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Autogenerated input type of createDocument


deprecated DO NOT USE
created_at · ISO8601DateTime · Requires additional permissions to edit
generate_ccda_for_rel_user_id · Boolean · When true, a CCDA document is created for the specified rel_user
generate_human_readable_ccda_for_rel_user_id · Boolean · When true, a human-readable CCDA document is created for the specified rel_user
metadata · String · Metadata for an document type. Maximum character limit of 128,000.
on_form_for_user_id · ID · Optional. This is passed in when a document is uploaded via a Form Upload question module. Should be the User ID. Otherwise, nil.
report_type · String · If using the report_type parameter, value must be one of the following options: "Short Client List", "Long Client List", "Client Activity List", "Client Metrics", "Appointments", "Courses", "Program Forms", "Clients Credits", "Payments", "Transfers", "Transactions", "CMS1500s", "Superbills", "Referring Physicians", "Insurance Authorization", "Client Blood Sugar", "Requested Payments"
share_users · [ID] · A list of doc_share_ids
updated_at · ISO8601DateTime · Requires additional permissions to edit

Used By


Autogenerated input type of createDocument
input createDocumentInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
care_plan_id: ID
clients_ids: [ID]
course_id: ID
Requires additional permissions to edit
created_at: ISO8601DateTime
description: String
display_name: String
file: Upload
file_string: String
folder_id: ID
from_date: ISO8601DateTime
from_program_create: Boolean
When true, a CCDA document is created for the specified rel_user
generate_ccda_for_rel_user_id: Boolean
When true, a human-readable CCDA document is created for the specified rel_user
generate_human_readable_ccda_for_rel_user_id: Boolean
include_in_charting: Boolean
is_photo_id: Boolean
Metadata for an document type. Maximum character limit of 128,000.
metadata: String
Optional. This is passed in when a document is uploaded via a Form Upload question module. Should be the User ID. Otherwise, nil.
on_form_for_user_id: ID
org_level: Boolean
payout_id: ID
provider_ids: [ID] = []
rcf_id: ID
rel_user_id: ID
If using the report_type parameter, value must be one of the following options: "Short Client List", "Long Client List", "Client Activity List", "Client Metrics", "Appointments", "Courses", "Program Forms", "Clients Credits", "Payments", "Transfers", "Transactions", "CMS1500s", "Superbills", "Referring Physicians", "Insurance Authorization", "Client Blood Sugar", "Requested Payments"
report_type: String
A list of doc_share_ids
share_users: [ID]
share_with_rel: Boolean
to_date: ISO8601DateTime
Requires additional permissions to edit
updated_at: ISO8601DateTime