
Appointment Setting options that a provider can customize

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type AppointmentSetting {
  • # Insurance plans that are accepted by the provider
  • accepted_insurance_plans: [AcceptedInsurancePlan!]
  • # Whether or not providers will be able to set pricing per appointment type
  • allow_appointment_type_pricing: Boolean
  • # If true, clients will be able to cancel an appointment
  • allow_clients_to_cancel_appt: Boolean
  • # If true, clients will be able to reschedule an appointment
  • allow_clients_to_reschedule_appt: Boolean!
  • # When true, providers can specify external url (e.g., Doxy, VSee) for Video Call
  • # appointments.
  • allow_external_videochat_urls: Boolean!
  • # When true, a client can reschedule a past appointment (on the Web/API only)
  • allow_past_appointment_rescheduling: Boolean!
  • # Whether or not clients will have specific pricing for appointment types
  • allow_specific_client_pricing: Boolean!
  • # Whether or not providers will have specific pricing for appointment types
  • allow_specific_provider_pricing: Boolean!
  • # Always notify the provider when the client books
  • always_send_confirm_notification: Boolean
  • # Appointment Locations for this Appointment Setting
  • appointment_locations: [AppointmentLocation!]
  • # Have different appointment confirmation emails for each appointment type
  • appointment_type_confirmed_email: Boolean
  • # Have different appointment reminder emails for each appointment type
  • appointment_type_reminder_email: Boolean
  • # When true, and when the appointment setting is associated to a specific
  • # appointment type, the reminder settings will override the provider's normal ones
  • appointment_type_reminder_override: Boolean
  • # Have different website booking emails for each appointment type
  • appointment_type_website_booking_email: Boolean
  • # Seperate confirmation emails for different appointment types
  • appt_type_confirmed_email: Boolean
  • # Seperate reminder emails for different appointment types
  • appt_type_reminder_email: Boolean
  • # Seperate website booking emails for different appointment types
  • appt_type_website_booking_email: Boolean
  • # Ask clients to confirm their appointment
  • ask_clients_to_confirm: Boolean
  • # If true, clients can confirm their appointment via text
  • ask_to_confirm_via_text: Boolean
  • # When true, after an appointment has been set as occurred, a CMS 1500 claim can
  • # be automatically created for the session
  • auto_create_cms1500: Boolean
  • # Auto-generate a payment request when an appointment is scheduled
  • auto_invoicing: Boolean
  • # when true, a scheduled charge will be created when an appointment is marked as
  • # late cancellation or no show
  • auto_schedule_charges_for_late_cancellation_no_show: Boolean
  • # When true, it will be automatically submitted to the clearinghouse on the
  • # following Friday at 11:59 PM
  • auto_submit_cms1500: Boolean
  • # Allow clients to book appointments at none, 20, 30, 60 intervals
  • booking_interval_restriction: Int
  • # The amount of minutes to maintain between appointments (prevent back to back
  • # appointments)
  • buffer: String
  • # The color schemes defined for this appointment setting
  • calendar_color_schemes: [CalendarColorScheme!]
  • # Calendar interval
  • calendar_interval: String
  • # Text to display above the client's calendar within Healthie
  • calendar_text: String
  • # Message to show clients when they are not allowed to cancel
  • cant_cancel_message: String
  • # Message to show clients when they are not allowed to cancel
  • cant_reschedule_message: String
  • # Whether or not client with valid payment method will be charged for occured
  • # appointments
  • charge_for_occured_appts: Boolean
  • # If true, clients will be able to call to provider
  • client_should_call_provider: Boolean
  • # When false, the billing tab is hidden from clients
  • clients_have_billing: Boolean
  • # Confirm all client-created appointments by default
  • confirm_by_default: Boolean
  • # Contact type overrides for this appointment setting
  • contact_type_overrides: [ContactType!]
  • # Show the group appointment form first
  • default_appt_form_to_group: Boolean
  • # The template selected will automatically appear when a new chart note is started
  • default_charting_template_id: String
  • # The template name selected
  • default_charting_template_name: String
  • # The form that should be pre-selected when creating a new group charting note
  • default_group_charting_template: CustomModuleForm
  • # Use Zoom for all telehealth appointments
  • default_to_zoom: Boolean
  • # Video service to use for telehealth appointments ('internal', 'zoom', or
  • # 'external')
  • default_video_service: String
  • # Prevent the client from rescheduling a past appointment with one of these
  • # statuses
  • disallowed_reschedulable_statuses: [String]
  • # The end time to show when setting weekly availability
  • end_time: String
  • # Facebook pixel code that runs when the client completes the embdedded
  • # scheduler/purchaser
  • fb_pixel: String
  • # Assign a name to chart notes
  • give_notes_name: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "This now always returns true" )
  • # If true, hide insurance getting started info
  • hide_insurance_getting_started_info: Boolean
  • # Hide links to Healthie from appointment reminders
  • hide_link: Boolean
  • # The unique identifier of the setting
  • id: ID!
  • # When true, it will show the option to run an insurance eligibility check for a
  • # client
  • insurance_eligibility_integration: Boolean
  • # Whether or not to send invoice to client without a valid payment card/method
  • invoice_clients_without_payment_method: Boolean
  • # The fee (in cents) to use for appointments marked as late cancellation
  • late_cancellation_fee: Int
  • # The maximum number of days in advance a client can book
  • max_days_in_future: String
  • # Maximum time a client must wait before being able to reschedule a past
  • # appointment
  • maximum_past_reschedule_time: Int
  • # Minimum time before the appointment when client still can cancel it (in minutes)
  • minimum_advance_cancel_time: Int
  • # Minimum time before the appointment when client still can reschedule it (in
  • # minutes)
  • minimum_advance_reschedule_time: Int
  • # Minimum time before the despired appointment type where client still can
  • # schedule it (in minutes)
  • minimum_advance_schedule_time: Int
  • # The minimum days in advance a client has to book
  • minimum_days_in_advance: String
  • # Minimum time a client must wait before being able to reschedule a past
  • # appointment
  • minimum_past_reschedule_time: Int
  • # The fee (in cents) to use for appointments marked as no show
  • no_show_fee: Int
  • # Either "even" or "hour" to restrict booking to even hours or half hours.
  • only_book: String @deprecated( reason: "Use booking_interval_restriction instead" )
  • # Whether or not to restrict booking to even hours or half hours.
  • only_book_even: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "Use booking_interval_restriction instead" )
  • # Whether or not to restrict booking to even hours or half hours.
  • only_book_hour: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "Use booking_interval_restriction instead" )
  • # Owner of this appointment_setting
  • owner: User
  • # The maximum number of times a patient can self reschedule
  • patient_reschedule_count_cap: String
  • # Appointment statuses that can be applied to an appointment. Includes default
  • # ones plus any custom
  • pm_statuses: [String]
  • # Prevent clients from booking an appointment
  • prevent_client_booking: Boolean
  • # Prevent clients from booking if they do not have the needed credit
  • prevent_no_credit_booking: Boolean
  • # When true, replies to automatic notifications will go to the provider
  • reply_to_provider: Boolean
  • # When true, providers and staff will always be asked to select an appointment
  • # location when scheduling, even if its a video chat.
  • require_selected_location_for_all_contact_types: Boolean
  • # The minimum number of days beyond the current appointment date that the patient
  • # can reschedule to
  • reschedule_max_days_before_date: String
  • # The maximum number of days beyond the current appointment date that the patient
  • # can reschedule to
  • reschedule_max_days_from_date: String
  • # Give clients their credit back when an appointment is cancelled
  • restore_credit_on_cancel: Boolean
  • # When true, clients are prevented from scheduling appointments the day of
  • same_day_appointments: Boolean
  • # When false, no appointment cancel emails are sent to patients.
  • send_appointment_cancellation_email: Boolean
  • # When false, no appointment update emails are sent to patients.
  • send_appointment_update_email: Boolean
  • # Send clients an email when a provider schedules an appointment
  • send_booking_notice: Boolean
  • # Send an email 5 minutes before a video chat starts
  • send_email_before_appointment: Boolean
  • # Send email reminder to complete intake forms two days before
  • send_intake_forms_reminder: Boolean
  • # Send a push notification 5 minutes before a video chat starts
  • send_push_before_appointment: Boolean
  • # Send an email reminder four days before the appointment
  • send_reminder_four_days_before: Boolean
  • # Send an email reminder one day before the appointment
  • send_reminder_one_day_before: Boolean
  • # Send an email reminder one hour before the appointment
  • send_reminder_one_hour_before: Boolean
  • # Send an email reminder three days before the appointment
  • send_reminder_three_days_before: Boolean
  • # Send an email reminder two days before the appointment
  • send_reminder_two_days_before: Boolean
  • # Send an email reminder two hours before the appointment
  • send_reminder_two_hours_before: Boolean
  • # NOTE: Your organization MUST have its own Twilio account configured to have this
  • # feature, and have AppointmentSetting.send_email_before_appointment enabled
  • send_text_reminder_five_minutes_before: Boolean
  • # Send a text reminder four days before the appointment
  • send_text_reminder_four_days_before: Boolean
  • # Send a text reminder one day before the appointment
  • send_text_reminder_one_day_before: Boolean
  • # Send a text reminder one hour before the appointment
  • send_text_reminder_one_hour_before: Boolean
  • # Send a text reminder three days before the appointment
  • send_text_reminder_three_days_before: Boolean
  • # Send a text reminder two days before the appointment
  • send_text_reminder_two_days_before: Boolean
  • # Send a text reminder two hours before the appointment
  • send_text_reminder_two_hours_before: Boolean
  • # When true, providers can set a default external link for video call sessions.
  • set_default_videochat_url: Boolean
  • # If True, provider will see Care Plans option on a Client profile page
  • show_care_plans: Boolean
  • # If true, show cms1500s
  • show_cms1500s: Boolean
  • # When false, the faxing tab on the left hand side is hidden from providers
  • show_faxes: Boolean
  • # If true, show the insurance authorization section on the clients profile
  • show_insurance_authorization: Boolean
  • # If true, show office ally
  • show_office_ally: Boolean
  • # If true, show superbills
  • show_superbills: Boolean
  • # Facebook pixel code that runs when the client starts the embdedded
  • # scheduler/purchaser
  • start_fb_pixel: String
  • # The start time to show when setting weekly availability
  • start_time: String
  • # Set different availability for each appointment type
  • times_by_appointment_type: Boolean
  • # Set different availability for each contact type
  • times_by_contact_type: Boolean
  • # Set different availability for each appointment location
  • times_by_location: Boolean
  • # The last date and time that the appointment setting was updated
  • updated_at: String
  • # Whether or not to use the client credit system
  • use_client_credit_system: Boolean
  • # If true, you can see where each client came from
  • use_client_sources: Boolean
  • # If true, clients will be placed in a waiting room instead of joining the Zoom
  • # call directly
  • use_zoom_waiting_room: Boolean
  • # The id of the user
  • user_id: String
  • # Default video url settings
  • video_url_default: VideoUrlDefault
  • }