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Autogenerated input type of createBillingItem


deprecated DO NOT USE
stripe_customer_detail_id · ID · When passed in, the patient will be charged on the given payment source. Patient will be charged on their default source if left blank. Comes from the relevant StripeCustomerDetail object.

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Autogenerated input type of createBillingItem
input createBillingItemInput {
clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE")
amount_paid: String
created_at: ISO8601DateTime
note: String
offering_coupon_id: ID
offering_id: ID
payment_due_date: ISO8601DateTime
payment_medium: String
recipient_id: ID
requested_payer_id: ID
requested_payment_id: ID
sender_id: ID
should_charge: Boolean
When passed in, the patient will be charged on the given payment source. Patient will be charged on their default source if left blank. Comes from the relevant StripeCustomerDetail object.
stripe_customer_detail_id: ID
stripe_idempotency_key: ID
user_package_selection_id: ID