A Stripe bank account
· String
· The name of the account holder account_holder_type
· String
· The type of the account holder (Individual or Company) accounts_number_last_4
· String
· The last 4 digits of the bank account number dob
· ISO8601DateTime
· The date of birth of the company's business representative id_image_provided
· Boolean
· If the holder has verified government issued id routing_number_last_4
· String
· The last 4 digits of the routing number ssn_last_4_provided
· Boolean
· If the holder has a verified social security number tax_id_provided
· Boolean
· If the holder has a verified business tax ID Used By
"""A Stripe bank account"""type StripeBankAccountType { """ The name of the account holder """ account_holder_name: String
""" The type of the account holder (Individual or Company) """ account_holder_type: String
""" The last 4 digits of the bank account number """ accounts_number_last_4: String
""" The city of the business address """ city: String
""" The country of the business address """ country: String
""" The currency the bank account is in """ currency: String
""" The date of birth of the company's business representative """ dob: ISO8601DateTime
""" The ID of the bank account object (generated by Stripe) """ id: String
""" If the holder has verified government issued id """ id_image_provided: Boolean
""" The first line of the business address """ line1: String
""" The second line of the business address """ line2: String
""" The last 4 digits of the routing number """ routing_number_last_4: String
""" If the holder has a verified social security number """ ssn_last_4_provided: Boolean
""" The state of the business address """ state: String
""" If the holder has a verified business tax ID """ tax_id_provided: Boolean
""" The zip code of the business address """ zip: String}