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Marketing campaign (email/sms) sent to clients by provider


button_text · String · Button label in email
button_url · String · URL in button
clients · [User!] · individual clients who have received this campaign
email_body · String · Email body
email_greeting · String · Greeting used before email body
email_subject · String · Subject line of email
id · ID! · required · The unique identifier of the campaign
is_draft · Boolean · If true, campaign hasn't been sent and has been saved as a draft
is_email · Boolean! · required · If true, campaign (will be/has been) sent as an email
is_sms · Boolean! · required · If true, campaign (will be/has been) sent as an sms message
name · String · Name of a campaign labeled by provider
sms_body · String · SMS text message content
tags · [Tag!] · Groups of users with the same tags who have received this campaign
user · User · Name of a campaign labeled by provider
user_groups · [UserGroup!] · User groups who have received this campaign

Used By


Marketing campaign (email/sms) sent to clients by provider
type Campaign {
Button label in email
button_text: String
URL in button
button_url: String
individual clients who have received this campaign
the page offset (if should paginate)
offset: Int
if the result should be paginated
should_paginate: Boolean
): [User!]
Email body
email_body: String
Greeting used before email body
email_greeting: String
Subject line of email
email_subject: String
The unique identifier of the campaign
id: ID!
If true, campaign hasn't been sent and has been saved as a draft
is_draft: Boolean
If true, campaign (will be/has been) sent as an email
is_email: Boolean!
If true, campaign (will be/has been) sent as an sms message
is_sms: Boolean!
Name of a campaign labeled by provider
name: String
SMS text message content
sms_body: String
Groups of users with the same tags who have received this campaign
tags: [Tag!]
Name of a campaign labeled by provider
user: User
User groups who have received this campaign
user_groups: [UserGroup!]