Fullscript Treatment Plan
· ISO8601DateTime
· Date the treatment plan was activated ordered_count
· Int
· Number of times the plan has been ordered personal_message
· String
· Personal message from the practitioner practitioner_name
· String
· The name of the practitioner recommendations
· [FullscriptProductType!]
· The products recommended in the plan Used By
"""Fullscript Treatment Plan"""type FullscriptTreatmentPlanType { """ Date the treatment plan was activated """ activation_date: ISO8601DateTime
""" The unique identifier of the plan """ id: String!
""" Number of times the plan has been ordered """ ordered_count: Int
""" Personal message from the practitioner """ personal_message: String
""" The name of the practitioner """ practitioner_name: String
""" The products recommended in the plan """ recommendations: [FullscriptProductType!]}