Autogenerated input type of createConversation
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEdietitian_id
· String
· Deprecated. Use owner_id instead if you want the provider to be the owner deprecated
Use `owner_id` instead if you want the provider to be the ownerpatient_id
· String
· Deprecated. Just send in the patient via added_users deprecated
Just send in the patient via `added_users`select_all_status
· String
· The value of the select all toggle. This overrides simple_added_users and allows you to easily add all of a category to the conversation. Requires simple_added_users to be sent in as well Used By
"""Autogenerated input type of createConversation"""input createConversationInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") appointment_id: ID
""" Deprecated. Use owner_id instead if you want the provider to be the owner """ dietitian_id: String @deprecated( reason: "Use `owner_id` instead if you want the provider to be the owner" ) name: String
""" The ID of the owner of the conversation. Defaults to current_user when not sent in """ owner_id: ID
""" Deprecated. Just send in the patient via added_users """ patient_id: String @deprecated(reason: "Just send in the patient via `added_users`") added_users: [AddedUsersInput] note: NoteInput
""" The value of the select all toggle. This overrides simple_added_users and allows you to easily add all of a category to the conversation. Requires simple_added_users to be sent in as well """ select_all_status: String simple_added_users: String}