Benefit associated with policy
· String
· Coinsurance percentage due deductible_calendar_year
· String
· Deductible amount for the calendar year deductible_year_to_date
· ISO8601DateTime
· Deductible amount for the year to date telemedicine
· Boolean
· If true, benefits include telemedicine Used By
"""Benefit associated with policy"""type Benefit { """ Enumerated field: Medical or Preventive. Describes the type of benefit """ category: String
""" Coinsurance percentage due """ coinsurance: String
""" Copay amount due """ copay: String
""" Deductible amount for the calendar year """ deductible_calendar_year: String
""" Deductible amount for the year to date """ deductible_year_to_date: ISO8601DateTime
""" The unique identifier of the benefit """ id: ID!
""" If true, benefits include telemedicine """ telemedicine: Boolean}