A post about a client, with different category options
· User
· User who added the entry added_by_user_id
· ID
· the user who actually put in the entry (not always the user who the entry is about) default_water_intake_for_entry_user
· Int
· Default water intake for this entry user description
· String
· The description for the entry ed_posthunger
· String
· A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were after eating ed_posthunger_string
· String
· A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were after eating ed_prehunger
· String
· A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were before eating ed_prehunger_string
· String
· A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were before eating emotions_string
· String
· The users emotions towards the meal entries_in_average
· Int
· If average of any type, value indicates amount of entries already included in average calculation external_id
· String
· Third party external ID associated with this entry external_id_type
· String
· Third party associated with the external ID on this entry. One option currently supported is 'AppleHealth' has_subentries
· Boolean
· True if the entry has subentries healthiness_info_hex_value
· String
· A hexadecimal value corresponding to the metric stat of a food entry hide_from_main_feed
· Boolean!
· required · A boolean to check if the entry should be hidden from the main client feed metric_stat
· Float
· The value of the metric for the entry metric_stat_string
· String
· Metric stat as a string other_symptom
· String
· Other symptom typed by the client percieved_hungriness
· Float
· How hungry the poster thinks they were before eating reflection
· String
· the users reflections towards the meal subentries
· [Entry!]
· subentries of the Entry symptom_names
· String
· Comma-separated list of symptom names third_party_source
· String
· A name of third party source which actually created the entry Used By
"""A post about a client, with different category options"""type Entry { """ User who added the entry """ added_by_user: User
""" the user who actually put in the entry (not always the user who the entry is about) """ added_by_user_id: ID
""" The category of this entry """ category: String
""" All comments association with this entry. """ comments: [Comment!]!
""" The time at which this entry was created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" Default water intake for this entry user """ default_water_intake_for_entry_user: Int
""" The description for the entry """ description: String
""" A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were after eating """ ed_posthunger: String
""" A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were after eating """ ed_posthunger_string: String
""" A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were before eating """ ed_prehunger: String
""" A more granular 1-10 scale of how hungry the user thought they were before eating """ ed_prehunger_string: String
""" The users emotions towards the meal """ emotions: String
""" The users emotions towards the meal """ emotions_string: String
""" If average of any type, value indicates amount of entries already included in average calculation """ entries_in_average: Int
""" Third party external ID associated with this entry """ external_id: String
""" Third party associated with the external ID on this entry. One option currently supported is 'AppleHealth' """ external_id_type: String
""" True if the entry has subentries """ has_subentries: Boolean
""" A hexadecimal value corresponding to the metric stat of a food entry """ healthiness_info_hex_value: String
""" A boolean to check if the entry should be hidden from the main client feed """ hide_from_main_feed: Boolean!
""" The unique identifier of the entry """ id: ID!
""" The associated image of the entry """ image: Upload
""" The URL of the entry's associated image """ image_url: String
""" Meal entries of FoodEntry """ meals: [Meal!]
""" The value of the metric for the entry """ metric_stat: Float
""" Metric stat as a string """ metric_stat_string: String
""" The name for this entry """ name: String
""" Other symptom typed by the client """ other_symptom: String
""" How hungry the poster thinks they were before eating """ percieved_hungriness: Float
""" User who the entry is about """ poster: User
""" The water intake previously added """ previous_water_intake_stat: Int!
""" the users reflections towards the meal """ reflection: String
""" A name of third party source or full name of user who have created the entry """ source: String
""" subentries of the Entry """ subentries: [Entry!]
""" Comma-separated list of symptom names """ symptom_names: String
""" Multiple symptoms ID selected by the client """ symptoms: String
""" A name of third party source which actually created the entry """ third_party_source: String
""" The type for this entry, options are - FoodEntry, WorkoutEntry, MirrorEntry, SleepEntry, NoteEntry, WaterIntakeEntry, PoopEntry', null: false """ type: String
""" The last date and time that the entry was updated """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" A check to see if the entry has been viewed or not """ viewed: Boolean!}