A template for a form, that can then be filled out
· String
· Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems external_id_type
· String
· Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems has_matrix_field
· Boolean
· The form has matrix field has_non_readonly_modules
· Boolean
· When true, the form has modules that the user has to fill out last_updated_by_user
· User
· User who last updated this form uploaded_by_healthie_team
· Boolean!
· required · Whether or not this form was uploaded by Healthie team member Used By
"""A template for a form, that can then be filled out"""type CustomModuleForm { """ The date on which the template was created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The questions in the template """ custom_modules: [CustomModule!]!
""" Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems """ external_id: String
""" Custom column used by API users. Used to relate our form objects with objects in third-party systems """ external_id_type: String
""" All filled out forms for this template """ form_answer_groups: [FormAnswerGroup!]!
""" The form has matrix field """ has_matrix_field: Boolean
""" When true, the form has modules that the user has to fill out """ has_non_readonly_modules: Boolean
""" The unique identifier of the module form """ id: ID!
""" Whether the form contains only one custom_module with mod_type 'video' and was created as part of a program """ is_video: Boolean
""" User who last updated this form """ last_updated_by_user: User
""" A serialized JSON string of metadata. Maximum character limit of 10,000. """ metadata: String
""" The given name of the template """ name: String
""" Whether subsequent times filling out the template, will start with the template prefilled with the previous answers """ prefill: Boolean
""" The date on which the template was updated """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" Whether or not this form was uploaded by Healthie team member """ uploaded_by_healthie_team: Boolean!
""" Whether the template can be used to chart with """ use_for_charting: Boolean!
""" Whether the template was made for a program """ use_for_program: Boolean!
""" The owner of the template """ user: User}