
A completed form, with metadata about the completion, and the saved answers

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type FormAnswerGroup {
  • # The appointment the note is connected to
  • appointment: Appointment
  • # The autoscored sections for the filled form
  • autoscored_sections: [AutoscoredSectionType!]!
  • # The addendums added to the locked charting note
  • charting_note_addendums: [ChartingNoteAddendumType!]
  • # The CMS1500 created from the form answer group
  • cms1500: Cms1500
  • # The date on which the filled form was saved
  • created_at: String!
  • # The most recent generated summary. Null if no summary has been generated
  • current_summary: GeneratedSummary
  • # Pagination cursor
  • cursor: Cursor!
  • # The form template that was filled out
  • custom_module_form: CustomModuleForm
  • # The date the form was deleted
  • deleted_at: String
  • # An external ID stored on the filled form or charting note
  • external_id: String
  • # The user who filled out the form
  • filler: User
  • # Whether the filled form has been saved by the user (verse a hidden draft)
  • finished: Boolean!
  • # Signatures for the form
  • form_answer_group_signings: [FormAnswerGroupSigning!]!
  • # A list of connections between a form_answer_group and group appointment users
  • form_answer_group_users_connections: [FormAnswerGroupUserConnection!]
  • # The visible answers for the filled form
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # is_for_editing: When true, all answers (even conditionally
  • # hidden ones) are returned.
  • form_answers(is_for_editing: Boolean): [FormAnswer!]!
  • # when true, the note cannot be edited
  • frozen: Boolean
  • # All patients that have attended in the related group appointment
  • group_appointment_attendees: [User!]
  • # The unique identifier of the group
  • id: ID!
  • # A collection of individual charting notes related to the main group charting
  • # note
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # order_by: Preferable sorting order
  • individual_client_notes(
  • order_by: IndividualClientNoteOrderKeys
  • ): [IndividualClientType!]
  • # Same as individual_client_notes but returns a specific instance for given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: The client's ID
  • individual_note(user_id: ID): IndividualClientType
  • # Indicates whether the answer group is related to group apppointment (charting
  • # note created for group appointment)
  • is_group_appt_note: Boolean
  • # The date and time when the charting note was locked
  • locked_at: String
  • # The provider who have locked the charting note
  • locked_by: User
  • # A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 128,000. Only
  • # accessible by staff and providers
  • metadata: String
  • # The given name of the filled form
  • name: String
  • # If you have product recommendation alogrithim enabled, this will return a
  • # package containing the products recommended by the algorithim
  • offering_with_recommended_products: Offering
  • # If you have product recommendation alogrithim enabled, this will return a
  • # package containing a URL to purchase the products recommended by the algorithim
  • packages_with_recommended_products_purchase_url: String @deprecated( reason: "Not used anywhere, will cause an error" )
  • # The date that the note was actually created
  • record_created_at: String
  • # The last updated date for the filled form
  • updated_at: String!
  • # The user the form is about
  • user: User
  • # ID of the user
  • user_id: String
  • }