A referral
· String
· The reason the client was referred to the physician referring_physician
· ReferringPhysician
· The referring physician referring_physician_id
· ID
· id of the referring physician Used By
"""A referral"""type Referral { """ created at """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" The unique identifier of the referral """ id: ID!
""" A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 128,000. """ metadata: String
""" The reason the client was referred to the physician """ referral_reason: String
""" The referring physician """ referring_physician: ReferringPhysician
""" id of the referring physician """ referring_physician_id: ID
""" updated at """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" The referred client """ user: User
""" id of the referred client """ user_id: ID}