icd codes policies join table
· ISO8601DateTime
· The date when the join was created description
· String
· The description of the join icd_code_id
· ID
· The ID of the joined ICD code updated_at
· ISO8601DateTime
· The date updated Used By
"""icd codes policies join table"""type IcdCodesPolicy { """ The ICD code """ code: String
""" The date when the join was created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime
""" The description of the join """ description: String
""" The ICD code object """ icd_code: IcdCode
""" The ID of the joined ICD code """ icd_code_id: ID
""" The unique identifier of the join between ICD code and policy. """ id: ID
""" The ID of the joined policy """ policy_id: ID
""" The date updated """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime}