
Autogenerated return type of completeCheckout.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type completeCheckoutPayload {
  • appointment: Appointment
  • # An array of all group appointments that were registered for. Used in conjunction
  • # with appointment_ids argument.
  • appointments: [Appointment]
  • billingItem: BillingItem
  • # DO NOT USE
  • clientMutationId: String @deprecated( reason: "DO NOT USE" )
  • formAnswerGroupSaved: Boolean
  • # The list of errors occurred during the mutation
  • messages: [FieldError]
  • patientEmail: String
  • # Returns true if client booking appointment is newly created and has never logged
  • # into their account or booked future appointments
  • reassignClientProvider: Boolean
  • userPackageSelection: UserPackageSelection
  • widgetCompletedSubheaderHtml: String
  • }