a goal history
· String
· The description of the goal is_subgoal
· Boolean
· If true, the goal is a subgoal Used By
"""a goal history"""type GoalHistory { """ The date the goal is marked completed """ completed_on: ISO8601DateTime!
""" The completion timestamp of the goal """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The description of the goal """ description: String
""" goal that was completed """ goal: Goal
""" goal id of goal history """ goal_id: ID
""" The unique identifier of the history """ id: ID!
""" If true, the goal is a subgoal """ is_subgoal: Boolean
""" The name of the goal """ name: String
""" The repeat frequency of the goal """ repeat: String
""" client of this goal """ user: User
""" user id of goal history """ user_id: ID}