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An object containing information about the chart for an insurance authorization type


earliest_date_title · ISO8601DateTime · The title of the earliest date value of the chart
earliest_date_value · ISO8601DateTime · The value of the earliest date value of the chart
latest_date_title · ISO8601DateTime · The title of the latest date value of the chart
latest_date_value · ISO8601DateTime · The value of the latest date value of the chart
left_section_width · String · The percentage width of the left section of the chart
middle_date_title · ISO8601DateTime · The title of the middle date value of the chart
middle_date_value · ISO8601DateTime · The value of the middle date value of the chart
right_section_width · String · The percentage width of the right section of the chart

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An object containing information about the chart for an insurance authorization type
type InsuranceAuthorizationChartType {
The title of the earliest date value of the chart
earliest_date_title: ISO8601DateTime
The value of the earliest date value of the chart
earliest_date_value: ISO8601DateTime
The title of the latest date value of the chart
latest_date_title: ISO8601DateTime
The value of the latest date value of the chart
latest_date_value: ISO8601DateTime
The percentage width of the left section of the chart
left_section_width: String
The title of the middle date value of the chart
middle_date_title: ISO8601DateTime
The value of the middle date value of the chart
middle_date_value: ISO8601DateTime
The percentage width of the right section of the chart
right_section_width: String