A custom email
· String
· type of email message_body
· String
· message body reactivation_wait_days
· String
· reactivation_wait_days related_object
· CustomEmailRelatedObject
· Appointment Type, Program or Package object Used By
"""A custom email"""type CustomEmail { """ created at """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" type of email """ email_type: String
""" email greeting """ greeting: String
""" The unique identifier of the email """ id: ID!
""" message body """ message_body: String
""" subject of email """ name: String
""" reactivation_wait_days """ reactivation_wait_days: String
""" Appointment Type, Program or Package object """ related_object: CustomEmailRelatedObject
""" subject of email """ subject: String
""" updated at """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" user id of provider """ user_id: ID}