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Alternative ID numbers for a provider


id · ID! · required · The unique identifier of the other id number
label · String · The label to use for the other id
organization · Organization · The associated organization
organization_id · String · The ID of the associated organization
other_id · String · The other id
other_id_qualifier · String · The other ID qualifier (what type of ID it is)
user · User · The associated user
deprecated You never need to query the user of the other_id
user_id · String · The ID of the associated user

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Alternative ID numbers for a provider
type OtherIdNumber {
The unique identifier of the other id number
id: ID!
The label to use for the other id
label: String
The associated organization
organization: Organization
The ID of the associated organization
organization_id: String
The other id
other_id: String
The other ID qualifier (what type of ID it is)
other_id_qualifier: String
The associated user
user: User
@deprecated(reason: "You never need to query the user of the other_id")
The ID of the associated user
user_id: String