

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type BillingItem {
  • # amount of billing item
  • amount_paid: String
  • # Fee charged by stripe in cents
  • application_fee_amount: String
  • # card brand and last4 digits in the event of a failed charge
  • card_source: String
  • # the related charge backs
  • charge_backs: [ChargeBack!]
  • # coupon code
  • coupon_code: String
  • # cpt codes super bills id
  • cpt_codes_super_bills_id: ID
  • # created at date
  • created_at: String!
  • # type of currency
  • currency: String
  • # Pagination cursor
  • cursor: Cursor!
  • # date payment was deleted
  • deleted_at: String
  • # Error message returned when payment failed
  • failure_reason: String
  • # Name of person who gifted this package(if applicable). Returns nil if not an
  • # offering or if not a gift
  • gifted_by: String
  • # Name of person who received this package as a gift. Returns nil if not an
  • # offering or if not a gift
  • gifted_to: String
  • # The unique identifier of the billing item
  • id: ID!
  • # id of invoice
  • invoice_id: ID @deprecated( reason: "Use requested_payment_id instead. This will return the same data as that" )
  • # canceled indicator
  • is_canceled: Boolean
  • # Whether this payment was made outside of Healthie
  • is_outside_payment: Boolean
  • # Whether this payment is recurring
  • is_recurring: Boolean
  • # The index number of partial payment
  • item_position_number: Int
  • # The payment, after refunds are taken out
  • net_payment: String
  • # Nil unless the payment is an uncharged upcoming scheduled payment. Otherwise, is
  • # the payment amount that is scheduled to be charged
  • next_scheduled_payment_amount: String
  • # payment note
  • note: String
  • # offering connected to the payment
  • offering: Offering
  • # offering coupon connected to the payment
  • offering_coupon: OfferingCoupon
  • # id of coupon
  • offering_coupon_id: ID
  • # offering id
  • offering_id: ID
  • # original price
  • original_price: String
  • # payment medium
  • payment_medium: ID
  • # provider
  • provider: User
  • # receipt last sent at date
  • receipt_last_sent_at: String
  • # recipient of this payment
  • recipient: User
  • # id of receiver
  • recipient_id: ID
  • # recurring payment connected to the payment
  • recurring_payment: RecurringPayment
  • # amount of refund
  • refund_amount: String
  • # date of refund
  • refund_date: String
  • # the related refundings
  • refund_items: [RefundItem!]
  • # Individual responsible for payment. If user_id, user exists in Healthie, if not,
  • # individual doesn't have a Healthie account
  • requested_payer: RequestedPayer
  • # the connected requested payment
  • requested_payment: RequestedPayment
  • # id of requested payment (we call them invoices in our UI)
  • requested_payment_id: ID
  • # sender of this payment
  • sender: User
  • # id of sender
  • sender_id: ID
  • # The description text to show for the payment
  • shown_description: String
  • # The note text to show for the payment
  • shown_note: String
  • # Enum status of billing item succeeded/failed
  • state: String
  • # id of stripe charge
  • stripe_charge_id: ID
  • # A JSON hash containing information on why Stripe was unable to process a charge
  • stripe_error: String
  • # if a failed payment is retried successfully then this will reference that
  • # successful payment
  • successful_retried_payment: BillingItem
  • # updated at date
  • updated_at: String
  • # User Package Selection connected to this payment
  • user_package_selection: UserPackageSelection
  • }