Tag
mutation createTag($name: String, $taggable_user_id: ID) { createTag(input: { name: $name, taggable_user_id: $taggable_user_id }) { tag { id name tagged_users { id } }
messages { field message } }}
The createTag
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
Creating a new Tag with with the same name as another one will fail. To apply an existing Tag to other Users please check out Applying Tags to Users.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
name | Required. Tag name. |
taggable_user_id | Optional. The ID of the User to apply a Tag on. |
Returns createTagPayload
Updating a Tag
mutation updateTag($id: ID, $name: String) { updateTag(input: { id: $id, name: $name }) { tag { id name }
messages { field message } }}
Allows to change the Tag name.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. Tag ID. |
name | Required. Tag name. |
Returns updateTagPayload
Deleting a Tag
mutation deleteTag($id: ID) { deleteTag(input: { id: $id }) { tag { id name }
messages { field message } }}
Use the deleteTag
mutation to permanently delete a Tag. It does not delete associated Users.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The Tag ID. |
Returns deleteAppliedTagPayload
List all Tags
query tags { tags { id name }}
Display a list of all Tags for the current User’s Organization.
Returns an array of Tag
Applying Tags to Users
mutation applyTags($ids: [ID], $taggable_user_id: ID) { bulkApply(input: { ids: $ids, taggable_user_id: $taggable_user_id }) { tags { id name }
messages { field message } }}
You can apply multiple existing Tags at once to a single User by using bulkApply
The bulkApply
mutation is called from an authenticated provider/staff account.
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
ids | Required. List of Tag IDs to apply. |
taggable_user_id | Required. The ID of the User to apply a Tag on. |
Returns bulkApplyPayload
Removing Applied Tags
mutation removeAppliedTag($id: ID, $taggable_user_id: ID) { removeAppliedTag(input: { id: $id, taggable_user_id: $taggable_user_id }) { tag { id name }
messages { field message } }}
You can remove applied Tag from User by using removeAppliedTag
You can view a full list of potential inputs here.
Input | Info |
id | Required. The Tag ID. |
taggable_user_id | Required. The ID of the User to remove the Tag from. |
Returns removeAppliedTagPayload