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Autogenerated input type of createCms1500


deprecated DO NOT USE
patient_id · String · DEPRECATED. Use patient input object instead
deprecated Use `patient` input object instead
service_location · LocationInput · (Deprecated)Service location is updated in form - just pass in service_location_id
deprecated Service location is updated in form - just pass in `service_location_id`

Used By


Autogenerated input type of createCms1500
input createCms1500Input {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
accept_assignment: Boolean
amount_paid: String
client_sig_on_file: Boolean
cms1500_policies: [Cms1500PolicyInput]
cpt_codes_cms1500s: [CptCodesCms1500Input]
dietitian: DietitianInput
dietitian_id: ID
form_answer_group_id: ID
icd_codes_cms1500s: [IcdCodesCms1500Input]
include_referrer_information: Boolean
insured_sig_on_file: Boolean
nineteen_reserved: String
organization_info: OrganizationInfoInput
organization_info_id: ID
orig_ref_number: String
patient: PatientInput
patient_account_num: String
DEPRECATED. Use patient input object instead
patient_id: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `patient` input object instead")
referral_info: ReferralInfoInput
rendering_provider_other_id: ID
rendering_provider_other_id_number: OtherIdNumberInput
resubmission_code: String
(Deprecated)Service location is updated in form - just pass in service_location_id
service_location: LocationInput
reason: "Service location is updated in form - just pass in `service_location_id`"
service_location_id: ID
tend_reserved: String
use_indiv_npi: Boolean