An object with information about how an onboarding item was completed
· String
· The URL to go to to edit the attached object date_to_show
· ISO8601DateTime
· The most relevant date to display onboarding_item
· OnboardingItem
· The onboarding item that was completed onboarding_item_id
· String
· The ID of the onboarding item Used By
"""An object with information about how an onboarding item was completed"""type CompletedOnboardingItem { """ The URL to go to to edit the attached object """ attached_object_edit_url: String
""" The most relevant date to display """ date_to_show: ISO8601DateTime
""" The unique identifier of the item """ id: ID!
""" The id of the object that completed the onboarding item """ item_id: String
""" The type of item that was completed """ item_type: String
""" The onboarding item that was completed """ onboarding_item: OnboardingItem
""" The ID of the onboarding item """ onboarding_item_id: String
""" Set to true if the user skipped this """ skipped: Boolean!
""" The completed (client) """ user: User
""" The ID of the completer (client) """ user_id: String
""" The URL to view """ view_url: String}