Autogenerated input type of createAppointmentSetting
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEdeprecated
Use `charge_for_occurred_appts` insteadgive_notes_name
· Boolean
· Deprecated deprecated
· Int
· The late cancellation fee in cents minimum_advance_cancel_time
· Int
· Prevents the patient from canceling too close the appointment time. In minutes minimum_advance_reschedule_time
· Int
· Prevents the patient from rescheduling too close the appointment time. In minutes minimum_advance_schedule_time
· Int
· Prevents the patient from scheduling too close to the desired appointment time. In minutes minimum_days_in_advance
· String
· Deprecated. Use minimum_advance_schedule_time instead deprecated
Use `minimum_advance_schedule_time` insteadno_show_fee
· Int
· The no show fee in cents only_book_even
· Boolean
· Deprecated. Use booking_interval_restriction instead deprecated
Use `booking_interval_restriction` insteadonly_book_hour
· Boolean
· Deprecated. Use booking_interval_restriction instead deprecated
Use `booking_interval_restriction` insteadsend_text_reminder_five_minutes_before
· Boolean
· NOTE: Your organization MUST have its own Twilio account configured to have this feature, and have AppointmentSetting.send_email_before_appointment enabled times_by_appointment_type
· Boolean
· Allows times to be grouped by appointment type. NOTE: changing this value will clear all prior availability times_by_contact_type
· Boolean
· Allows times to be grouped by contact type. NOTE: changing this value will clear all prior availability times_by_location
· Boolean
· Allows times to be grouped by location. NOTE: changing this value will clear all prior availability Used By
"""Autogenerated input type of createAppointmentSetting"""input createAppointmentSettingInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") allow_appointment_type_pricing: Boolean allow_clients_to_cancel_appt: Boolean allow_external_videochat_urls: Boolean always_send_confirm_notification: Boolean appointment_locations: [AppointmentLocationInput] appt_type_confirmed_email: Boolean appt_type_reminder_email: Boolean appt_type_website_booking_email: Boolean ask_clients_to_confirm: Boolean ask_to_confirm_via_text: Boolean auto_create_cms1500: Boolean auto_schedule_charges_for_late_cancellation_no_show: Boolean auto_submit_cms1500: Boolean auto_invoicing: Boolean booking_interval_restriction: Int buffer: String calendar_color_schemes: [CalendarColorSchemeInput] charge_for_occured_appts: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use `charge_for_occurred_appts` instead") charge_for_occurred_appts: Boolean client_should_call_provider: Boolean clients_have_billing: Boolean confirm_by_default: Boolean contact_type_overrides: [ContactTypeOverrideInput] default_appt_form_to_group: Boolean default_charting_template_id: ID default_group_charting_template_id: ID default_to_zoom: Boolean default_video_service: String disable_requested_form_notifications: Boolean end_time: String
""" Deprecated """ give_notes_name: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Deprecated") hide_link: Boolean insurance_eligibility_integration: Boolean invoice_clients_without_payment_method: Boolean
""" The late cancellation fee in cents """ late_cancellation_fee: Int max_days_in_future: String
""" Prevents the patient from canceling too close the appointment time. In minutes """ minimum_advance_cancel_time: Int
""" Prevents the patient from rescheduling too close the appointment time. In minutes """ minimum_advance_reschedule_time: Int
""" Prevents the patient from scheduling too close to the desired appointment time. In minutes """ minimum_advance_schedule_time: Int
""" Deprecated. Use minimum_advance_schedule_time instead """ minimum_days_in_advance: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `minimum_advance_schedule_time` instead")
""" The no show fee in cents """ no_show_fee: Int
""" Deprecated. Use booking_interval_restriction instead """ only_book_even: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use `booking_interval_restriction` instead")
""" Deprecated. Use booking_interval_restriction instead """ only_book_hour: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use `booking_interval_restriction` instead") prevent_client_booking: Boolean prevent_no_credit_booking: Boolean reply_to_provider: Boolean restore_credit_on_cancel: Boolean same_day_appointments: Boolean send_appointment_cancellation_email: Boolean send_appointment_update_email: Boolean send_booking_notice: Boolean send_email_before_appointment: Boolean send_intake_forms_reminder: Boolean send_push_before_appointment: Boolean send_reminder_four_days_before: Boolean send_reminder_one_day_before: Boolean send_reminder_one_hour_before: Boolean send_reminder_three_days_before: Boolean send_reminder_two_days_before: Boolean send_reminder_two_hours_before: Boolean send_text_reminder_four_days_before: Boolean send_text_reminder_one_day_before: Boolean send_text_reminder_one_hour_before: Boolean send_text_reminder_three_days_before: Boolean send_text_reminder_two_days_before: Boolean send_text_reminder_two_hours_before: Boolean
""" NOTE: Your organization MUST have its own Twilio account configured to have this feature, and have AppointmentSetting.send_email_before_appointment enabled """ send_text_reminder_five_minutes_before: Boolean set_default_videochat_url: Boolean show_care_plans: Boolean show_faxes: Boolean show_insurance_authorization: Boolean start_time: String
""" Allows times to be grouped by appointment type. NOTE: changing this value will clear all prior availability """ times_by_appointment_type: Boolean
""" Allows times to be grouped by contact type. NOTE: changing this value will clear all prior availability """ times_by_contact_type: Boolean
""" Allows times to be grouped by location. NOTE: changing this value will clear all prior availability """ times_by_location: Boolean use_appointment_type_cpt_units_and_fees: Boolean use_client_credit_system: Boolean use_client_sources: Boolean use_zoom_waiting_room: Boolean user_id: ID video_url_default: VideoUrlDefaultInput}