
Autogenerated input type of signUp

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input signUpInput {
  • # The ID of the provider to create a patient for. Required if signing up as a
  • # patient and invite_code is not present
  • dietitian_id: String
  • email: String
  • exploring_healthie_reason: String
  • exploring_healthie_reason_other: String
  • first_name: String
  • first_url: String
  • # Required if signing up as a patient and dietitian_id is not present
  • invite_code: String
  • last_name: String
  • legal_name: String
  • password: String
  • phone_number: String
  • provider_type: String
  • # Affliate id used for conversion tracking
  • ps_xid: String
  • # 'patient' to create a patient, 'dietitian' to create a staff member or provider
  • role: String
  • # timezone from TZ database names in IANA Timezone list
  • timezone: String
  • }