icd code
· String
· The description of the ICD code display_name
· String
· A display name - for use in labels is_favorite
· Boolean
· Whether the ICD code is marked as favorite Used By
"""icd code"""type IcdCode { """ The category of the ICD code """ category: String
""" The ICD code """ code: String
""" The date the ICD code was created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The description of the ICD code """ description: String
""" A display name - for use in labels """ display_name: String
""" The unique identifier of the ICD code """ id: ID!
""" Whether the ICD code is marked as favorite """ is_favorite( """ The known value of is_favorite (from the query argument) """ known_value: Boolean ): Boolean
""" The date the ICD code was updated """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime!}