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Tasks for providers to create, complete, and optionally assign to client profiles


client · User · The client tagged to this task
client_id · ID · The identifier of the client tagged on this task
complete · Boolean · If true, user has marked task complete
completed_at · ISO8601DateTime · Date and time this task was completed
completed_by_id · ID · User ID of the user who completed this task
content · String · Details describing this task
created_at · ISO8601DateTime! · required · Date and time this task was created
created_by_generator_id · String · ID of an auto generator
created_by_id · ID · User id of user who created this task
creator · User · The user who created this task
cursor · Cursor! · required · Pagination cursor
due_date · ISO8601DateTime · Date and time this task was is due to be complete
hidden · Boolean! · required · If true, hide completed task from top nav bar
id · ID! · required · The unique identifier of the task
note · Note · Get associated chat message with a task
note_path · String · Get relative path to view the note
position · Int · Order in which tasks are displayed (ascending)
priority · Int! · required · Level of urgency for this task(0 = standard priority, 1 = high priority)
ref_source · String · ID of additional relation
reminder · Reminder · Reminder object for a given goal
seen · Boolean! · required · If true, user has viewed this task in top navbar
smart · Boolean! · required · Indicates to smart task
smart_category · String · Get category of smart task
updated_at · ISO8601DateTime · The last date and time that the task was updated
user · User · The user assigned to complete this task
user_id · ID · User ID of the user assigned to this task

Used By


Tasks for providers to create, complete, and optionally assign to client profiles
type Task {
The client tagged to this task
client: User
The identifier of the client tagged on this task
client_id: ID
If true, user has marked task complete
complete: Boolean
Date and time this task was completed
completed_at: ISO8601DateTime
User ID of the user who completed this task
completed_by_id: ID
Details describing this task
content: String
Date and time this task was created
created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
ID of an auto generator
created_by_generator_id: String
User id of user who created this task
created_by_id: ID
The user who created this task
creator: User
Pagination cursor
cursor: Cursor!
Date and time this task was is due to be complete
due_date: ISO8601DateTime
If true, hide completed task from top nav bar
hidden: Boolean!
The unique identifier of the task
id: ID!
Get associated chat message with a task
note: Note
Get relative path to view the note
note_path: String
Order in which tasks are displayed (ascending)
position: Int
Level of urgency for this task(0 = standard priority, 1 = high priority)
priority: Int!
ID of additional relation
ref_source: String
Reminder object for a given goal
reminder: Reminder
If true, user has viewed this task in top navbar
seen: Boolean!
Indicates to smart task
smart: Boolean!
Get category of smart task
smart_category: String
The last date and time that the task was updated
updated_at: ISO8601DateTime
The user assigned to complete this task
user: User
User ID of the user assigned to this task
user_id: ID