Lab Result
· [LabObservationRequest]
· Lab observation requests for lab result ordering_physician
· User
· Ordering Physician for lab result result_type
· String
· The type of the lab result status_flag
· String
· The status of the result Used By
"""Lab Result"""type LabResult { """ The time the lab result record was created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" Document for lab result """ document: Document
""" The unique identifier of the result """ id: ID!
""" Lab observation requests for lab result """ lab_observation_requests: [LabObservationRequest]
""" The ID of the corresponding lab order """ lab_order_id: ID!
""" Ordering Physician for lab result """ ordering_physician: User
""" Patient for lab result """ patient: User
""" The type of the lab result """ result_type: String
""" The status of the result """ status_flag: String}