An insurance authorization
· String
· The authorization number chart_info
· InsuranceAuthorizationChartType
· Chart info for the insurance authorization units_authorized
· String
· The amount of units authorized by the insurance company units_left
· String
· The amount of units left units_limit_per_visit
· String
· Most units/hours allowed per visit units_used
· String
· The amount of units used by the client updated_at
· ISO8601DateTime
· Most recent date authorization was updated visits_authorized
· String
· The amount of units authorized by the insurance company visits_left
· String
· The amount of units left visits_used
· String
· The amount of units used by the client Used By
"""An insurance authorization"""type InsuranceAuthorizationType { """ The authorization number """ authorization_number: String
""" Chart info for the insurance authorization """ chart_info: InsuranceAuthorizationChartType
""" The day that visits authorized by the insurance company have no effect """ end_on: String
""" The unique identifier of the authorization """ id: ID!
""" The day that visits authorized by the insurance company take effect """ start_on: String
""" The amount of units left """ unit_type: String
""" The amount of units authorized by the insurance company """ units_authorized: String
""" The amount of units left """ units_left: String
""" Most units/hours allowed per visit """ units_limit_per_visit: String
""" The amount of units used by the client """ units_used: String
""" Most recent date authorization was updated """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime
""" The ID of the user for whom the authorization was created """ user_id: ID
""" The amount of units authorized by the insurance company """ visits_authorized: String
""" The amount of units left """ visits_left: String
""" The amount of units used by the client """ visits_used: String}