
a referring physician

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type ReferringPhysician {
  • accepts_insurance: Boolean
  • # Business Name of physician
  • business_name: String
  • # created at
  • created_at: String!
  • # Pagination cursor
  • cursor: Cursor!
  • # email of physician
  • email: String
  • # fax number of physician
  • fax_number: String
  • # first name of physician
  • first_name: String
  • # full name of physician
  • full_name: String
  • # The unique identifier of the physician
  • id: ID!
  • # last name of physician
  • last_name: String
  • # The associated location
  • location: Location
  • # location id
  • location_id: ID
  • # A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 128,000.
  • metadata: String
  • # Dietitian's notes
  • notes: String
  • # npi of physician
  • npi: String
  • # Saved Other ID associated with this provider
  • other_id: String
  • # Qualifier for Other ID
  • other_id_qualifier: String
  • # phone number of physician
  • phone_number: String
  • # The user who entered the referring physician
  • provider: User!
  • # Associated users
  • referrals: [Referral!]
  • # Associated users count
  • referrals_count: Int
  • # Physician's speciality
  • speciality: String
  • # updated at
  • updated_at: String!
  • # Physician's website
  • website: String
  • }