Autogenerated input type of updateSuperBill
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEpatient_id
· ID
Used By
"""Autogenerated input type of updateSuperBill"""input updateSuperBillInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") address: String amount_paid: String cpt_codes_super_bills: [CptCodesSuperBillInput] dietitian_id: ID icd_codes_super_bills: [IcdCodesSuperBillInput] id: ID license_num: String location: LocationInputs location_id: ID npi: String patient_dob: String patient_id: ID patient_location: PatientLocationInputs patient_name: String patient_phone: String place_of_service_id: ID prov_city: String prov_email: String prov_line1: String prov_line2: String prov_phone: String prov_state: String prov_zip: String provider_name: String receipt_line_items: [ReceiptLineItemInput] referrer_name: String referrer_npi: String service_date: ISO8601DateTime should_email_to_client: Boolean status: String tax_id: ID}