
The query root of this schema. See available queries.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Query {
  • # Fetch advance appointment prices
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • advanceAppointmentPrices(
  • appointment_type_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [AdvanceAppointmentPrice!]
  • # Search results for allergies, allergens, and reactions
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: accepts drug, environmental, food, pet, and reaction
  • allergySuggestions(category: String): [String]
  • # Fetch an announcement
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • announcement(id: ID): Announcement
  • # Fetch an array of announcements for a provider
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # exclude_dismissed: If true, only show announcements that client
  • # has not dismissed
  • # keywords: Search announcements by name, title and description
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • announcements(
  • after: Cursor,
  • exclude_dismissed: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [Announcement!]
  • # Number of announcements for a provider
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # exclude_dismissed: If true, only show announcements that client
  • # has not dismissed
  • # keywords: Search announcements by name, title and description
  • announcementsCount(
  • exclude_dismissed: Boolean,
  • keywords: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch paginated API Keys collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • apiKeys(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • order_by: ApiKeyOrderKeys
  • ): [ApiKey!]
  • # Number of API Keys
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • apiKeysCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # An applied tag to a user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # include_deleted: [Not documented]
  • appliedTag(id: ID, include_deleted: Boolean): AppliedTag
  • # Applied tags to a users
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # tag_id: The tag ID
  • appliedTags(id: ID, tag_id: ID): [AppliedTag!]
  • # fetch an appointment by id, group appointments are (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # include_deleted: When true, deleted appointments can be
  • # retrieved via this query.
  • appointment(id: ID, include_deleted: Boolean): Appointment
  • # Return potential booking issues for an appointment, date, time, repeats,
  • # attendees, and provider.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_type_id: (optional) appointment type used to check
  • # for credits and for appointment duration.
  • # attendee_ids: (optional) IDs of clients assigned to the
  • # appointment.
  • # date: date to check for conflicting events and credit deficits.
  • # is_repeating: (optional) whether this is a repeating
  • # appointment.
  • # provider_id: ID of the provider to check for conflicting
  • # events.
  • # repeat_interval: (optional) what type of interval for repeating
  • # appointments (Weekly, Monthly, Biweekly, Every 4 Weeks).
  • # repeat_times: (optional) how many times the appointment
  • # repeats.
  • # recurring_appt_id: (optional) used to skip checking for
  • # conflicts on recurring appointments.
  • # time: The time to check (in conjunction with date parameter)
  • # for conflicting events.
  • # timezone: (optional) Timezone used when looking for conflicting
  • # events. Will default to timezone of provider if not provided.
  • # current_appt_id: (optional) used to skip checking for conflicts
  • # on single appointments.
  • # is_group_appt: (optional) whether an existing appointment being
  • # checked is a group appointment or not.
  • # is_editing: (optional) whether editing an existing appointment
  • # or not.
  • # additional_providers: (optional) for group appointments where
  • # org members are added as attending
  • # length_in_minutes: (optional) used when checking for conflicts
  • # for blocks, which have no appointment type with length
  • appointmentBookingWarnings(
  • appointment_type_id: ID,
  • attendee_ids: [ID],
  • date: String,
  • is_repeating: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • repeat_interval: String,
  • repeat_times: String,
  • recurring_appt_id: String,
  • time: String,
  • timezone: String,
  • current_appt_id: String,
  • is_group_appt: Boolean,
  • is_editing: Boolean,
  • additional_providers: String,
  • length_in_minutes: Int
  • ): [AppointmentBookingWarning!]
  • # returns metadata about appointments for provider dashboard
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # only_to_current_date: [Not documented]
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • appointmentFrequencyData(
  • only_to_current_date: Boolean,
  • org_level: Boolean
  • ): [AppointmentDataType!]
  • # fetch an appointment by id, group appointments are (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # uuid: When external reschedule/cancellation is allowed, the
  • # UUID can be used to allow the holder to retrieve and update/cancel their
  • # inclusion in an appointment.
  • appointmentInclusion(id: ID, uuid: ID): AppointmentInclusionType
  • # fetch an appointment location by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • appointmentLocation(id: ID): AppointmentLocation
  • # get appointment locations that the current user can use. (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_date: Pass in datetime of the appointment to limit
  • # the locations based on room availability
  • # appointment_type_id: Pass in id of the appointment type to
  • # limit the locations based on room availability
  • # ids: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # location_ids: [Not documented]
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # resource: [Not documented]
  • # with_availability: When true, only locations with associated
  • # availabilities are returned.
  • # When false, only locations with no associated availabilities are returned.
  • # Does nothing unless availability by location enabled.
  • appointmentLocations(
  • appointment_date: String,
  • appointment_type_id: ID,
  • ids: [Int],
  • keywords: String,
  • location_ids: String,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • resource: String,
  • with_availability: Boolean
  • ): [AppointmentLocation!]
  • # Returns a json hash of the number of appointments in each day of the month. The
  • # month is the month that the passed day is in.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # date: [Not documented]
  • # include_blockers: [Not documented]
  • appointmentNumberPerDayOfMonth(
  • date: String,
  • include_blockers: Boolean
  • ): String
  • # fetch a Appointment Setting by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • appointmentSetting(id: ID, provider_id: ID): AppointmentSetting
  • # fetch an appointment type by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • appointmentType(id: ID): AppointmentType
  • # Fetch credit history for the specific appointment type
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • appointmentTypeCreditChanges(
  • appointment_type_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [AppointmentCreditChange!]
  • # Fetch paginated Appointment Type collection (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # appointment_type_ids: JSONified array of ids to include
  • # clients_can_book: [Not documented]
  • # embed_or_sharing_link: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # show_group: [Not documented]
  • # with_deleted_appt_types: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • appointmentTypes(
  • after: Cursor,
  • appointment_type_ids: String,
  • clients_can_book: Boolean,
  • embed_or_sharing_link: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offering_id: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_id: String,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • show_group: Boolean,
  • with_deleted_appt_types: Boolean,
  • order_by: AppointmentTypeOrderKeys
  • ): [AppointmentType!]
  • # Number of appointment types (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_type_ids: JSONified array of ids to include
  • # clients_can_book: [Not documented]
  • # embed_or_sharing_link: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # show_group: [Not documented]
  • # with_deleted_appt_types: [Not documented]
  • appointmentTypesCount(
  • appointment_type_ids: String,
  • clients_can_book: Boolean,
  • embed_or_sharing_link: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offering_id: String,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • provider_id: String,
  • show_group: Boolean,
  • with_deleted_appt_types: Boolean
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch paginated appointment collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # colorSchemeId: [Not documented]
  • # currentWeek: [Not documented]
  • # endDate: [Not documented]
  • # exclude_appointments_with_invoice: when true, all appointments
  • # with invoices will be excluded
  • # filter: Options are 'future', 'past', 'ended', 'didnt-occur'
  • # filter_by_appointment_location_ids: Returns appointments of the
  • # specified appointment locations. Overrides filter_by_location_id
  • # filter_by_appointment_status: [Not documented]
  • # filter_by_appointment_type_id: [Not
  • # documented]
  • # filter_by_appointment_type_ids: Returns appointments of the
  • # specified appointment Overrides filter_by_appointment_type_id
  • # filter_by_chart_note_written: When true, only appointments
  • # without an associated chart note will be returned. When false, only appointments
  • # with an associated chart note will be return. If nil, has no effect
  • # filter_by_client_confirmed: [Not documented]
  • # filter_by_location_id: [Not documented]
  • # filter_by_provider_confirmed: [Not documented]
  • # filter_synced_appointments: When true, no pulled-in synced
  • # appointments will be included
  • # filter_by_invoices: When true, only appointments up to the next
  • # future scheduled appointment will be included
  • # use_provider_inclusions: When true, use provider inclusions for
  • # lookup of providers
  • # include_blockers: [Not documented]
  • # include_nil_blockers: When true, returns blocking appointments
  • # with no appointment type/location/status
  • # include_suborganizations: include all providers in the
  • # organization and sub-organizations
  • # is_active: [Not documented]
  • # is_confirmed: [Not documented]
  • # is_org: When true, returns appointments for all providers in
  • # the org
  • # is_upcoming: [Not documented]
  • # is_with_clients: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: The number of appointments to return at one time
  • # (when should_paginate is true). Maximum of 500
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # show_appointments: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # specificDay: [Not documented]
  • # startDate: [Not documented]
  • # unconfirmed: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # with_all_statuses: [Not documented]
  • # with_others: [Not documented]
  • # without_status: [Not documented]
  • # attendee_ids: Returns appointments for the specified
  • # attendee_ids
  • appointments(
  • after: Cursor,
  • colorSchemeId: String,
  • currentWeek: Boolean,
  • endDate: String,
  • exclude_appointments_with_invoice: Boolean,
  • filter: String,
  • filter_by_appointment_location_ids: [ID],
  • filter_by_appointment_status: String,
  • filter_by_appointment_type_id: ID,
  • filter_by_appointment_type_ids: [ID],
  • filter_by_chart_note_written: Boolean,
  • filter_by_client_confirmed: Boolean,
  • filter_by_location_id: ID,
  • filter_by_provider_confirmed: Boolean,
  • filter_synced_appointments: Boolean,
  • filter_by_invoices: Boolean,
  • use_provider_inclusions: Boolean,
  • include_blockers: Boolean,
  • include_nil_blockers: Boolean,
  • include_suborganizations: Boolean,
  • is_active: Boolean,
  • is_confirmed: Boolean,
  • is_org: Boolean,
  • is_upcoming: Boolean,
  • is_with_clients: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • show_appointments: Boolean,
  • order_by: AppointmentOrderKeys,
  • specificDay: String,
  • startDate: String,
  • unconfirmed: Boolean,
  • user_id: ID,
  • with_all_statuses: Boolean,
  • with_others: Boolean,
  • without_status: Boolean,
  • attendee_ids: [ID]
  • ): [Appointment!]
  • # Number of Appointments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currentWeek: [Not documented]
  • # endDate: [Not documented]
  • # exclude_appointments_with_invoice: when true, all appointments
  • # with invoices will be excluded
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # filter_by_appointment_location_ids: Returns appointments of the
  • # specified appointment locations. Overrides filter_by_location_id
  • # filter_by_appointment_status: [Not documented]
  • # filter_by_appointment_type_id: [Not
  • # documented]
  • # filter_by_appointment_type_ids: Returns appointments of the
  • # specified appointment Overrides filter_by_appointment_type_id
  • # filter_by_chart_note_written: When true, only appointments with
  • # an associated chart note will be returned. When false, only appointments without
  • # an associated chart note will be return. If nil, has no effect
  • # filter_by_location_id: [Not documented]
  • # filter_synced_appointments: When true, no pulled-in synced
  • # appointments will be included
  • # filter_by_invoices: When true, only appointments up to the next
  • # future scheduled appointment will be included
  • # include_blockers: [Not documented]
  • # include_nil_blockers: When true, returns blocking appointments
  • # with no appointment type/location/status
  • # include_suborganizations: include all providers in the
  • # organization and sub-organizations
  • # is_active: [Not documented]
  • # is_confirmed: [Not documented]
  • # is_org: [Not documented]
  • # is_upcoming: [Not documented]
  • # is_with_clients: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_ids: This will filter the appointments by the array of
  • # provider_ids used here. NOTE: must have is_org set to true for this to argument
  • # to be respected.
  • # show_appointments: [Not documented]
  • # specificDay: [Not documented]
  • # startDate: [Not documented]
  • # unconfirmed: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # with_all_statuses: [Not documented]
  • # with_others: [Not documented]
  • # without_status: [Not documented]
  • # only_healthie_appointments: When true, returns only healthie
  • # appointments and excluding external appointments
  • appointmentsCount(
  • currentWeek: Boolean,
  • endDate: String,
  • exclude_appointments_with_invoice: Boolean,
  • filter: String,
  • filter_by_appointment_location_ids: [ID],
  • filter_by_appointment_status: String,
  • filter_by_appointment_type_id: ID,
  • filter_by_appointment_type_ids: [ID],
  • filter_by_chart_note_written: Boolean,
  • filter_by_location_id: ID,
  • filter_synced_appointments: Boolean,
  • filter_by_invoices: Boolean,
  • include_blockers: Boolean,
  • include_nil_blockers: Boolean,
  • include_suborganizations: Boolean,
  • is_active: Boolean,
  • is_confirmed: Boolean,
  • is_org: Boolean,
  • is_upcoming: Boolean,
  • is_with_clients: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • show_appointments: Boolean,
  • specificDay: String,
  • startDate: String,
  • unconfirmed: Boolean,
  • user_id: ID,
  • with_all_statuses: Boolean,
  • with_others: Boolean,
  • without_status: Boolean,
  • only_healthie_appointments: Boolean
  • ): Int
  • # Data summary for appointment reports
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # range_end: [Not documented]
  • # range_start: [Not documented]
  • # range_type: [Not documented]
  • # require_cache_threshold: When provided, the query will require
  • # data to be loaded from cache if the appointment count is over the provided
  • # number. If data is not in the cache, it will return without data, and load the
  • # data in the cache in the background.
  • appointmentsSummary(
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • range_end: String,
  • range_start: String,
  • range_type: String,
  • require_cache_threshold: Int
  • ): AppointmentSummaryData
  • # fetch auto task generators belonging to a specific user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • autoTaskGenerators(user_id: String): [AutoTaskGenerator!]
  • # Fetch availabilities for range
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_location_id: [Not documented]
  • # appointment_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # availability_provider_id: ID of the provider to show
  • # availabilities for, supercedes provider id and is_org
  • # contact_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # endDate: the end date of availability (datetime string)
  • # end_date_padding: Amount of hours after the endDate to pull
  • # availabilities in for. This is helpful when using this query with some calendar
  • # display libraries
  • # includeRepeating: [Not documented]
  • # is_org: [Not documented]
  • # is_repeating: [Not documented]
  • # one_time: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # show_availability: [Not documented]
  • # startDate: the start date of availability (datetime string)
  • # start_date_padding: Amount of hours before the startDate to
  • # pull availabilities in for. This is helpful when using this query with some
  • # calendar display libraries
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # timezone: [Not documented]
  • availabilities(
  • appointment_location_id: String,
  • appointment_type_id: String,
  • availability_provider_id: ID,
  • contact_type_id: String,
  • endDate: String,
  • end_date_padding: Int,
  • includeRepeating: Boolean,
  • is_org: Boolean,
  • is_repeating: Boolean,
  • one_time: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • show_availability: Boolean,
  • startDate: String,
  • start_date_padding: Int,
  • user_id: String,
  • timezone: String
  • ): [Availability!]
  • # number of availabilities
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_location_id: [Not documented]
  • # appointment_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # endDate: [Not documented]
  • # is_org: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # startDate: [Not documented]
  • availabilitiesCount(
  • appointment_location_id: String,
  • appointment_type_id: String,
  • endDate: String,
  • is_org: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • startDate: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch availability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • availability(id: ID): Availability
  • # (Limited availability, subject to breaking changes). JSONified Hash with summary
  • # of availability.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # date: Date (in YYYY-MM-DD) to retrieve availability summary for
  • availabilitySummaryJson(date: String): String
  • # Fetch available item types (for use in onboarding items)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # onboarding_flow_id: [Not documented]
  • availableItemTypes(onboarding_flow_id: String): String
  • # Get open appointment times for a date range. Returns array of dates sorted in
  • # ascending order
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_to_reschedule_id: (optional) The ID of the
  • # appointment that will be rescheduled. Only needed if you want to use
  • # appointment-specific rescheduling restrictions
  • # appointment_type_ids: An array of group appointment type IDs
  • # can be passed in. When passed in, will return availability for multiple group
  • # appointment Overrides appt_type_id.
  • # appt_loc_id: [Not documented]
  • # appt_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # clients_can_join_waitlist: [Not documented]
  • # contact_type: [Not documented]
  • # end_date: [Not documented]
  • # end_date_boundary: When passed in, slots after this will not be
  • # returned. Inclusive. YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # length: [Not documented]
  • # licensed_in_state: Two letter state abbreviation (e.g. "CA",
  • # "NY")
  • # make_unique: When false, multiple slots for the same time (for
  • # different providers) will be returned.
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • # outside_factors: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: Required
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # start_date: [Not documented]
  • # start_date_boundary: When passed in, slots before this will not
  • # be returned. YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # timezone: When passed in, slots will be calculated with the
  • # specified timezone
  • availableSlotsForRange(
  • appointment_to_reschedule_id: ID,
  • appointment_type_ids: [ID],
  • appt_loc_id: String,
  • appt_type_id: String,
  • clients_can_join_waitlist: Boolean,
  • contact_type: String,
  • end_date: String,
  • end_date_boundary: String,
  • length: String,
  • licensed_in_state: String,
  • make_unique: Boolean,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • outside_factors: Boolean,
  • provider_id: String,
  • provider_ids: [String],
  • start_date: String,
  • start_date_boundary: String,
  • timezone: String
  • ): [PotentialAppointmentSlot!]
  • # Get the Cms1500 Policies object for a given claim and client
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # base_date: [Not documented]
  • # cms1500_id: [Not documented]
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # only_active_policies: [Not documented]
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • # rendering_provider_id: [Not documented]
  • baseCms1500ForUser(
  • base_date: String,
  • cms1500_id: String,
  • form_answer_group_id: ID,
  • only_active_policies: Boolean,
  • patient_id: ID,
  • rendering_provider_id: String
  • ): Cms1500
  • # Get basic info about User from signup token
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # token: [Not documented]
  • basicUserInfoFromToken(token: String): User
  • # DEPRECATED: All ICD Codes that are allowed to be used in healthecare claims
  • billableIcdCodes: [IcdCode!] @deprecated( reason: "All ICD Codes that are allowed to be used in healthecare claims" )
  • # fetch a billing item by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • billingItem(id: ID): BillingItem
  • # Fetch paginated billing items collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # created_at_end: YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # created_at_start: YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offerings_only: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: The number of billing items to return (Max 100)
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • billingItems(
  • after: Cursor,
  • client_id: ID,
  • created_at_end: String,
  • created_at_start: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offerings_only: Boolean,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • order_by: BillingItemOrderKeys,
  • status: [String],
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [BillingItem!]
  • # Number of billing items
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # created_at_start: YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # created_at_end: YYYY-MM-DD format
  • billingItemsCount(
  • client_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • status: [String],
  • provider_id: ID,
  • created_at_start: String,
  • created_at_end: String
  • ): Int
  • # fetch a Brand by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # custom_sign_in_path: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # locationString: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • brand(
  • custom_sign_in_path: String,
  • id: ID,
  • locationString: String,
  • provider_id: ID
  • ): Brand
  • # fetch a Brand by custom sign in path (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # custom_sign_in_path: [Not documented]
  • brandFromCustomSignInPath(
  • custom_sign_in_path: String
  • ): Brand
  • # get info used on authentication pages for either a dietitian or partner
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # code: [Not documented]
  • # dietitian_id: [Not documented]
  • # invite_code: [Not documented]
  • # partner_name: [Not documented]
  • brandInfo(
  • code: String,
  • dietitian_id: String,
  • invite_code: String,
  • partner_name: String
  • ): BrandInfo
  • # Fetch a calendar view settings for current user
  • calendarViewSetting: CalendarViewSetting
  • # Fetch an array of campaigns for a provider
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • campaigns(offset: Int): [Campaign!]
  • # Number of campaigns for a provider
  • campaignsCount: Int
  • # Check if the user has access to the package buy limit feature
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # token: [Not documented]
  • canCapOfferingPurchases(token: String): Boolean
  • # fetch the current users candidhealth connection
  • candidHealthConnection: CandidHealthConnection
  • # Fetch paginated stripe customer accounts with associated errors or soon to
  • # expire credit cards
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • cardIssues(
  • after: Cursor,
  • offset: Int,
  • order_by: StripeCustomerDetailOrderKeys
  • ): [StripeCustomerDetail!]
  • # Fetch paginated stripe customer accounts with associated errors or soon to
  • # expire credit cards
  • cardIssuesCount: Int
  • # fetch a single care plan
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • carePlan(id: ID): CarePlan
  • # Fetch paginated care plan collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # template_search_keywords: [Not documented]
  • # templates_only: [Not documented]
  • carePlans(
  • after: Cursor,
  • offset: Int,
  • patient_id: ID,
  • page_size: Int,
  • order_by: CarePlanOrderKeys,
  • template_search_keywords: String,
  • templates_only: Boolean
  • ): [CarePlan!]
  • # Number of care plans
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • carePlansCount(patient_id: ID): Int
  • # Number of care plans templates
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • carePlansTemplatesCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # Fetch list of patient-initiated CDA activity events
  • cdaActivityEvents: [CdaActivityEvent!]
  • # fetch the current users Change Health connection
  • changeClaimSubmitter: ChangeClaimSubmitter
  • # fetch a chargeback by the Healthie ID or the Stripe Dispute ID.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # stripe_dispute_id: [Not documented]
  • chargeBack(id: ID, stripe_dispute_id: ID): ChargeBack
  • # fetch all charge backs for a user or organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # show_all_for_org: If user has access to all billing for their
  • # organization, this will return all chargebacks for the organization
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # per_page: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • chargeBacks(
  • show_all_for_org: Boolean,
  • offset: Int,
  • per_page: Int,
  • order_by: ChargeBackOrderKeys
  • ): [ChargeBack!]
  • # fetch count of all charge backs
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # show_all_for_org: If user has access to all billing for their
  • # organization, this will return the count of all chargebacks for the organization
  • chargeBacksCount(show_all_for_org: Boolean): Int
  • # All items to include in the charting list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # custom_module_form_id: [Not documented]
  • # date: [Not documented]
  • # document_id: [Not documented]
  • # filler_id: [Not documented]
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # include_docs: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # name: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # start_date: Filter charting items between date range. The
  • # `date` argument supersedes this filter. If an end date is present and no start
  • # date is, the start date will default to today.
  • # end_date: Filter charting items between date range. The `date`
  • # argument supersedes this filter. If an start date is present and no end date is,
  • # the end date will default to today.
  • chartingItems(
  • custom_module_form_id: ID,
  • date: String,
  • document_id: ID,
  • filler_id: String,
  • form_answer_group_id: String,
  • include_docs: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • name: String,
  • user_id: String,
  • start_date: String,
  • end_date: String
  • ): [ChartingItemType!]
  • # All items to include in the charting list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # custom_module_form_id: [Not documented]
  • # date: [Not documented]
  • # document_id: [Not documented]
  • # filler_id: [Not documented]
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # include_docs: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # name: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # start_date: Filter charting items between date range. The
  • # `date` argument supersedes this filter. If an end date is present and no start
  • # date is, the start date will default to today.
  • # end_date: Filter charting items between date range. The `date`
  • # argument supersedes this filter. If an start date is present and no end date is,
  • # the end date will default to today.
  • chartingItemsCount(
  • custom_module_form_id: ID,
  • date: String,
  • document_id: ID,
  • filler_id: String,
  • form_answer_group_id: String,
  • include_docs: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • name: String,
  • user_id: String,
  • start_date: String,
  • end_date: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch a charting note addendum by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • chartingNoteAddendum(id: ID): ChartingNoteAddendumType
  • # fetch a Chat Setting
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • chatSetting(id: ID): ChatSetting
  • # get current video chats for a user.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: User to get video chats that are starting in the next
  • # 10 minutes
  • closeToCurrentVideoChats(user_id: String): [Appointment!]
  • # Fetch a CMS1500 by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • cms1500(id: ID): Cms1500
  • # Fetch paginated Cms1500s collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • cms1500s(
  • after: Cursor,
  • client_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: Cms1500OrderKeys,
  • status: String
  • ): [Cms1500!]
  • # Number of Cms1500s
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • cms1500sCount(
  • client_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • status: String
  • ): Int
  • # Color Code Options for a given category
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_setting_id: [Not documented]
  • # color_code_by: [Not documented]
  • colorCodeOptions(
  • appointment_setting_id: String,
  • color_code_by: String
  • ): [ColorCodeOption!]
  • # Fetch comment
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • comment(id: ID): Comment
  • # Fetch comments collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # entry_id: [Not documented]
  • # entry_ids: An array of entry IDs to grab comments for.
  • # Overrides entry_id if passed in
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: If should paginate is true, the number of results to
  • # return on a page. Max 1000
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • comments(
  • after: Cursor,
  • entry_id: ID,
  • entry_ids: [ID],
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean
  • ): [Comment!]
  • # number of comments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # entry_id: [Not documented]
  • # entry_ids: An array of entry IDs to grab comments for.
  • # Overrides entry_id if passed in
  • commentsCount(entry_id: ID, entry_ids: [ID]): Int
  • # fetch a completedCourseItem by course_item_id and user_id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_item_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • completedCourseItem(course_item_id: ID, user_id: ID): CompletedCourseItem
  • # Get the completed onboarding item by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the completed onboarding item
  • completedOnboardingItem(id: ID!): CompletedOnboardingItem
  • # All Contact Types For Current User
  • contactTypes: [String!]
  • # fetch a conversation by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • conversation(id: ID): Conversation
  • # fetch a conversation membership by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The id of the conversation, will return the membership
  • # object for the conversation owner
  • # conversation_membership_id: The id of the conversation
  • # membership, must have access to the conversation to use
  • conversationMembership(
  • id: ID,
  • conversation_membership_id: ID
  • ): ConversationMembership
  • # fetch a conversationmembership by id and invitees
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • conversationMembershipInvitees(id: ID): [ConversationMembership!]
  • # Fetch paginated conversationmemberships collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # conversation_type: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # notes_type: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # only_include_shared_memberships: If true with client_id, only
  • # returns client messages that are shared with the provider
  • # org_chat: If TRUE: fetch organization members conversations
  • # provider_id: ID of the provider to get conversation for (if
  • # nil, will return current users)
  • # provider_ids: Used to filter org chat conversations by provider
  • # ids
  • # read_status: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • conversationMemberships(
  • after: Cursor,
  • active_status: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • conversation_type: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • notes_type: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • only_include_shared_memberships: Boolean,
  • org_chat: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • read_status: String,
  • order_by: ConversationMembershipOrderKeys
  • ): [ConversationMembership!]
  • # Number of conversationmembership
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # conversation_type: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # only_include_shared_memberships: If true with client_id, only
  • # returns client messages that are shared with the provider
  • # notes_type: [Not documented]
  • # org_chat: If TRUE: count organization members conversations
  • # provider_id: ID of the provider to get conversation for (if
  • # nil, will return current users)
  • # provider_ids: Used to filter org chat conversations by provider
  • # ids
  • # read_status: [Not documented]
  • conversationMembershipsCount(
  • active_status: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • conversation_type: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • only_include_shared_memberships: Boolean,
  • notes_type: String,
  • org_chat: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • read_status: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch current user's conversations. It is normally better to use the
  • # conversationMemberships query.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: Get conversations between the current user and a given
  • # user
  • conversations(user_id: ID): [Conversation!]
  • # Number of conversation
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • conversationsCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # fetch a course by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • course(course_id: ID, id: ID): Course
  • # fetch clients belonging to a course by course_id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_status: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • courseClients(course_id: ID, course_status: String, offset: Int): [CourseMembership!]
  • # total number of clients for a specific course
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_status: [Not documented]
  • courseClientsCount(course_id: ID, course_status: String): Int
  • # Get course completion info for users and user_groups
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • courseCompletetionInfo(course_id: ID): CourseCompletionInfoType
  • # Course group memberships for the course
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_status: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • courseGroupClients(
  • course_group_id: String,
  • course_id: ID,
  • course_status: String,
  • offset: Int
  • ): [User!]
  • # Total clients in course group memberships
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_status: [Not documented]
  • courseGroupClientsCount(
  • course_group_id: String,
  • course_id: ID,
  • course_status: String
  • ): Int
  • # fetch a courseitem by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_membership_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • courseItem(course_membership_id: ID, id: ID): CourseItem
  • # get all custom custom emails for a current user
  • courseItemCustomEmails: [CustomEmail!]
  • # get all documents for current user, can optionally include the attached org
  • # document by providing course_id and course_item_id.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_item_id: [Not documented]
  • courseItemDocuments(course_item_id: ID): [Document!]
  • # get all custom module forms for a current user
  • courseItemForms: [CustomModuleForm!]
  • # Course items info for the course membership
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # find_for_provider: [Not documented]
  • # include_emails: [Not documented]
  • courseItems(
  • client_id: ID,
  • course_id: ID,
  • find_for_provider: Boolean,
  • include_emails: Boolean
  • ): [CourseItem!]
  • # fetch a courseMembership by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_item_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_membership_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # user_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • courseMembership(
  • course_id: ID,
  • course_item_id: ID,
  • course_membership_id: ID,
  • id: ID,
  • user_group_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): CourseMembership
  • # Fetch paginated course membership collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # fetch_all: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • courseMemberships(
  • after: Cursor,
  • client_id: ID,
  • fetch_all: Boolean,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [CourseMembership!]
  • # Number of course memberships
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • courseMembershipsCount(client_id: ID): Int
  • # Fetch paginated course collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # active: [Not documented]
  • # course_type: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # only_available: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • courses(
  • after: Cursor,
  • active: Boolean,
  • course_type: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • only_available: Boolean,
  • page_size: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean
  • ): [Course!]
  • # Number of course
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active: [Not documented]
  • # course_type: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • coursesCount(active: Boolean, course_type: String, keywords: String): Int
  • # All CPT Codes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # for_superbill: [Not documented]
  • # is_favorited: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • cptCodes(
  • after: Cursor,
  • for_superbill: Boolean,
  • is_favorited: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean
  • ): [CptCode!]
  • # CPT Codes count
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # is_favorited: [Not documented]
  • cptCodesCount(is_favorited: Boolean): Int
  • # fetch the current user.
  • currentUser: User
  • # fetch the current users notifications count.
  • currentUserNotificationsCount: UserNotificationsCount
  • # get current video chats for a user.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # only_current: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: User to get current video chats for (if left blank,
  • # defaults to current user)
  • currentVideoChats(only_current: Boolean, user_id: String): [Appointment!]
  • # Custom Email object
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • customEmail(after: Cursor, id: ID): CustomEmail
  • # A HTML string containing mailer template for certain email type
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # email_body_only: [Not documented]
  • # email_type: [Not documented]
  • # find_record: [Not documented]
  • # greeting: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # message_body: [Not documented]
  • # preview_email_type: [Not documented]
  • # reactivation_wait_days: [Not documented]
  • # subject: [Not documented]
  • customEmailPreview(
  • course_id: String,
  • email_body_only: Boolean,
  • email_type: String,
  • find_record: Boolean,
  • greeting: String,
  • id: String,
  • message_body: String,
  • preview_email_type: String,
  • reactivation_wait_days: String,
  • subject: String
  • ): String
  • # Fetch paginated custom emails collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # email_type: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • customEmails(
  • after: Cursor,
  • email_type: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [CustomEmail!]
  • # Number of custom emails
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # email_type: [Not documented]
  • customEmailsCount(email_type: String): Int
  • # fetch a custom module form by ID (templates are considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # charting: [Not documented]
  • # default: [Not documented]
  • # id: The ID of the custom module form
  • customModuleForm(
  • after: Cursor,
  • charting: Boolean,
  • default: Boolean,
  • id: ID
  • ): CustomModuleForm
  • # All form templates for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # include_default_templates: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • customModuleForms(
  • after: Cursor,
  • active_status: Boolean,
  • category: String,
  • include_default_templates: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: CustomModuleFormOrderKeys
  • ): [CustomModuleForm!]
  • # Fetch paginated count for provider custom module forms
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # include_default_templates: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • customModuleFormsCount(
  • active_status: Boolean,
  • category: String,
  • include_default_templates: Boolean,
  • keywords: String
  • ): Int
  • # get open appointment times for a range
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_to_reschedule_id: (optional) The ID of the
  • # appointment that will be rescheduled. Only needed if you want to use
  • # appointment-specific rescheduling restrictions
  • # appt_loc_id: [Not documented]
  • # appt_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # clients_can_join_waitlist: [Not documented]
  • # contact_type: [Not documented]
  • # date_from_month: [Not documented]
  • # end_date: When passed in, supercedes date_from_month. Must be
  • # passed in along with start_date
  • # end_date_boundary: When passed in, slots after this will not be
  • # returned. Inclusive. YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # length: [Not documented]
  • # licensed_in_state: Two letter state abbreviation (e.g. "CA",
  • # "NY")
  • # org_level: Required True if querying multiple providers
  • # outside_factors: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: Required
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # start_date: When passed in, supercedes date_from_month. Must be
  • # passed in along with end_date
  • # start_date_boundary: When passed in, slots before this will not
  • # be returned. YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # timezone: [Not documented]
  • daysAvailableForRange(
  • appointment_to_reschedule_id: ID,
  • appt_loc_id: String,
  • appt_type_id: String,
  • clients_can_join_waitlist: Boolean,
  • contact_type: String,
  • date_from_month: String,
  • end_date: String,
  • end_date_boundary: String,
  • length: String,
  • licensed_in_state: String,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • outside_factors: Boolean,
  • provider_id: String,
  • provider_ids: [String],
  • start_date: String,
  • start_date_boundary: String,
  • timezone: String
  • ): [String]
  • # fetch a document by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # care_plan_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_item_id: [Not documented]
  • # custom_module_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • document(
  • care_plan_id: ID,
  • course_id: ID,
  • course_item_id: ID,
  • custom_module_id: ID,
  • id: ID
  • ): Document
  • # Get Document Viewings for a specific document. A 'View' is when a document is
  • # downloaded or opened in a new tab
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # document_id: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # per_page: The number of document views to return per page.
  • # Maximum 500
  • documentViewings(
  • after: Cursor,
  • document_id: ID,
  • offset: Int,
  • per_page: Int
  • ): [DocumentViewing!]
  • # Number of instances for a document viewings for a specific document
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # document_id: [Not documented]
  • documentViewingsCount(document_id: ID): Int
  • # Fetch paginated documents collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # consolidated_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # file_type: [Not documented]
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # folder_id: [Not documented]
  • # for_template_use: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # private_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # viewable_user_id: [Not documented]
  • documents(
  • after: Cursor,
  • consolidated_user_id: String,
  • file_type: String,
  • filter: String,
  • folder_id: String,
  • for_template_use: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • private_user_id: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: DocumentOrderKeys,
  • viewable_user_id: String
  • ): [Document!]
  • # Number of documents
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # consolidated_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # file_type: [Not documented]
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # folder_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # private_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # viewable_user_id: [Not documented]
  • documentsCount(
  • consolidated_user_id: String,
  • file_type: String,
  • filter: String,
  • folder_id: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • private_user_id: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • viewable_user_id: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch User Info on DoseSpot Object
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • dosespotUserInfo(user_id: ID): DoseSpot
  • # Fetch the iframe link to prescribe for a given patient (patient must have valid
  • # phone_number, dob, location.line1, location.city, location.state, and
  • # location.zip)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • dosespot_ui_link(patient_id: ID): String
  • # draft by conversation_membership id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # conversation_membership_id: [Not documented]
  • draft(conversation_membership_id: ID): Draft
  • # Fetch an allergen by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • drugAllergen(id: ID!): DrugAllergenType
  • # Search for allergens by name
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • drugAllergens(keywords: String!): [DrugAllergenType!]
  • # Fetch a link from Fullscript to create a treatment plan for a given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • dynamicLink(user_id: String): String
  • # fetch embed steps based off of params
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # is_for_web: [Not documented]
  • # locationString: [Not documented]
  • embedWidgetSteps(is_for_web: Boolean, locationString: String): [EmbedWidgetStepType!]
  • # Fetch paginated entries collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # category: The category of entry (e.g Weight or Blood Pressure)
  • # to return
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # end_datetime_range: This field takes in a datetime string, and
  • # returns entries before that datetime. Must be sent in with a
  • # start_datetime_range
  • # end_range: This field takes in a date (e.g 2020-11-29), and
  • # returns entries before the beginning of that day. Must be sent in with a
  • # start_range
  • # entry_id: [Not documented]
  • # group_id: [Not documented]
  • # is_org: When true, returns entries for all client in the
  • # organization
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: If should paginate is true, the number of results to
  • # return on a page. Max 500
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # start_datetime_range: This field takes in a datetime string,
  • # and returns entries after that datetime. Must be sent in with a
  • # end_datetime_range
  • # start_range: This field takes in a date (e.g 2020-11-28), and
  • # returns entries starting at the beginning of that day
  • # summary_view: [Not documented]
  • # type: The type of entry (e.g MetricEntry) to return
  • entries(
  • after: Cursor,
  • category: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • end_datetime_range: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • entry_id: String,
  • group_id: String,
  • is_org: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • order_by: EntryOrderKeys,
  • start_datetime_range: String,
  • start_range: String,
  • summary_view: Boolean,
  • type: String
  • ): [Entry!]
  • # Number of entries
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # end_datetime_range: This field takes in a datetime string, and
  • # returns entries before that datetime. Must be sent in with a
  • # start_datetime_range
  • # end_range: This field takes in a date (e.g 2020-11-29), and
  • # returns entries before the beginning of that day. Must be sent in with a
  • # start_range
  • # group_id: [Not documented]
  • # is_org: When true, returns entries for all client in the
  • # organization
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # maximum_count: When passed in, the count query will never
  • # return a higher number than this. This can significantly speed up performance if
  • # you are just want users to scroll through recent entries
  • # start_datetime_range: This field takes in a datetime string,
  • # and returns entries after that datetime. Must be sent in with a
  • # end_datetime_range
  • # start_range: This field takes in a date (e.g 2020-11-28), and
  • # returns entries starting at the beginning of that day
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • entriesCount(
  • category: String,
  • client_id: String,
  • end_datetime_range: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • group_id: String,
  • is_org: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • maximum_count: Int,
  • start_datetime_range: String,
  • start_range: String,
  • type: String
  • ): Int
  • # fetch an entry by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • entry(client_id: ID, id: ID, type: String): Entry
  • # fetch a featureToggle by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • featureToggle(id: ID, user_id: ID): FeatureToggle
  • # fetch a featureToggle by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # care_plan_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # user_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • featureToggleForEditing(
  • care_plan_id: ID,
  • id: ID,
  • user_group_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): FeatureToggle
  • # fetch a folder by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # custom_module_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • folder(custom_module_id: ID, id: String): Folder
  • # Fetch paginated folders collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # consolidated_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # document_to_move_id: [Not documented]
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # folder_id: [Not documented]
  • # folder_to_move_id: [Not documented]
  • # for_template_use: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # private_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # viewable_user_id: [Not documented]
  • folders(
  • client_id: String,
  • consolidated_user_id: String,
  • document_to_move_id: ID,
  • filter: String,
  • folder_id: String,
  • folder_to_move_id: ID,
  • for_template_use: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • private_user_id: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: FolderOrderKeys,
  • viewable_user_id: String
  • ): [Folder!]
  • # Number of folders
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # consolidated_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # folder_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # private_user_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # viewable_user_id: [Not documented]
  • foldersCount(
  • consolidated_user_id: String,
  • filter: String,
  • folder_id: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • private_user_id: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • viewable_user_id: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch food items
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # exclude_recent: [Not documented]
  • # food_type: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # upc: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • foodSearch(
  • after: Cursor,
  • exclude_recent: Boolean,
  • food_type: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • upc: String,
  • user_id: String
  • ): [Food!]
  • # Get size of food items that matches the keyword
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # exclude_recent: [Not documented]
  • # food_type: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # upc: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • foodSearchCount(
  • exclude_recent: Boolean,
  • food_type: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • upc: String,
  • user_id: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch a form answer group by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # for_superbills: [Not documented]
  • # external_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # ids: [Not documented]
  • # track_opened_event: If TRUE, create form history 'opened' event
  • formAnswerGroup(
  • for_superbills: Boolean,
  • external_id: String,
  • id: ID,
  • ids: [ID],
  • track_opened_event: Boolean
  • ): FormAnswerGroup
  • # All filled forms for a given set of arguments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # custom_module_form_id: [Not documented]
  • # date: [Not documented]
  • # filler_id: [Not documented]
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # ids: Accepts an array of FormAnswerGroup ids
  • # include_group_notes: [Not documented]
  • # name: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # locked_status: [Not documented]
  • # signed_status: [Not documented]
  • # updated_after: When passed in, only objects updated after the
  • # specified datetime are returned.
  • # updated_before: When passed in, only objects updated before the
  • # specified datetime are returned.
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • formAnswerGroups(
  • after: Cursor,
  • custom_module_form_id: ID,
  • date: String,
  • filler_id: String,
  • form_answer_group_id: String,
  • ids: [ID],
  • include_group_notes: Boolean,
  • name: String,
  • user_id: String,
  • locked_status: Boolean,
  • signed_status: Boolean,
  • updated_after: ISO8601DateTime,
  • updated_before: ISO8601DateTime,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • order_by: FormAnswerGroupOrderKeys
  • ): [FormAnswerGroup!]
  • # The number of filled forms for a given set of a arguments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # date: [Not documented]
  • # filler_id: [Not documented]
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # ids: Accepts an array of FormAnswerGroup ids
  • # name: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # locked_status: [Not documented]
  • # signed_status: [Not documented]
  • # updated_after: When passed in, only objects updated after the
  • # specified datetime are returned.
  • # updated_before: When passed in, only objects updated before the
  • # specified datetime are returned.
  • formAnswerGroupsCount(
  • date: String,
  • filler_id: String,
  • form_answer_group_id: String,
  • ids: [ID],
  • name: String,
  • user_id: String,
  • locked_status: Boolean,
  • signed_status: Boolean,
  • updated_after: ISO8601DateTime,
  • updated_before: ISO8601DateTime
  • ): Int
  • # Form histories owned by a patient and related to a sourceable form
  • # (RequsetedFormCompletion / OnboardingItem)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # patient_id: The patient ID who owns the form
  • # sourceable_id: Source object ID
  • # sourceable_type: Source object type
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • formHistories(
  • patient_id: ID,
  • sourceable_id: ID,
  • sourceable_type: FormHistorySourceable,
  • offset: Int
  • ): [FormHistory!]!
  • # Total count of form histories owned by a patient and related to a sourceable
  • # form (RequsetedFormCompletion / OnboardingItem)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # patient_id: The patient ID who owns the form
  • # sourceable_id: Source object ID
  • # sourceable_type: Source object type
  • formHistoriesCount(
  • patient_id: ID,
  • sourceable_id: ID,
  • sourceable_type: FormHistorySourceable
  • ): Int!
  • # Fetch available forms to request
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • formTypesToRequest(keywords: String): [FormTypesToRequest!]
  • # Fullscript practitioners that share the same clinic id as organization owner
  • fullscriptPractitionerTypes: [FullscriptPractitionerTypeType!]
  • # Fullscript practitioners that share the same clinic id as organization owner
  • fullscriptPractitioners: [FullscriptPractitionerType!]
  • # fetch a goal by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # date: [Not documented]
  • # get_client_goal: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # patient_goal_module: [Not documented]
  • # program_goal: [Not documented]
  • goal(
  • client_id: ID,
  • date: String,
  • get_client_goal: Boolean,
  • id: ID,
  • patient_goal_module: Boolean,
  • program_goal: Boolean
  • ): Goal
  • # All completed goals for a given set of users
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # include_subgoals: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # unique: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalHistories(
  • after: Cursor,
  • category: String,
  • include_subgoals: Boolean,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • unique: Boolean,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [GoalHistory!]
  • # All completed goals for a given set of users
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # include_subgoals: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # unique: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalHistoriesCount(
  • category: String,
  • include_subgoals: Boolean,
  • offset: Int,
  • unique: Boolean,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch goal history
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • goalHistory(id: ID): GoalHistory
  • # A goal's instances
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # per_page: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • goalInstances(
  • after: Cursor,
  • end_range: String,
  • goal_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • per_page: Int,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String
  • ): [GoalInstance!]
  • # Number of instances for a goal
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # per_page: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • goalInstancesCount(
  • end_range: String,
  • goal_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • per_page: Int,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String
  • ): Int
  • # Goal templates for given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: Can be 'personal', 'organizational', or 'default'
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalTemplates(category: String, keywords: String, user_id: ID): [GoalTemplate!]
  • # Number of Goal templates for given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalTemplatesCount(keywords: String, user_id: ID): Int
  • # All goals, either for a given user or for all of the providers clients
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # frequency_filter: Can be daily, weekly, or one_time
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # per_page: [Not documented]
  • # rel_goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goals(
  • after: Cursor,
  • category: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • frequency_filter: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • per_page: Int,
  • rel_goal_id: String,
  • order_by: GoalOrderKeys,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [Goal!]
  • # Number of goal
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # frequency_filter: Can be daily, weekly, or one_time
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # rel_goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalsCount(
  • category: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • frequency_filter: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • rel_goal_id: String,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): Int
  • # All goals data
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # category: Search over goals' repeat property
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # frequency_filter: Can be daily, weekly, or one_time
  • # keywords: Search over goals' names and descriptions
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # per_page: [Not documented]
  • # rel_goal_id: the goal ID
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalsData(
  • after: Cursor,
  • category: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • frequency_filter: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • per_page: Int,
  • rel_goal_id: String,
  • order_by: GoalOrderKeys,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): GoalDataType
  • # Overall completion percentage of goals
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # frequency_filter: Can be daily, weekly, or one_time
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # rel_goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalsOverallCompletionRate(
  • category: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • frequency_filter: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • rel_goal_id: String,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): Int @deprecated( reason: "Use goalsOverallCompletionRateInfo instead" )
  • # Overall completion percentage of goals
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # frequency_filter: Can be daily, weekly, or one_time
  • # goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalsOverallCompletionRateInfo(
  • category: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • frequency_filter: String,
  • goal_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): GoalOverallCompletionRateInfo
  • # Overall completion percentage of goals
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # end_range: [Not documented]
  • # frequency_filter: Can be daily, weekly, or one_time
  • # goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # start_range: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be complete or not_complete
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • goalsStreakCount(
  • category: String,
  • end_range: String,
  • frequency_filter: String,
  • goal_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • start_range: String,
  • status_filter: String,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): Int
  • # When true, the user can set up question conditions in the form builder
  • hasConditionalQuestionEditing: Boolean
  • # When true, the user can add sublabels to questions in the form builder
  • hasSubLabels: Boolean
  • # Fetch a single health assessment
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # device_token: [Not documented]
  • # device_type: [Not documented]
  • # email: [Not documented]
  • # run_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • healthAssessment(
  • device_token: String,
  • device_type: String,
  • email: String,
  • run_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): HealthAssessment
  • # Fetch Health Assessments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # device_token: [Not documented]
  • # device_type: [Not documented]
  • # email: [Not documented]
  • # run_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • healthAssessments(
  • device_token: String,
  • device_type: String,
  • email: String,
  • run_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [HealthAssessment!]
  • # Fetch ICD Code by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • icdCode(id: ID): IcdCode
  • # All ICD Codes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # is_billable: [Not documented]
  • # is_favorited: The favorited status of the ICD Code
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: Whether results are paginated, highly
  • # recommended for use
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • icdCodes(
  • after: Cursor,
  • is_billable: Boolean,
  • is_favorited: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: IcdCodeOrderKeys
  • ): [IcdCode!]
  • # Count of all ICD Codes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # is_billable: [Not documented]
  • # is_favorited: The favorited status of the ICD Code
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • icdCodesCount(
  • is_billable: Boolean,
  • is_favorited: Boolean,
  • keywords: String
  • ): Int
  • # fetch import data request by user_id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • importDataRequest(user_id: ID): ImportDataRequest
  • # A new CMS1500 form with some objects already prefilled
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • initialCms1500(
  • form_answer_group_id: ID,
  • patient_id: ID,
  • provider_id: String
  • ): Cms1500
  • # Initial form answers for a given user and template
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # custom_module_form_id: [Not documented]
  • # incomplete_form_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • initialFormAnswers(
  • custom_module_form_id: ID,
  • incomplete_form_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [FormAnswer!]
  • # appointment types related to offering
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • initializedOfferingIncludes(offering_id: ID): [OfferingInclude!]
  • # Insurance Authorization belonging to a client
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: Client to get insurance authorization for
  • # id: id of insurance authorization
  • insuranceAuthorization(client_id: ID, id: ID): InsuranceAuthorizationType
  • # Get all potential insurance plans
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # ids: Array of plan ids
  • # is_accepted: The accepted status of the insurance plan
  • # is_custom: Get custom insurance plans
  • # keywords: Search keywords
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • insurancePlans(
  • after: Cursor,
  • ids: String,
  • is_accepted: Boolean,
  • is_custom: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: InsurancePlanOrderKeys
  • ): [InsurancePlan!]
  • # Get all potential insurance plans
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # ids: Array of plan ids
  • # is_accepted: The accepted status of the insurance plan
  • # is_custom: Get custom insurance plans
  • # keywords: Search keywords
  • insurancePlansCount(
  • ids: String,
  • is_accepted: Boolean,
  • is_custom: Boolean,
  • keywords: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch intake flow
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # statuses: Filter records by list of statuses
  • # form_types: Filter records by list of form types
  • intakeFlow(
  • keywords: String,
  • order_by: IntakeFlowOrderKeys,
  • user_id: ID,
  • statuses: [FormStatus],
  • form_types: [FormType]
  • ): IntakeFlowType
  • # Fetch list of available integrations
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • integrationsList(category: String): [IntegrationCategoryType!]
  • # Initial date of service for a new form answer group
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • intitialServiceDate(appointment_id: ID, user_id: ID): String
  • # get the base price for the invoice based off the associated item
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # cms1500_id: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • invoiceBasePrice(cms1500_id: ID, offering_id: ID): String
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • invoiceTemplates(keywords: String): [RequestedPaymentTemplate!]
  • # Get options for lab filters
  • labFiltersData: LabFiltersDataType
  • # Fetch all lab options (considered public)
  • labOptions: [LabOption!]
  • # Fetch onboarding flows collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • labOrder(id: ID): LabOrder
  • # Fetch lab orders collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # client_filter: [Not documented]
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # lab_filter: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # provider_filter: [Not documented]
  • # recent_orders: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: [Not documented]
  • labOrders(
  • after: Cursor,
  • client_filter: String,
  • client_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • lab_filter: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_filter: String,
  • recent_orders: Boolean,
  • order_by: LabOrderOrderKeys,
  • status_filter: String
  • ): [LabOrder!]
  • # Number of lab orders related to the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_filter: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # lab_filter: [Not documented]
  • # provider_filter: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: [Not documented]
  • labOrdersCount(
  • client_filter: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • lab_filter: String,
  • provider_filter: String,
  • status_filter: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch a laboratory result by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the lab result
  • labResult(id: ID!): LabResult
  • # Fetch most recent conversationMembership
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: ID of the provider to get conversation for (if
  • # nil, will return current users)
  • lastCM(active_status: String, provider_id: ID): ConversationMembership
  • # The 6 most recently active clients
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • lastClientActivities(limit: Int): [User!]
  • # has loadMoreNotes been called
  • loadMoreNotesCalled: Boolean
  • # fetch a location by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • location(id: ID): Location
  • # Get location resources
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # location_ids: [Not documented]
  • locationResources(location_ids: String): [LocationResourceType!]
  • # Get locations for a given user (or current user)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # has_name: Pass in true to get service facilities for CMS 1500
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # has_service_facilities: Pass in true to get service facilities
  • # for CMS 1500
  • locations(
  • after: Cursor,
  • has_name: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • user_id: String,
  • has_service_facilities: Boolean
  • ): [Location!]
  • # A count of available locations for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # has_name: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # has_service_facilities: Pass in true to get service facilities
  • # for CMS 1500
  • locationsCount(
  • has_name: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • has_service_facilities: Boolean
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch user meals
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • mealSearch(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • user_id: String
  • ): [Meal!]
  • # Get size of user meals that matches the keyword
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • mealSearchCount(keywords: String, user_id: String): Int
  • # Meal plan options from user Living Plate account. Nil if no Living Plate account
  • # associated
  • meal_plan_options: [MealPlan!]
  • # Fetch a medication by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • medication(id: ID): MedicationType
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • medication_option(id: ID!): MedicationOptionType
  • # Fetch an array of medications options. Considered Public
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • medication_options(keywords: String): [MedicationOptionType!]
  • # Fetch an array of medications for a given patient
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active: [Not documented]
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • # unreconciled_from_ccda_ingest: When true, only unreconciled
  • # objects are returned. Otherwise, they are not included
  • medications(
  • active: Boolean,
  • patient_id: ID,
  • unreconciled_from_ccda_ingest: Boolean
  • ): [MedicationType!]
  • # Fetch count of medications for a given patient
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active: [Not documented]
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • medications_count(active: Boolean, patient_id: ID): Int
  • # Fetch data for the metric graphs for a given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # end_date: End of the date range, must be sent in with a start
  • # date.
  • # entry_type: [Not documented]
  • # has_third_party_source: When false, returns no third-party
  • # data. When true, returns only third-party data. If not passed in, will return
  • # all data
  • # multiplier: [Not documented]
  • # start_date: Start of the date range, must be sent in with an
  • # end date.
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • metricGraphData(
  • category: String,
  • end_date: String,
  • entry_type: String,
  • has_third_party_source: Boolean,
  • multiplier: String,
  • start_date: String,
  • user_id: String
  • ): MetricGraphDataType
  • # Fetch data for the metric graphs for a given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # end_date: End of the date range, must be sent in with a start
  • # date.
  • # has_third_party_source: When false, returns no third-party
  • # data. When true, returns only third-party data. If not passed in, will return
  • # all data
  • # start_date: Start of the date range, must be sent in with an
  • # end date.
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • metricGraphsData(
  • end_date: String,
  • has_third_party_source: Boolean,
  • start_date: String,
  • user_id: String
  • ): [MetricGraphDataType!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # lab_option_ids: [Not documented]
  • # state: [Not documented]
  • minimumOfferingPrice(lab_option_ids: [ID], state: String): String
  • # returns metadata about montly payments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # gross: [Not documented]
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • monthlyBillingItemsData(
  • gross: Boolean,
  • org_level: Boolean
  • ): [MonthlyBillingItemsDataType!]
  • # Fetch data for multi line metric graphs for a given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # end_date: End of the date range, must be sent in with a start
  • # date.
  • # entry_type: [Not documented]
  • # food_graph_type: [Not documented]
  • # start_date: Start of the date range, must be sent in with an
  • # end date.
  • # sub_category: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • multiLineMetricGraphData(
  • category: String,
  • end_date: String,
  • entry_type: String,
  • food_graph_type: String,
  • start_date: String,
  • sub_category: String,
  • user_id: String
  • ): MultiLineMetricGraphDataType
  • # String containing info for the user about the client upgrade price
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # new_client_num: [Not documented]
  • newClientPriceString(new_client_num: Int): String
  • # String containing info for the user about the org upgrade price
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # new_provder_num: [Not documented]
  • newOrganizationPriceString(new_provder_num: Int): String
  • # String containing info for the user about the org upgrade price when adding a
  • # new support user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # new_support_num: [Not documented]
  • newOrganizationSupportPriceString(
  • new_support_num: Int
  • ): [String]
  • # Fetch closest appointment
  • nextAppointment: Appointment
  • # get open appointment times for a range
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # appointment_to_reschedule_id: (optional) The ID of the
  • # appointment that will be rescheduled. Only needed if you want to use
  • # appointment-specific rescheduling restrictions
  • # appt_loc_id: [Not documented]
  • # appt_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # contact_type: [Not documented]
  • # end_date_boundary: When passed in, slots after this will not be
  • # returned. Inclusive. YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # length: [Not documented]
  • # licensed_in_state: Two letter state abbreviation (e.g. "CA",
  • # "NY")
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • # outside_factors: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: Required
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # start_date_boundary: When passed in, slots before this will not
  • # be returned. YYYY-MM-DD format
  • # timezone: [Not documented]
  • nextAvailableSlot(
  • appointment_to_reschedule_id: ID,
  • appt_loc_id: String,
  • appt_type_id: String,
  • contact_type: String,
  • end_date_boundary: String,
  • length: String,
  • licensed_in_state: String,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • outside_factors: Boolean,
  • provider_id: String,
  • provider_ids: [String],
  • start_date_boundary: String,
  • timezone: String
  • ): String
  • # fetch a courseitem by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • nextCourseItem(id: ID): CourseItem
  • # fetch a note by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • note(id: ID): Note
  • # get the viewed status of a note
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • noteViewedStatus(id: ID): Boolean
  • # Fetch note scheduler by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • note_scheduler(id: ID): NoteScheduler
  • # Fetch paginated note collection for given conversation
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # conversation_id: [Not documented]
  • # ids: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # org_chat: If TRUE: get base user as a conversation owner
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # scheduled_notes: [Not documented]
  • # since_note_id: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # with_tasks: If TRUE: get notes with tasks
  • notes(
  • after: Cursor,
  • conversation_id: ID,
  • ids: [ID],
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • org_chat: Boolean,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • scheduled_notes: Boolean,
  • since_note_id: ID,
  • order_by: NoteOrderKeys,
  • with_tasks: Boolean
  • ): [Note!]
  • # Number of notes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # conversation_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # org_chat: If TRUE: get base user as a conversation owner
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # scheduled_notes: [Not documented]
  • notesCount(
  • conversation_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • org_chat: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • scheduled_notes: Boolean
  • ): Int
  • # get count of notifications for a given user (or for the current user)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # other_party_id: [Not documented]
  • # read_status: [Not documented]
  • # seen_status: [Not documented]
  • # types: [Not documented]
  • notificationCount(
  • other_party_id: String,
  • read_status: Boolean,
  • seen_status: Boolean,
  • types: [String]
  • ): Int
  • # fetch a Notification Setting by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • notificationSetting(id: ID): NotificationSetting
  • # get notifications for a given user (or for the current user)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # other_party_id: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # read_status: [Not documented]
  • # seen_status: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # types: [Not documented]
  • notifications(
  • after: Cursor,
  • offset: Int,
  • other_party_id: String,
  • page_size: Int,
  • read_status: Boolean,
  • seen_status: Boolean,
  • order_by: NotificationOrderKeys,
  • types: [String]
  • ): [Notification!]
  • # fetch an offering by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • offering(id: ID): Offering
  • # Fetch paginated list of users associated with an offering
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • offeringBillingItems(offering_id: ID, offset: Int): [BillingItem!]
  • # Number of users associated with an offering
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • offeringBillingItemsCount(offering_id: ID): Int
  • # Fetch paginated coupon offerings collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # from_package_details: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • offeringCoupons(
  • after: Cursor,
  • from_package_details: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offering_id: ID,
  • page_size: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • order_by: OfferingCouponOrderKeys,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [OfferingCoupon!]
  • # Number of offering coupons
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # from_package_details: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • offeringCouponsCount(
  • from_package_details: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offering_id: ID
  • ): Int
  • # get all user groups relating to offerings
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # provider_id: the provider ID we want to use to fetch all user
  • # groups relating to offerings
  • offeringGroupVisibilities(provider_id: ID): [OfferingGroupVisibility!]
  • # All OfferingImage that have no user_id
  • offeringImages: [OfferingImage!]
  • # Fetch paginated offerings collection (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # client_visibility: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • # offering_ids: [Not documented]
  • # offering_user_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # only_client_visible: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: The number of packages to return at one time (when
  • # should_paginate is true)
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # show_only_visible: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • offerings(
  • after: Cursor,
  • client_visibility: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offering_id: ID,
  • offering_ids: [ID],
  • offering_user_group_id: ID,
  • offset: Int,
  • only_client_visible: Boolean,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • show_only_visible: Boolean,
  • order_by: OfferingOrderKeys,
  • status: String
  • ): [Offering!]
  • # Number of offerings (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_visibility: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • # offering_ids: [Not documented]
  • # offering_user_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # only_client_visible: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • offeringsCount(
  • client_visibility: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offering_id: ID,
  • offering_ids: [ID],
  • offering_user_group_id: ID,
  • only_client_visible: Boolean,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • status: String
  • ): Int
  • # returns metadata about offerings purchased
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # org_level: [Not documented]
  • offeringsData(org_level: Boolean): [OfferingsDataType!]
  • # fetch the current users officeally sftp connection
  • officeallySftpAccount: OfficeallySftpAccount
  • # Fetch an onboarding flow by id or uuid
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • # uuid: Fetch onboarding flow by unique identifier. Considered
  • # public
  • onboardingFlow(id: ID, user_id: ID, uuid: String): OnboardingFlow
  • # Fetch onboarding flows collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • onboardingFlows(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • page_size: Int,
  • order_by: OnboardingFlowOrderKeys
  • ): [OnboardingFlow!]
  • # Number of onboarding flows
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • onboardingFlowsCount(keywords: String, offset: Int): Int
  • # fetch an onboarding item by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: Patient ID who owns the form
  • # track_opened_event: If TRUE, create form history 'opened' event
  • onboardingItem(id: ID, user_id: ID, track_opened_event: Boolean): OnboardingItem
  • # Returns all cpt codes associated with org providers
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # org_id: [Not documented]
  • orgProvidersCptCodes(org_id: ID): [ProviderCptCodeType!]
  • # fetch an organization by id, by provider id, or by the current_user, demographic
  • # org info is (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # email: [Not documented]
  • # for_client: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • # state_licenses: [Not documented]
  • organization(
  • email: String,
  • for_client: Boolean,
  • id: ID,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID],
  • state_licenses: [String]
  • ): Organization
  • # Fetch organization info by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • organizationInfo(id: ID): OrganizationInfo
  • # fetch members of organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # conversation_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # licensed_in_state: Two letter state abbreviation (e.g. "CA",
  • # "NY")
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: The number of organization members to return (Max
  • # 100)
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • organizationMembers(
  • conversation_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • licensed_in_state: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • order_by: UserOrderKeys
  • ): [User!]
  • # org members count
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # conversation_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # licensed_in_state: Two letter state abbreviation (e.g. "CA",
  • # "NY")
  • organizationMembersCount(
  • conversation_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • licensed_in_state: String
  • ): Int
  • # Get the organization membership info of the current user, basic org member info
  • # is (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: The id of a user
  • # id: The id of an organization membership
  • organizationMembership(user_id: ID, id: ID): OrganizationMembership
  • # Get the organization memberships
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # user_ids: [Not documented]
  • organizationMemberships(
  • id: String,
  • order_by: OrganizationMembershipOrderKeys,
  • user_ids: [ID]
  • ): [OrganizationMembership!]
  • # fetch an Other Id Number by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • otherIdNumber(id: ID): OtherIdNumber
  • # A collection of Other ID's and its Qualifiers for given user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • otherIdNumbers(user_id: ID): [OtherIdNumber!]
  • # returns true if the there are more transfers to load
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # starting_after: [Not documented]
  • paginate_transfers(limit: Int, starting_after: String): Boolean
  • # Fetch permission template
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • permissionTemplate(id: ID): PermissionTemplateType
  • # Get Permission Templates
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • permissionTemplates(after: Cursor, offset: Int, page_size: Int): [PermissionTemplateType!]
  • # Number of permission templates
  • permissionTemplatesCount: Int
  • # Fetch a pharmacy given dosespot pharmacy id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: id assigned by dosespot
  • pharamcy(id: String): Pharmacy @deprecated( reason: "Use `pharmacy` instead" )
  • # Fetch an array of pharmacies given search parameters
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # address: requires at least 3 characters
  • # city: requires at least 3 characters
  • # name: keywords for name of pharmacy, requires at least 3
  • # characters
  • # ncpdp_id: [Not documented]
  • # phone_or_fax: [Not documented]
  • # specialties: Array of pharmacy accepted values: EPCS,
  • # TwentyFourHourPharmacy, LongTermCarePharmacy, MailOrder, SpecialtyPharmacy,
  • # Retail
  • # state: two letter abbreviation (i.e ny, ca, md)
  • # zip: requires at least 3 numeric characters
  • pharmacies(
  • address: String,
  • city: String,
  • name: String,
  • ncpdp_id: String,
  • phone_or_fax: String,
  • specialties: [String],
  • state: String,
  • zip: String
  • ): [Pharmacy!]
  • # Fetch a pharmacy given dosespot pharmacy id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: id assigned by dosespot
  • pharmacy(id: String): Pharmacy
  • # fetch all place of services
  • placeOfServices: [PlaceOfService!]
  • # fetch a Plan by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • plan(id: ID): Plan
  • # fetch a policy by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • policy(id: ID): Policy
  • # Fetch collection of preferred CPT/ICD codes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # code_type: [Not documented]
  • preferred_medical_codes(code_type: String): [PreferredMedicalCode!]
  • # Fetch a prescriptions for a given patient and prescription id pulled from
  • # Dosespot
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • # prescription_id: [Not documented]
  • prescription(patient_id: ID, prescription_id: String): Prescription
  • # Fetch an array of prescriptions for a given patient pulled from Dosespot
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # patient_id: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • prescriptions(patient_id: ID, status: String): [Prescription!]
  • # fetch a courseitem by id (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • prevCourseItem(id: ID): CourseItem
  • # Fetch paginated product collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • products(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • page_size: Int,
  • order_by: ProductOrderKeys
  • ): [Product!]
  • # Number of products
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • productsCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # fetch a provider by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # organization_info_id: Change provider tax id based off the
  • # specified organization info
  • # super_bill_id: [Not documented]
  • provider(client_id: ID, id: ID, organization_info_id: ID, super_bill_id: ID): User
  • # get provider appointment locations.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • providerAppointmentLocations(provider_id: ID): [AppointmentLocation!]
  • # Returns all cpt codes associated with this provider
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • providerCptCodes(provider_id: ID): [ProviderCptCodeType!]
  • # Fetch generic custom modules for use in the form builder
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • questionBankModules(category: String): [CustomModule!]
  • # Fetch receipt_line_items collection by super_bill_id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # super_bill_id: [Not documented]
  • receiptLineItems(super_bill_id: ID): [ReceiptLineItem!]
  • # Fetch received direct message via ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • receivedDirectMessage(id: ID): ReceivedDirectMessage
  • # Fetch Received Direct Meessages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • receivedDirectMessages(
  • offset: Int,
  • keywords: String,
  • order_by: ReceivedDirectMessageOrderKeys
  • ): [ReceivedDirectMessage!]
  • # Fetch number of Received Direct Meessages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • receivedDirectMessagesCount(
  • offset: Int,
  • keywords: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch Received Fax by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the Received Fax
  • receivedFax(id: ID): ReceivedFax
  • # Fetch paginated Received Faxes collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • receivedFaxes(
  • after: Cursor,
  • active_status: String,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • order_by: ReceivedFaxOrderKeys,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [ReceivedFax!]
  • # Number of Received Faxes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • receivedFaxesCount(active_status: String, keywords: String): Int
  • # Fetch recent food items
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # food_type: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • recentFoods(food_type: String, keywords: String, user_id: String): [Food!]
  • # Fetch recurring forms collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # connectable_id: [Not documented]
  • # connectable_type: [Not documented]
  • recurringForms(connectable_id: String, connectable_type: String): [RecurringForm!]
  • # Fetch a recurring payment by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • recurringPayment(id: ID): RecurringPayment
  • # Fetch active recurring_payments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • recurringPayments(active_status: String, user_id: ID): [RecurringPayment!]
  • # Fetch Referral by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: The ID of the Referral
  • referral(id: ID): Referral
  • # Get referring physician based on id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # has_fax_number: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: The id of the patient the referring physician is
  • # associated with
  • referringPhysician(
  • has_fax_number: Boolean,
  • id: ID,
  • user_id: String
  • ): ReferringPhysician
  • # all referring physicians based on current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # has_fax_number: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • referringPhysicians(
  • after: Cursor,
  • has_fax_number: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: ReferringPhysicianOrderKeys,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [ReferringPhysician!]
  • # Number of referring physicians
  • referringPhysiciansCount: Int
  • # fetch a requested form completion by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # track_opened_event: If TRUE, create form history 'opened' event
  • requestedFormCompletion(
  • id: ID,
  • track_opened_event: Boolean
  • ): RequestedFormCompletion
  • # Fetch requested form completions collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • requestedFormCompletions(
  • keywords: String,
  • status: String,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [RequestedFormCompletion!]
  • # fetch a requested payment (invoice) by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # invoice_id: [Not documented]
  • # preview: [Not documented]
  • # uuid: [Not documented]
  • requestedPayment(
  • id: ID,
  • invoice_id: String,
  • preview: Boolean,
  • uuid: String
  • ): RequestedPayment
  • # Fetch paginated Requested Payments collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # preview: [Not documented]
  • # sender_id: will return all requested payments with this ID as
  • # the sender or recipient
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be paid, partial or unpaid
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • requestedPayments(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • preview: Boolean,
  • sender_id: ID,
  • order_by: RequestedPaymentOrderKeys,
  • status_filter: String,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [RequestedPayment!]
  • # Number of Requested Payments
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # sender_id: [Not documented]
  • # status_filter: Can be paid, partial or unpaid
  • requestedPaymentsCount(
  • keywords: String,
  • sender_id: ID,
  • status_filter: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch user's scheduled message blasts
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # org_chat: If True - returns organization membership scheduled
  • # message blasts
  • # client_id: Only include relevant scheduled message blasts for
  • # client
  • # provider_id: ID of the provider to get conversation for (if
  • # nil, will return current users)
  • # provider_ids: Used to filter org chat conversations by provider
  • # ids
  • scheduledMessageBlasts(
  • org_chat: Boolean,
  • client_id: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • provider_ids: [ID]
  • ): [NoteScheduler!]
  • # Fetch collection of all scheduled packages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: ID of the user to load the list of given packages
  • scheduledUserPackageSelections(user_id: ID): [ScheduledUserPackageSelection!]
  • # SDK configuration
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # version: SDK version to obtain the configuration for
  • sdkConfig(version: String): SDKConfig!
  • # Fetch sent direct message via ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • sentDirectMessage(id: ID): SentDirectMessage
  • # Fetch number of Sent Direct Messages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • sentDirectMessages(
  • offset: Int,
  • keywords: String,
  • order_by: SentDirectMessageOrderKeys
  • ): [SentDirectMessage!]
  • # Fetch number of Sent Direct Meessages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • sentDirectMessagesCount(offset: Int, keywords: String): Int
  • # Fetch paginated Sent Faxes collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • sentFaxes(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • order_by: SentFaxOrderKeys,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [SentFax!]
  • # Number of Sent Faxes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • sentFaxesCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # Fetch notification list for a specific client or list of clients.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # end_date: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # org_level: Used in conjunction with provider_id. When true,
  • # returns sent notification records for all patients in the organization
  • # patient_id: The ID of the patient to return sent notification
  • # records for.
  • # provider_id: When passed in, returns sent notification records
  • # for the given provider's patients. Overrides patient_id. Current user must be an
  • # admin to use this param
  • # should_paginate: Must be true if provider_id is passed in.
  • # start_date: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • sentNotificationRecords(
  • end_date: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • patient_id: ID,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • start_date: String,
  • status: String,
  • type: String
  • ): [SentNotificationRecord!]
  • # Get number of SentNotificationRecord entries
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # end_date: [Not documented]
  • # org_level: Used in conjunction with provider_id. When true,
  • # returns sent notification records for all patients in the organization
  • # patient_id: The ID of the patient to return sent notification
  • # records for.
  • # provider_id: When passed in, returns sent notification records
  • # for the given provider's patients. Overrides patient_id. Current user must be an
  • # admin to use this param
  • # start_date: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • sentNotificationRecordsCount(
  • end_date: String,
  • org_level: Boolean,
  • patient_id: ID,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • start_date: String,
  • status: String,
  • type: String
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch paginated Webhooks collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • sentWebhooks(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • order_by: SentWebhookOrderKeys,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [SentWebhook!]
  • # Number of Webhooks
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • sentWebhooksCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # Fetch serving sizes for a food
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # food_id: [Not documented]
  • servingSizes(food_id: String): [ServingSize!]
  • # A HTML string of charting note answers
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # answers: [Not documented]
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # letterhead: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • shareNotePreview(
  • answers: String,
  • form_answer_group_id: String,
  • letterhead: Boolean,
  • user_id: String
  • ): String
  • # Should current user see scheduled chat tab
  • showScheduledTab: Boolean
  • # Fetch user smart phrases
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • smartPhrases(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean
  • ): [SmartPhrase!]
  • # Get size of user smart phrases that matches the keyword
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • smartPhrasesCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # initial cpt codes for a new super bill
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # form_answer_group_ids: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • startingSuperBillCptCodes(
  • form_answer_group_id: ID,
  • form_answer_group_ids: [ID],
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [CptCodesSuperBill!]
  • # initial icd10 codes for a new super bill
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # form_answer_group_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • startingSuperBillIcd10s(
  • form_answer_group_id: ID,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [IcdCodesSuperBill!]
  • # Return providers' state licenses
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_ids: [Not documented]
  • stateLicenses(provider_id: ID, provider_ids: [ID]): [StateLicense!]
  • # Default Stripe bank account object associated to a practitioner stripe account
  • stripeBankAccount: StripeBankAccountType
  • # Information about the user's stripe company
  • stripeCompany: StripeCompanyType
  • # An array containing infoformation about countries that stripe supports
  • stripeCountries: [StripeCountry!]
  • # An object containing info about a country that stripe supports
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # country_code: [Not documented]
  • stripeCountry(country_code: String): StripeCountry
  • # Fetch all stripe payment cards for user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • stripeCustomerDetails(user_id: ID): [StripeCustomerDetail!]
  • # All subgoals for a given goal
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • subGoals(goal_id: ID, offset: Int, user_id: ID): [Goal!]
  • # Number of subgoals
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # goal_id: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • subGoalsCount(goal_id: ID, offset: Int, user_id: ID): Int
  • # Get the current users subscription
  • subscription: SubscriptionInstance
  • # fetch a superbill by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • superBill(id: ID): SuperBill
  • # Fetch paginated super bills collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # status: status to filter superbills, default all
  • superBills(
  • after: Cursor,
  • client_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • order_by: SuperBillOrderKeys,
  • page_size: Int,
  • status: String
  • ): [SuperBill!]
  • # Number of super bills
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # status: status to filter superbills, default all
  • superBillsCount(
  • client_id: ID,
  • keywords: String,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • status: String
  • ): Int
  • # A collection of tags related to current patient/provider/organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # applied_to_providers: When true, only returns tags applied to
  • # providers in the organization
  • # ids: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • tags(
  • applied_to_providers: Boolean,
  • ids: [ID],
  • order_by: TagOrderKeys,
  • user_id: String
  • ): [Tag!]
  • # Number of tags
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # applied_to_providers: When true, only returns tags applied to
  • # providers in the organization
  • # ids: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • tagsCount(applied_to_providers: Boolean, ids: [ID], user_id: String): Int
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • task(id: ID): Task
  • # All tasks assigned to a provider or client
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # client_id: [Not documented]
  • # completed_status: [Not documented]
  • # created_by_self: Nil -> does nothing, false -> tasks created by
  • # others, true -> tasks created by current user
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # per_page: [Not documented]
  • # show_hidden: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • # withoutPagination: [Not documented]
  • tasks(
  • after: Cursor,
  • client_id: String,
  • completed_status: String,
  • created_by_self: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • per_page: Int,
  • show_hidden: Boolean,
  • order_by: TaskOrderKeys,
  • type: String,
  • withoutPagination: Boolean
  • ): [Task!]
  • # All tasks assigned to a provider or client
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # completed_status: [Not documented]
  • # created_by_self: Nil -> does nothing, false -> tasks created by
  • # others, true -> tasks created by current user
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # show_hidden: [Not documented]
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • tasksCount(
  • completed_status: String,
  • created_by_self: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • show_hidden: Boolean,
  • type: String
  • ): Int
  • # Arguments
  • # appt_loc_id: [Not documented]
  • # appt_type_id: [Not documented]
  • # endDate: [Not documented]
  • # length: [Not documented]
  • # startDate: [Not documented]
  • timesForRange(
  • appt_loc_id: String,
  • appt_type_id: String,
  • endDate: String,
  • length: String,
  • startDate: String
  • ): [String] @deprecated( reason: "use availableSlotsForRange." )
  • # fetch transactions for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # payout_id: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • transactions(payout_id: String, user_id: String): [TransactionType!]
  • # fetch transfers for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # starting_after: [Not documented]
  • transfers(limit: Int, order_by: TransferOrderKeys, starting_after: String): [TransferType!]
  • # Fetch an array of treatment plans and recommended products from Fullscript given
  • # a user id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: [Not documented]
  • treatmentPlans(user_id: String): [FullscriptTreatmentPlanType!]
  • # Get the users completed onboarding items, that are not part of the users current
  • # flow
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # user_id: User to get unassociated onboarding items
  • unassociatedCompletedOnboardingItems(
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [CompletedOnboardingItem!]
  • # fetch ungrouped course memberhips belonging to a a specific course
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_status: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • ungroupedCourseMemberships(
  • course_id: ID,
  • course_status: String,
  • offset: Int
  • ): [CourseMembership!]
  • # count of ungrouped course memberhips for a specific course
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # course_id: [Not documented]
  • # course_status: [Not documented]
  • ungroupedCourseMembershipsCount(
  • course_id: ID,
  • course_status: String
  • ): Int
  • # fetch a user by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # clear_notifs: [Not documented]
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # or_current_user: [Not documented]
  • user(clear_notifs: Boolean, id: ID, or_current_user: Boolean): User
  • # fetch a user group by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • userGroup(id: ID): UserGroup
  • # Fetch paginated user groups collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # check_group_level_actions: checks the allow_group_level_actions
  • # permission on org membership
  • userGroups(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • order_by: UserGroupOrderKeys,
  • page_size: Int,
  • check_group_level_actions: Boolean
  • ): [UserGroup!]
  • # Number of user groups
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # check_group_level_actions: checks the allow_group_level_actions
  • # permission on org membership
  • userGroupsCount(
  • keywords: String,
  • check_group_level_actions: Boolean
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch collection of all purchased packages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # offering_id: ID of the offering to filter the list
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: ID of the user to load the list of given packages
  • userPackageSelections(
  • after: Cursor,
  • offering_id: ID,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): [UserPackageSelection!]
  • # Arguments
  • # offering_id: ID of the offering to filter the list
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # user_id: ID of the user to load the list of given packages
  • userPackageSelectionsCount(
  • offering_id: ID,
  • offset: Int,
  • user_id: ID
  • ): Int
  • # Fetch paginated patients collection (use organizationMembers query for
  • # providers)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # active_status: Possible options: [active, archived]
  • # conversation_id: [Not documented]
  • # convo_patients_only: [Not documented]
  • # expect_conversation_id: When this is true, but conversation_id
  • # is nil, we return no users
  • # from_superadmin: [Not documented]
  • # group_id: [Not documented]
  • # has_cc_on_file: When true, only clients with credit cards will
  • # be returned. Passing false does nothing
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # ids: [Not documented]
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # limited_to_provider: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: The number of users to return (Max 100)
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # should_paginate: [Not documented]
  • # show_all_by_default: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # tag_ids: [Not documented]
  • # with_feature_toggles: [Not documented]
  • users(
  • after: Cursor,
  • active_status: String,
  • conversation_id: ID,
  • convo_patients_only: Boolean,
  • expect_conversation_id: Boolean,
  • from_superadmin: Boolean,
  • group_id: String,
  • has_cc_on_file: Boolean,
  • id: ID,
  • ids: [ID],
  • keywords: String,
  • limited_to_provider: Boolean,
  • offset: Int,
  • page_size: Int,
  • provider_id: String,
  • should_paginate: Boolean,
  • show_all_by_default: Boolean,
  • order_by: UserOrderKeys,
  • tag_ids: [ID],
  • with_feature_toggles: Boolean
  • ): [User!]
  • # Number of users
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # active_status: [Not documented]
  • # conversation_id: [Not documented]
  • # convo_patients_only: [Not documented]
  • # expect_conversation_id: When this is true, but conversation_id
  • # is nil, we return no users
  • # group_id: [Not documented]
  • # has_cc_on_file: When true, only clients with credit cards will
  • # be returned. Passing false does nothing
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # limited_to_provider: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # tag_ids: [Not documented]
  • usersCount(
  • active_status: String,
  • conversation_id: ID,
  • convo_patients_only: Boolean,
  • expect_conversation_id: Boolean,
  • group_id: String,
  • has_cc_on_file: Boolean,
  • keywords: String,
  • limited_to_provider: Boolean,
  • provider_id: String,
  • tag_ids: [ID]
  • ): Int
  • # Check if a coupon is valid, and return the new price (considered public)
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # coupon_code: [Not documented]
  • # offering_id: [Not documented]
  • # provider_id: [Not documented]
  • # requested_payment_id: [Not documented]
  • validateCoupon(
  • coupon_code: String,
  • offering_id: ID,
  • provider_id: ID,
  • requested_payment_id: ID
  • ): ValidateOfferingCoupon
  • # Check if a reset passwrd token is valid
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # token: [Not documented]
  • validateResetPasswordToken(token: String): Boolean
  • # Check if a signup token is valid
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # token: [Not documented]
  • validateSignupToken(token: String): Boolean
  • # Arguments
  • # created_at: Date entry was posted
  • # entry_id: Entry to query daily intake total if present.
  • waterIntakeEntry(created_at: String, entry_id: ID): Entry
  • # Fetch possible Webhook event types
  • webhookEventTypes: [String!]
  • # Fetch paginated Webhooks collection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Cursor to fetch results after
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # order_by: [Not documented]
  • # page_size: [Not documented]
  • webhooks(
  • after: Cursor,
  • keywords: String,
  • offset: Int,
  • order_by: WebhookOrderKeys,
  • page_size: Int
  • ): [Webhook!]
  • # Number of Webhooks
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # keywords: [Not documented]
  • webhooksCount(keywords: String): Int
  • # Whitelabel setting to use
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # branded_url: [Not documented]
  • whitelabelSetting(branded_url: String): WhitelabelSetting
  • # Generate a JWT to be used in the client-side Zoom SDK. This is just available on
  • # production, and requires your account to be approved by Healthie. The JWT is
  • # valid for 1 day.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # mn: The Zoom meeting or webinar number
  • # role: The user role. 0 to specify participant, 1 to specify
  • # host
  • zoomSdkJwt(mn: String, role: String): String
  • }

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