
An organization, that is an umbrella group for multiple providers

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Organization {
  • # The active potential care team members of the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # provider_ids: The list of IDs of interested providers
  • # record_identifiers: An array of provider record identifiers.
  • # When passed in, only providers with these matching record identifiers are
  • # returned.
  • # state_licenses: [Not documented]
  • active_care_team_members(
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • record_identifiers: [String],
  • state_licenses: [String]
  • ): [User!]
  • # The active users of the organization used for starting new conversations
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # exclude_sub_org_members: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • active_members_for_conversation(
  • exclude_sub_org_members: Boolean,
  • keywords: String
  • ): [User!]
  • # Returns organization appointment locations
  • appointment_locations: [AppointmentLocation!]
  • # Can have suborgs for this org
  • can_have_suborgs: Boolean
  • # The creation date of the organization
  • created_at: String!
  • # The filled out teaching kitchen form
  • filled_tk_form: FormAnswerGroup @deprecated( reason: "No longer supported" )
  • # The unique identifier of the organization
  • id: ID!
  • # The location of the organization
  • location: Location
  • # The name of the organization
  • name: String
  • # The NPI of the organization
  • npi: String
  • # The number of users in the organization
  • num_users: String
  • # The ID of the onboarding flow for org providers
  • onboarding_flow_id: String
  • # The active organization memberships of the organization
  • only_active_organization_memberships: [OrganizationMembership!]
  • # The active providers of the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # include_suborg_providers: If false return only active providers
  • # of current org
  • # provider_ids: Customize IDs of iterested providers
  • only_active_providers(
  • include_suborg_providers: Boolean,
  • provider_ids: [ID]
  • ): [User!]
  • # The number of active providers of the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # provider_ids: Customize IDs of iterested providers
  • only_active_providers_count(provider_ids: [ID]): Int
  • # The active support users of the organization
  • only_active_support: [User!]
  • # The number of active support user of the organization
  • only_active_support_count: Int
  • # Potential Organization Roles for this Organization
  • org_roles: [String!]
  • # Returns organization cpt codes
  • organization_cpt_codes: [OrganizationCptCodeType!]
  • # The first organization info of the organization
  • organization_info: OrganizationInfo
  • # The organization infos of the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • organization_infos(
  • id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean
  • ): [OrganizationInfo!]
  • # The count of organization infos of the organization
  • organization_infos_count: Int
  • # The organization memberships of the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # use_filters: [Not documented]
  • organization_memberships(
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • use_filters: Boolean
  • ): [OrganizationMembership!]
  • # The total count of organization memberships on this organization
  • organization_memberships_count: Int
  • # The other id
  • other_id: String
  • # The other ID qualifier (what type of ID it is)
  • other_id_qual: String
  • # The owner of the organization
  • owner: User
  • # The ID of the org owner
  • owner_id: ID
  • # The owner of the org's subscription
  • owner_subscription: SubscriptionInstance
  • # Parent organization for this org
  • parent_organization: Organization
  • # ID of the parent organization
  • parent_organization_id: ID
  • # Permission templates for this org
  • permission_templates: [PermissionTemplateType!]
  • # The phone number of the organization
  • phone_number: String
  • # The providers of the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # licensed_in_state: Two letter state abbreviation (e.g. "CA",
  • # "NY")
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # with_private_notes_for_id: [Not documented]
  • # with_tag_ids: When passed in, only providers with all the
  • # passed-in tags will be returned.
  • providers(
  • keywords: String,
  • licensed_in_state: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • with_private_notes_for_id: String,
  • with_tag_ids: [ID]
  • ): [User!]
  • # The number of providers in the organization
  • providers_count: Int
  • # The number of users in the organization connected their rupa health account
  • rupa_health_members: [User!]
  • # Returns organization state licenses
  • state_licenses: [String!]
  • # Suborganizations for this org
  • suborganizations: [Organization!]
  • # Returns organization tags
  • tags: [Tag!]
  • # Tax ID of organization
  • tax_id: String
  • # The tax is of the organization
  • tax_id_type: String
  • # User groups that are in the organization
  • user_groups: [UserGroup!]
  • # The users of the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # show_all_by_default: [Not documented]
  • users(active_status: String, keywords: String, show_all_by_default: Boolean): [User!]
  • # Builder ID for the Zus token
  • zus_builder_id: String
  • }