A request, from a provider to a client, to make a payment
· Appointment
· The appointment associated with this requested payment appointment_id
· String
· The ID of the appointment associated with this requested payment balance_due
· Float
· The balance due on this invoice (based on payments and write-offs) billing_item_id
· String
· The id of the filled form that completes the request cms1500_id
· String
· The ID of the CMS1500 to pay for cms1500_service_date
· ISO8601DateTime
· The CMS1500 service date date_to_show
· ISO8601DateTime
· The relevant date to show debt_decimal
· Float
· The debt, including decimals email_sent_at
· ISO8601DateTime
· The datetime that the share email was last sent, nil if never invoice_id
· String
· The generated invoice ID invoice_type
· String
· The type of invoice is_manually_paid
· Boolean
· True if requested payment was manually paid offering_id
· String
· The ID of the offering to buy offering_price_at_invoice_creation
· String
· The price of the offering at the time of invoice creation other_requested_payer
· RequestedPayer
· The requested payer. This will return null if the requested payer exists as a client in Healthie paid_at
· ISO8601DateTime
· The datetime that the invoice was paid paid_percent
· Int
· Percent from total price which has been paid (if status == Partial) recipient_id
· String
· The ID of the recipient (client) requested_payer
· RequestedPayer
· Individual responsible for payment. If user_id, the user exists in Healthie, otherwise the individual doesn't have a Healthie account. requested_payer_id
· String
· The ID of the requested payer requested_payment_template
· RequestedPaymentTemplate
· The template used to create this requested payment service_date
· ISO8601DateTime
· The service date services_provided
· String
· The services provided user_package_selection
· UserPackageSelection
· User Package Selection connected to this requested payment write_off_amount
· Float
· The total amount written off write_offs
· [WriteOff!]
· The write-offs associated with this requested payment Used By
"""A request, from a provider to a client, to make a payment"""type RequestedPayment { """ The appointment associated with this requested payment """ appointment: Appointment
""" The ID of the appointment associated with this requested payment """ appointment_id: String
""" The balance due on this invoice (based on payments and write-offs) """ balance_due: Float
""" The id of the filled form that completes the request """ billing_item_id: String
""" The payments that completes the request """ billing_items( """ Only return successful billing items """ only_successful: Boolean = true ): [BillingItem!]!
""" The ID of the CMS1500 to pay for """ cms1500_id: String
""" The CMS1500 service date """ cms1500_service_date: ISO8601DateTime
""" The currency of the requested payment (invoice) """ currency: String
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The relevant date to show """ date_to_show: ISO8601DateTime
""" Balance to pay """ debt: Int @deprecated(reason: "use debt_decimal instead")
""" The debt, including decimals """ debt_decimal: Float
""" The details of the invoice (based off of associated item) """ details: String
""" The datetime that the share email was last sent, nil if never """ email_sent_at: ISO8601DateTime
""" The unique identifier of the payment """ id: ID!
""" The generated invoice ID """ invoice_id: String
""" The type of invoice """ invoice_type: String
""" True if requested payment was manually paid """ is_manually_paid: Boolean
""" True if the invoice is still in preview mode """ is_preview: Boolean!
""" Extra details on the invoice """ notes: String
""" The offering to purchase """ offering: Offering
""" The ID of the offering to buy """ offering_id: String
""" The price of the offering at the time of invoice creation """ offering_price_at_invoice_creation: String
""" The requested payer. This will return null if the requested payer exists as a client in Healthie """ other_requested_payer: RequestedPayer
""" The datetime that the invoice was paid """ paid_at: ISO8601DateTime
""" Percent from total price which has been paid (if status == Partial) """ paid_percent: Int
""" price of payment requested """ price: String
""" The recipient (client) """ recipient: User
""" The ID of the recipient (client) """ recipient_id: String
""" Individual responsible for payment. If user_id, the user exists in Healthie, otherwise the individual doesn't have a Healthie account. """ requested_payer: RequestedPayer
""" The ID of the requested payer """ requested_payer_id: String
""" The template used to create this requested payment """ requested_payment_template: RequestedPaymentTemplate
""" The sender (provider) """ sender: User
""" The ID of the sender (provider) """ sender_id: String
""" The service date """ service_date: ISO8601DateTime
""" The services provided """ services_provided: String
""" The status of the request """ status: String
""" User Package Selection connected to this requested payment """ user_package_selection: UserPackageSelection
""" The total amount written off """ write_off_amount: Float
""" The write-offs associated with this requested payment """ write_offs: [WriteOff!]}