
A policy

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Policy {
  • # Benefits associated with policy
  • benefits: [Benefit!]
  • # Call reference information associated with this policy
  • call_reference: CallReference
  • # Returns a list of errors associated with the policy after doing a Change Health
  • # Insurance Eligibility Check
  • claim_eligibility_check_errors: [ClaimEligibilityCheckErrors!]
  • # CPT codes authorized for this policy
  • cpt_codes_policies: [CptCodesPolicy!]
  • # Holder's date of birth
  • dob_to_use: String
  • # Date policy becomes inactive
  • effective_end: String
  • # Date policy becomes active
  • effective_start: String
  • # policy group num
  • group_num: String
  • # policy holder address
  • holder_address: String
  • # policy holder dob, required
  • holder_dob: String
  • # holder first name
  • holder_first: String
  • # holder gender
  • holder_gender: String
  • # holder last name
  • holder_last: String
  • # The address of the holder
  • holder_location: Location
  • # holder location id
  • holder_location_id: String
  • # holder middle initial
  • holder_mi: String
  • # policy holder name
  • holder_name: String
  • # holder phone number
  • holder_phone: String
  • # policy holder relationship, required
  • holder_relationship: String
  • # ICD codes authorized for this policy
  • icd_codes_policies: [IcdCodesPolicy!]
  • # The unique identifier of the policy
  • id: ID!
  • # Insurance authorization (eligibility) associated with policy
  • insurance_authorization: InsuranceAuthorizationType
  • # True if insurance authorization is required
  • insurance_authorization_required: Boolean
  • # Document Id of insurance card image(back)
  • insurance_card_back_id: String
  • # Document Id of insurance card image(front)
  • insurance_card_front_id: String
  • # The insurance plan
  • insurance_plan: InsurancePlan
  • # policy plan id, required
  • insurance_plan_id: String
  • # DEPRECATED. The last automated eligibility check run for this Change Health
  • # policy.
  • last_eligibility_check: ClaimEligibilityCheck @deprecated( reason: "Use `latest_eligibility_check` instead" )
  • # the most recent automated eligibility check run for this policy.
  • latest_eligibility_check: EligibilityCheck
  • # The name of the policy
  • name: String
  • # Notes in client profile recorded by provider user
  • notes: String
  • # policy num, required
  • num: String
  • # The address of the insurance plan
  • payer_location: Location
  • # payer locatoin id
  • payer_location_id: String
  • # policy phone number
  • policy_phone_number: String
  • # Priority of policy for client (primary, secondary, or inactive)
  • priority_type: String
  • # Referral added to this policy. Optional field that should not be nil if
  • # referral_required is true
  • referral: Referral
  • # True if referral is required for policy
  • referral_required: Boolean
  • # Same as client adddress toggle
  • same_address_as_client: Boolean
  • # Insurance plan type?
  • type_string: String
  • # Date policy was last updated
  • updated_at: String
  • # Owner of this policy
  • user: User
  • # user id, required
  • user_id: ID
  • }