cpt codes super bills join table
· ID
· billing item id cpt_code_id
· ID
· cpt code id service_date
· ISO8601DateTime
· service date super_bill_id
· ID
· super bill id Used By
"""cpt codes super bills join table"""type CptCodesSuperBill { """ billing item id """ billing_item_id: ID
""" cpt code """ cpt_code: CptCode
""" cpt code id """ cpt_code_id: ID
""" date created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" fee """ fee: String
""" The unique identifier of the join """ id: ID!
""" First Modification """ mod1: String
""" Second Modification """ mod2: String
""" Third Modification """ mod3: String
""" Fourth Modification """ mod4: String
""" Pointers """ pointers: [String!]
""" service date """ service_date: ISO8601DateTime
""" super bill id """ super_bill_id: ID
""" units """ units: String
""" date updated """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime!}