Prescription created in Dosespot
· ISO8601DateTime
· Date when prescription became ineffective date_written
· ISO8601DateTime
· Date prescription was written days_supply
· Int
· Number of days supplied prescription should last directions
· String
· Direction provided to patient when taking prescription. Entered by provider drug_classification
· String
· The classification of the drug effective_date
· ISO8601DateTime
· Date when prescription became effective last_fill_date
· ISO8601DateTime
· Date prescription was last refilled monograph_path
· String
· Monograph path entered by provider deprecated
Deprecated by vendor, use MedicationOptionType.monograph insteadno_substitutions
· Boolean
· If true, pharmacy has been instructed not to dispense a substitute/generic version pharmacy_notes
· String
· Notes for pharmacy entered by provider prescriber_name
· String
· The name of the prescriber product_name
· String
· Name and dosage of the prescription. Example: ibuprofen 200 mg tablet rx_reference_number
· String
· The prescription reference number Used By
"""Prescription created in Dosespot"""type Prescription { """ Comment entered by provider """ comment: String
""" Date when prescription became ineffective """ date_inactive: ISO8601DateTime
""" Date prescription was written """ date_written: ISO8601DateTime
""" Number of days supplied prescription should last """ days_supply: Int
""" Direction provided to patient when taking prescription. Entered by provider """ directions: String
""" The dosage (strength) of the prescription """ dosage: String
""" The form of the prescription. Example: tablet, capsule, teaspoon """ dose_form: String
""" The classification of the drug """ drug_classification: String
""" Date when prescription became effective """ effective_date: ISO8601DateTime
""" Encounter entered by provider """ encounter: String
""" The unique identifier of the prescription """ id: ID!
""" If the prescription is urgent """ is_urgent: Boolean
""" Date prescription was last refilled """ last_fill_date: ISO8601DateTime
""" Monograph path entered by provider """ monograph_path: String @deprecated( reason: "Deprecated by vendor, use MedicationOptionType.monograph instead" )
""" The prescription's national drug code """ ndc: String
""" If true, pharmacy has been instructed not to dispense a substitute/generic version """ no_substitutions: Boolean
""" Over the counter drug """ otc: String
""" Pharmacy information assigned in dosespot (Not stored in db) """ pharmacy: Pharmacy
""" Notes for pharmacy entered by provider """ pharmacy_notes: String
""" The name of the prescriber """ prescriber_name: String
""" Name and dosage of the prescription. Example: ibuprofen 200 mg tablet """ product_name: String
""" Quantity of medication per refill """ quantity: String
""" Number of refills prescribed """ refills: String
""" Form in which prescription is delivered """ route: String
""" The prescription reference number """ rx_reference_number: String
""" The prescription rxcui """ rxcui: String
""" The schedule of medication. Examples: PRN, QD, BID, TID, QID, Q4H, Q6H, Q8H, Q12H, Q24H, Q48H, Q72H, Q96H, QAM, QPM, QHS, QOD, QWEEK, QMONTH, QYEAR """ schedule: String
""" Status of prescription. Example: Entered, Printed, Sending, eRxSent, Deleted """ status: String
""" Unit of medication. Example: tablet, capsule, teaspoon """ unit: String}